Chapter 1
"Life is a game, a game you can't win, but you can't afford to lose either. People are just some marionettes in the hands of destiny and its awful humour. We play the same game every day without a stop, a break, a question or at least a chance to change it. Everything seems like a cruel joke, a joke that I don't understand or maybe I don't want to. "
The same words keep spinning in my head along the entire road and I can't do anything to stop them. I watch how house after house disappear with every meter that we move and realise there's no turning back. A sob leaves my lips making my mother turn in my direction and I close my eyes again hoping that she doesn't want to try and start again a pathetic conversation that in the end will make me even angrier. I found myself again in another new city that I don't know anything about. I'm so sick of this! It's the third one in the past two months.
"Everything will be alright!" I hear her tired voice but choose to ignore it. She lost the right to talk to me in the night she came home and ruined my dreams all over again. The night she told me she doesn't care and wants to move again.
A sob leaves my lips for the second time in the last 5 minutes and I choose to keep my mouth shut before I say something that I will regret. I blame her and her job for all of this. We aren't able to stay for more than 2 weeks in the same city and even from those 2 weeks she doesn't spend more than 48 hours with me or at least home.
I let my head slid on the window and I wait for the car to stop. The same rich and annoying neighbourhood arises before us making me roll my eyes. A new home, a new high school and again a crowd of unknown people.
Another few minutes pass before we enter the big gates of a house who look more like a castle and it's definitely too big for only 2 people. I get out of the car in the same second my mother turns off the engine and I go straight to the trunk to take my luggage. Without another word, I take them both and go straight to the entrance.
"Alexis, wait!"
My mother tries again to talk to me, but I'm not in the mood for her excuses. I enter the house and start looking around. I sigh when I see the same long stairs, the same expensive furniture and the same atmosphere full of sadness and quiet. It looks the same as the last three houses I lived in.
I catch again my luggage and I climb the stairs. I choose the room from the end of the corridor hoping to be as far away as I can from her. Not that she will stay too much at home anyway.
I open the door and walk inside. The walls are painted in cream, making me smile. I feel good when I'm surrounded by this colour. I throw my suitcases in a corner and walk to the window with shy steps. The only thing that I appreciate when it comes to these houses is the view. I open the curtains and let the bright sunlight fill the room. Uncertain, I open the balcony door and walk outside. Fresh air embraces me and I smile again. I don't know why, but most of the time a little thing is enough to make me smile. A comfortable fluffy chair lies on one side of the balcony, accompanied by a small glass table. I'm glad that my mother didn't forget how much I love to watch the sunset and sunrise.
I step back inside and decide that it's time to unpack. I take out every pair of pants, every shirt, sweatshirt or sweater and simple tidying them in the wardrobe. I feel better once I see that all my clothes are in their places and I go towards the big bunch of thrown products in the middle of the bed. Once I was sure that everything is in its place, I turned on my laptop in order to get rid of the silence.
I can hear a knock on the door and I pray it's not my mother because I'm not in the mood for a new confrontation. I open the door and I feel relieved once I see that is not her, but a man with some boxes in his arms that probably are mine. I say a quick thank you and I get back to work. I begin to unpack again only when the music echoed through the tiny speaker that I placed on the desk. I smile once again when I see my books placed in the small white library and I begin to place my lights on the bed. It may seem strange, but I like to have those white lights above my head.
I'm so lost in what I'm doing that I don't notice when my mom enters the room. She remains in the door frame and looks at me probably thinking how to tell me that I should not make myself too comfortable because we will leave this town in a few weeks.
"Can I help you with something?" I ask her without turning around.
"Alexis..." she tries to say something but I stop her before a single word could leave her lips.
"If you came here to tell me not to make myself comfortable, just stop. I already know and I'm not going to do it. I know we will be moving soon and I don't see the point of losing my time with something that will disappear anyway."
"Alexis, this time is not like that, we will stay here."
"Like the last 3 times," I say more to myself.
"I'm not kidding!"
"Neither do I, mum. I got used to."
"Alexis ... "
"No! I don't want to hear any more excuses."
"This time I promise you it will not be like that. We will stay!"
I roll my eyes tired of this charade and I go towards the bathroom. I go inside without any hesitation and before I close the door, I say:
"Mum, stop making promises that you can't keep!"
I hear her sigh, but it doesn't impress me at all. I'm tired of this conversation.
"Alexis ..." I hear her saying my name for the fourth time.
I ignore her again and I start the shower avoiding any other lie that might leave her lips. I take my clothes off and I step into the warm water ready to forget and relax.
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