Chapter 1
Hello my lovelies!
Here is my gift to you guys for my absence. Keep in mind this is the unedited version because the edited version will be back up in my website, but I hope you all enjoy this story just as much as I did, writing it.
I love you guys.
"HOW long are you planning on staying for?"
Allan spoke through the car's Bluetooth speaker, but the lack of connection made his voice sound a bit choppy. This area of Shoreville always had the worst connection, yet you could argue that all of Shoreville had shitty connection.
"I'm not sure," Geneva replied. She was doing her best to zoom through the long stretches of cornfields, in an attempt to locate some civilization. Maybe a cell tower. Those were scarce around here.
"That's not a definitive answer," Allan continued.
"Yeah, well my foster mum just unexpectedly passed away. I don't think I can really give you an answer right now, babe." Geneva heard a sigh come through the line, and that slight bit of irritation laced into it just rubbed her wrong... but she tried to let that anger go. Allan didn't mean it, she thought to herself. He was just stressed.
"I know, it's just- this is the weekend of my art exhibit. Couldn't you maybe visit for a bit, then head back?" He asked. Those words made Geneva unexpectedly grip the steering wheel of the car just a bit tighter. They had spoken about this already, and agreed that she would remain for the funeral and the wake. This was the part of their relationship that got on Geneva's fucking nerves, the fact that Allan could never keep what they agreed upon straight.
"I'm staying for the completion of the burial and wake. I'll do my best to come home first thing Monday morning... but I haven't seen these people in years. I don't just want to pop in, then leave." She attempted to calmly explain this to her fiancé for the third time now.
"I- I just- I-" Allan's voice cut in and out, before the call was dropped completely. Geneva thought about giving him another call, but eventually decided against it. They were probably going to get into another argument, something she just didn't have the mental capacity for right now.
Instead, she disconnected her Bluetooth from the car's audio, and switched on the local radio. It had been almost ten years since she had stepped foot in Shoreville; the local news probably didn't hurt to catch up on.
"Man, fuck heart attacks," Gideon grunted, plopping down on the porch bench besides Axelle.
She glanced his way, slightly startled by how unaware she had been. She hadn't heard him walk outside, despite the obnoxious creaks from the old wooden floorboards, and rusty hinges barely keeping the front door still on.
"Yeah," Axelle sighed. "Fuck heart attacks." It was an odd statement, something she'd probably never willingly say... but it did pretty accurately encompass how she felt.
"I can't believe it's been this long. I mean you look- wow. You look great." Gideon gave Axelle a once over, paying special attention to the very slight curves she did have.
"Thanks." She was curt with that reply. If Gideon decided to explore this sort of conversation, she was going to punch him in his face like it was a knee jerk reaction. The Axelle nine years ago, wasn't the same Axelle sitting across from Gideon today, and patience wasn't something she really possessed anymore. It had nine years to wear itself out after all.
"Are you currently seeing some-"
"I'm gay," Axelle replied, cutting Gideon off. This reply created absolutely no room for conversation, but if men had taught her a few things, it's that some guys will still try. Gideon pushed his glasses further up the bridge of his slender pointed nose, unable to hide his surprise to Axelle's sudden revelation. Time couldn't erase the distinct features of Gideon Thomas. Those slightly large ears looked a little less large now that he had grown into them more, but the slender nose and sharp jawline were dead giveaways that this was Gideon.
The same Gideon that had tried to kiss Axelle nine years ago.
The same Gideon who still loved Axelle regardless of how out of her way she went to shut down any of his advances.
The same Gideon Axelle had to block on every social media platform she had, from fear that he would one day stumble across her very private profile leading into her very private life.
Yeah, that Gideon.
"I didn't know that you- are you like fully-"
"Fuck off, Gideon." Axelle snapped.
"Got it." He nodded quickly, picking himself off that bench. This time Axelle heard every squeak and creak from the porch, along with that horrendous screeching noise the old door produced. She was now alone, and left to stare back out into the country fields.
She didn't want to come back here. She vowed not to, in fact. Her young almost eighteen year old self said those words to Sharlene with her entire chest... yet here she was. Back in Shoreville. There was something poetic about the fact that Sharlene managed to get her to return here, even if she had to literally drop dead to do it.
Gideon was right. Fuck heart attacks.
Somehow this place looked more dead than the day she left it.
There was a grey SUV slowly making its way down the dirt road that led to Sharlene's compound. It stood out immediately, considering it was probably the newest vehicle this town has seen in decades. Axelle wondered who this could be.
Sharlene was a pretty private woman. It felt like the house was already filled with everyone she knew...
Well, almost everyone.
The SUV pulled into the driveway, giving Axelle a good view of who was sitting in the driver's seat. When she made eye contact with the woman, they car jerked with an abrupt stop.
