"If I'd prayed, hard enough, this wouldn't have happened."
Bucky nimbly danced through the crowds of stoners, tugging me along. He seemed to be capable of leaping over them in graceful bounds, me, on the other hand, had to stumble through, muttering obscenities and apologies when I nicked someone's leg orator in a shoe.
Bucky was increasingly impatient because when I got to the end, he swept me up, into his back and ran. I latched my hands on to him, suppressing a scream. Instead, burying my face into the crook of his neck, his short locks playfully brushing at my cheeks.
Bucky swung me off and came to a stop in one, fluid movement. We peeked outside, the party was in full swing but we couldn't find Steve. Bucky's eyes furrowed as militants came and surrounded there were cries and screams as they were forced to their knees, guns shoved into the back of their heads.
"No no no no no no no." I whispered, pushing past Bucky ready to run out into the open. Whilst I had a low opinion of most of the people here, they shouldn't be sentenced to death.
"Olyvia wait!" Bucky cried, wrenching me back before I could slam open the door and run across the green. His hands were clamped on my arms, his worried eyes looking down at me. "Don't go, I need you here." He whispered.
"Okay." I managed, although I was shaking, my thoughts scattered and fear running through me.
"Do you have... Anything that you can defend yourself with?" Bucky whispered, I gave a nod.
"My father's knife... And well... That's it." I say, frowning. There was my ability, I'd been testing something... It could be used as a defence mechanism or a weapon. Only once I'd perfected it though, which I hadn't. I looked back out the door, a familiar sob of hopelessness rising up within me. Tear-streaked faces, cries for help. We had barely a couple of moments before they'd storm in here and find the two of us.
"Listen to me Liv." Bucky said sternly, holding me firmly. "Okay, I'm going to go out there, and I'm going to let them take me."
"No what!" I cried, "no way, nope, if you're going..." I trailed off, what would I do? I couldn't exactly just go and take all the bad guys out or anything.
"You need to be here." Bucky said firmly. "I need you safe, I can't-" he dropped his head. There was the sharp sound of a door slamming open, screams and shouts but no gunshots yet. Bucky looked towards the sound, then his eyes flickered towards me.
"Bucky." I spoke gravely. "If you walk out there... Then I swear to God I will too."
"No," Bucky murmured, shaking his head. "Enough people have died because of me, I can't have you too." I was against the wall, looking up at him, trying to decipher his words. He leaned forward towards me, the smallest amount of stubble brushing my temple. His lips pressed softly towards my forehead.
I went to look up at him, perhaps distract him for a couple of seconds where I'd try to reason with him, but he was suddenly standing on the other side of the threshold, crushing the door handle. "Bucky?" I whimpered, coming to my senses. I moved towards the door, it had a glass pane with that, disjointed sort of glass in it, I was unable to see him, but I could make out his figure. I pressed a hand to the glass.
"Go Liv." He murmured, shouts coming from the other side of the door. Perhaps they'd found Bucky, making their way across to apprehend him. There was a desperate urgency to his voice. "Go."
"No! No I- I can't." Hysteria rose through me, I slammed my hands on the glass of the door. "No. I-I refuse! Bucky! Bucky!" I screamed, tears running down my face, I slammed my hands against the door.
In a moment of defeat, I pressed my head to the glass, a cold sensation spreading through my forehead. Through my tears and blurry vision, I saw figures clamp down on Bucky. I kept a hand over my mouth, trying to suppress my cries. He fought, sure, however they eventually subdued him and dragged him away.
"I-I lose everyone." I whisper to myself, tears tracking down my cheeks. I heard the thrum of helicopters lifting off and I jerked upwards.
With renewed vigour, I rattled the door. I started ramming it with my shoulder. Eventually, it gave way and I burst through.I stumbled forwards, the partygoers had been moved to a cluster to my side. Rain'd started pouring from the skies. The light were on full, white, glare and I could only see a blurry figure of the helicopters.
My feet were slicked in mud, rain running in rivulets down my face, mixing with my tears. "Bucky!" I screamed into the blackness. "Bucky!"
"Livvy!" Another cry came back, I whipped around to see Emma pushing her way through the guards towards me. Steve was scrambling up from the dirt.
"Emma?" I whispered back in confusion. She broke through the wall of guards and came rushing towards me.
"Emma!" I cried. One of the guards levelled his gun at her and fired. She shot forwards a couple of paces, hit in the back and slammed into the mud. I was shocked for a second or two, making my way forwards towards her.
Emma c'mon. I thought to myself, on the verge of chanting. Get up, come here.
I think it took me a couple of moments to realise that she wasn't going to get up, that she wasn't moving. "Emma?" I croaked, tears filling my eyes again. "Emma!" I screamed, rushing forwards, slipping, skidding.
The guards, the soldiers, whoever they were, rushed forwards, tearing us apart. I was wrenched back my my arms. The rain slicking down my face. I clenched my eyes shut, re-opening them again to face the harsh reality that Emma was still on the ground, stained by a growing flower of blood spreading across her back. Mud was etched up the side of her body and covered parts of her face.
"You fuckers." I screamed, kicking out. Clawing at the man holding me, slashing skin and flesh. Ripping chunks of hair and kicking wherever I could. I fought like a possessed woman and there was a brief second where I was on the ground, I rushed forwards, to Emma's side cradling her limp head, brushing away flecks and clumps of mud on her face.
It was now pouring, belting down, reflecting my grief. "Emma please," I whispered, "please come back to me, you're the only one whose, who's stuck up with me and I can't-" I looked to the sky desperately. I let loose this, primitive howl in the moment that I knew that my sister was lost to me.
The militants around me, dropped to the ground, clenching at their heads in pain. In this moment, they felt what I felt, saw what I saw, felt the same pain that I was feeling. Flashes of my horrors, Bucky's horrors, the horrors that I'd taken from those around me; the hurt of domestic abuse, the pain of starvation and the loss and grief that I was lost to now.
Quoting my monologue for Arts Night at my school ;) I'm getting up at 3 the next morning to fly out at 8 *where is the logic*, so comment, I have wifi on the plane apparently and I'll chat :)
Oh yeah, sorry about Emma, hope you weren't too attached to her.
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