"I need your guy's help." I sighed grudgingly, I clenched my eyes shut, muttering, "I can't believe I'd ask superheroes for help." I grit my teeth as Steve suppresses a smirk.
"Us? Ha!" Bucky grinned. "Neither can I, what do they say Steve? Take a picture cause it'll last longer?" The two laugh, I ground my teeth and manage a snort.
"Uh not exactly, it's about Emma." I say, putting on a serious face, Steve listens intently. "It's her birthday soon, two days actually, and I was hoping if you guys would possibly help with celebrations or something?" I trailed off awkwardly.
"Her birthday? Two days?" Steve asked, very quietly.
"Yeah, is there something wrong?" I asked sharply.
"No it's just, I was just wondering, that's all." Steve said quietly. I nodded.
"In fact, I need to talk to you about stuff," I spoke pointedly, looking at Steve who visibly gulped, "but not right now, I have things to attend to, look after her."
"I will." He spoke very seriously.
"Thanks!" I exclaimed brightly then left.
Alex Ryder was a college grad that we kept around, well, he kept us around. If we were the Mafia, he was the head honcho, nothing moves without his permission, nothing happened without him knowing and I'm honestly surprised Emma and I lasted this long with the two fugitives.
I dressed in aggressively cut up jeans paired with a leather jacket. My undershirt dropped low enough for the guys to actually listen to me, seduction was a weapon I intended on using.
Ryder lived on the 'penthouse' of the block. The entire top floor had been knocked around so that there was no walls, only his massive throne room fashioned into a bar setting. The windows were shut and light sifted through the cracks between the curtains, creating a moody sort of setting. Luckily, there were no girls stripping on the stage so I knew I was almost guaranteed Ryder's full attention.
"Ah, Livvy, my favourite gal," Ryder called at my appearance. He wore a crumpled suit, his tie slung around his shoulders, a fedora tipped upon his head. He was just missing a cheap cigar between his teeth then he could pass as a mafia boss. "To what do I owe the pleasure?"
"Y'know Ryder," I spoke flippantly, twirling my hair between my fingers, studying the split ends. "If you got yourself a cigar and an actual girl on your hip-" Jessica, a plastic with a large ego and small self-respect, shot me a glare, "-than you could do tryouts for Godfather Three, or was it four? Y'know, I can never really tell to be honest." I laughed.
Alex was surrounded by a large selection of his friends, all who were aggressive booze drinkers or smokers and who liked girls with pretty tits. If I could release the Winter Soldier on a handful of guys, these would be the ones.
"There's been talk." Ryder tapped one of his fingers on the table, "of the Winter Soldier around these parts."
"Rumours." I scoffed. "So that's what you've lowered yourself to?"
"I've always had an ear for information," A lazy grin spread across his face, "wether it's correct is another story."
"Get to the point." I scowled. "I've got a joint class soon and I wouldn't want to miss it."
"The point is Livvy, everyone saw you with the Winter Soldier, they know it was you that night." Ryder leaned across the table. "Now whatever you're doing with the Winter Soldier behind closed doors, I don't mind, but, the fact is, it's giving us bad press, College Deputies are looking towards us, you're threatening this community by harbouring a criminal. A very high-profile assassin at that who has some very wealthy friends looking for him."
"Who whispered into your ear that I took him in? Who says he's really here and not some weirdo? Hmm?" I blinked innocently and Alex leaned back in his chair, thinking.
"That fact that you're being so secretive speaks for itself Liv, you're making yourself sick again by being with these people."
"In the event that I was harbouring criminals, whose to claim that they're guilty of the murder that they're convicted of?"
"They're Goddam superheroes! You of all people should know that!" Ryder cried, slamming his hands on the table, I flinched away, frowning. He groaned and fell back into his seat, rubbing his temples. "Liv, I honestly don't care about whoever you have in your apartment, neither does anyone else in here, it's just what's going around is dangerous. I need to put these rumours to rest, introduce them to the community as friendly people."
I was silent.
Friendly people. I think back to the rather dominating American golden boy and the assassin with a metal arm. Yes, friendly people.
"I'm making your attendance to that party compulsory." Ryder grinned lopsidedly. "Unless, that is, if you wanna find the remains of a home in your graveyard?"
I frowned, gritting my teeth, I leaned forwards. "Don't make me spit out your secret in front of your bros, bud, I'm sure the cops would love to tear this whorehouse apart to find you." I straightened back up, turned and left, feeling a grim sense of victory with my words.
I'm sorry, I owed you guys an update but I've been sick with a stabbing pain in the side of my head, there's been a partial hurricane near where I live and I've been racing to photo shoots and acting agencies.
What do you guys think Ryder's secret is? How do you think Emma's birthday is going to play out?
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