It was funny, really. Axelle had worked tirelessly on the long drive here, to prepare herself for when her and Geneva saw each other again. Yet here she was now, slowly losing all grip on reality as the woman she once knew too well, stepped out of her vehicle. She had looked even better than the small profile picture on her Instagram.
It was the only photo Axelle had access to, because the rest of Geneva's account was private. That little photo was so small, all Axelle could make out was the color of her hair. And what a fiery red it still was.
Axelle almost smiled, but she managed to catch herself before she did. With the way she left things, Geneva would've been well within her rights to slap that smile off Axelle's face. Instead, she did her best to devoid herself of any emotion.
Geneva looked like she was trying to do the same... but with much less luck.
Axelle could feel her immediate anger from all the way over here.
And Geneva was angry. Pissed as all hell, to be frank. As soon as she caught sight of who was sitting on that porch bench, she almost wanted to turn this car around. It was a shame this road was too narrow to bust a U-ie. She'd need to turn into Sharlene's driveway anyways to do so, and as soon as she did, Axelle had seen her.
Geneva didn't know what to make of Axelle being here. She didn't expect her to return.. I mean, it wasn't like Axelle had done so once in the last nine years. This woman had given no indication that she gave a damn about this family. None at all.
And the way she fucking left.. Geneva thought to herself. It took the strength of the gods to get her feet moving, but she did. She pulled out the duffel bag from the passenger side and left her vehicle, yet it really felt like she was leaving her safety. Now, the only thing that stood between her and Axelle was air. Simple fucking oxygen.
"I didn't expect you to come," Geneva spoke first. Nine years later, and Axelle had only gotten more beautiful.
Those loose childish features she once held onto, were completely gone now. She was a bit thinner than Geneva expected, which gave her stature a more rigid look. It sharpened her jaw, creating an even deeper contrast against her black turtleneck. The one thing that hadn't changed, were those hickory brown eyes. The same eyes Geneva had once lost herself completely to... then lost herself completely over.
"She was the only mother we had," Axelle replied. Even her voice had matured... Geneva thought to herself.
"That wasn't enough for you when she was living," Geneva snapped back. As soon as those words left her lips, she regretted them. It was a harsh stab at Axelle, but Axelle always had that way about her. She pulled out the uncut honesty from everyone.
Geneva often wondered how that was for Axelle. Some days she thought Axelle would get off on riling people up, other times, she caught just a glimpse of the hurt on Axelle's usual expressionless face, and it killed Geneva. "I'm sorry, I-"
"No apologies," Axelle replied almost immediately. She couldn't handle when Geneva apologized, especially for shit that deserved no apology. That was a sure fire way to dismantle Axelle. "I'm just here to pay my respects. I don't want to start anything."
Geneva was taken back by the amount of exhaustion in Axelle's voice. Axelle was right, though. This wasn't the place to trudge up memories of the past. According to Geneva, whatever happened in the past was going to stay there. All of it. Before she could reply, the front door was yanked open.
"Gen!" Gideon burst through the entrance, interrupting the two women.
Geneva was slightly taken back by the sudden hug, as he pulled her into him. The first real emotion to grace Axelle's face since her and Geneva started talking, was irritation. Pure irritation. Geneva remembered how much Axelle had disliked Gideon when they were younger, and it was a bit ironic to see that nothing had changed, even though every had.
Another woman stepped out onto the porch. This woman was older than the lot of young adults, and even though the years had worn her down some, Geneva recognized her immediately. She was the real reason Geneva was excited to come home in the first place.
"Edith!" Geneva couldn't stop the grin from spreading. It had been years since she last saw this sweet caretaker.
"Hello there, my sweetness!" Edith pulled Geneva into her arms. "My goodness, you lot have really grown since I last saw you."
Axelle thought the same could be said for Edith. Though she had maintained her excellent figure, her once black hair was now almost completely grey. It led Axelle to believe that Edith may have been coloring it all those years ago... but then again, a lot could happen to a person in nine years.
Axelle, herself, was proof of that.
"I'm sad that we are all meeting under such heartbreaking circumstances, but I am grateful that each of you managed to come. I know Sharlene would have wanted you all to be here together, and though it's been some years for a few of you, her care for all of you never waivered.
"She was such a private person as is, it was hard thinking of who to extend the invite to, for the funeral..." Edith sort of trailed off a moment, seemingly lost in thought. "Anyways, please do come in. I've prepared your old room Geneva, and dinner should be ready by seven this evening. Feel free to use the downtime to unpack. Get comfortable. Let me know if any of you have questions." Edith gave each foster kid one of her warm smiles. It brought a level of comfort to the now almost strangers, as they all filtered into the home.
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