"Have you considered my offer yet?" May ask me, her eyes vast with expectation as we fold her clothing on top of her bed.
I breathe out through my nose, shutting my eyes and praying to myself that I do not regret saying yes. May can be very feral when attending a concert and sometimes, it gets to me where I turn into May 2.0.
And the hangovers, it kills me!
It doesn't help that May can deal with a hangover yet, I agree to go with her to concerts or clubs. It's great to get out there once in a while but it is not great to have a hangover the next day and still have to go to work.
"Yes May, I have considered your offer and sure, I'll go to the concert even though I hate Cardi B!" I say, my eyes opening only to be met with a jumping May.
It starts to scare me when she starts screaming.
"You're the best. I have such a remarkable friend!"
"Only because I come with you to concerts in my free time?"
She stops jumping, smiling my way with broad eyes. "Definitely not! How could you even say something like that? Good Lord, you really know how to offend someone, don't you?"
I narrow my eyes at her and grab my knapsack, smiling at May as I make my way out of her very pink immense room.
"Let's just say it's my talent." I shrug, my lips spreading into a grin.
"You know, sometimes I am so jealous of your co-workers!" May comments before I make it to her door.
"And why do you say that?" It's not like May to be this theatrical or somewhat pessimistic and I'm kind of anxious. Is she going through something? Did her parents fight again? Argh, so many things to concern about.
"They get more time than I do!" She pouts dramatically and I smile.
"Well, we have the concert in two weeks, so we'll make the best of it!"
After our small meaningful see you soon chat and hug, I am on my way. The song Freeze by Sara Kays comes to mind and I start humming the song.
A very erected strong chest comes in contact with my face and I try to catch my balance but once I lose my footing, I get ready to welcome the floor. It would be extremely harsh to kiss the floor without acquainting myself, right?
Yet, I don't get a chance to. Why? Because very strong arms wrap around my midriff, stopping me from falling in love with the floor. My heart thunders in my chest, completely disregarding that I was making mockeries about falling in love with the floor.
When I look up at the human who saved me-dramatic-I know, I grin when I see Jacob humorously smiling at me. My stomach starts churning in anticipation as I wait for him to say something cheesy like he always does.
Jacob is May's older twin brother by only fifteen minutes. Jacob is the guy I fell in love with when I was almost nineteen years old. Jacob is the guy who broke my heart when we were never together.
Can you believe my crush cheated on me?
I know, it is heartbreaking to have your crush kiss another girl.
"Decided to kiss the floor and not me?" He smirks and I roll my eyes, ignoring the way my heart do a backflip.
Smirking, I shrug. "I mean, the floor is way cleaner."
He rolls his eyes, still holding my waist. "So no kiss then? I haven't seen you for the past two months already, have you not missed poor me?"
"Not really." I throw on my best thinking yet taunting expression. "Your arms are still around me though!"
"You really want to kiss the floor, don't you?"
Of course not.
"Yes, now let go of me!" I narrow my eyes.
"I mean if you say so."
His hold on my waist starts loosening and I latch onto him, draping my arms around his neck. He pulls me up, guiding me to stand to my feet and I throw a punch at his chest. He places a peck on my lips and lets go of me.
"I missed you too, Lizzie!" Jake winks at me, walking furthermore into the house.
"I am telling May about what you are doing to me!" I yell at him.
"You love me too much to do that!" He is so right! I hate that he is so right about it. "And what can my little sister do to me?"
Before I can answer his question, he is already around the corner and gone. My brother is not good for you, Liz. He is a heartbreaker.
But why can't I stop myself from getting puffed up every time he kisses me or hugs me or even helps me at specific times? He doesn't like me, it's more like a gay guy kissing me. That's the way he thinks about it. He probably just came from getting laid, right?
I have no idea. But what I do know is that I should stop getting myself involved with guys like him. It would only end in heartbreak.
Sighing, I leave their home and make my way down the street. I need to fetch my truck from the mechanic's shop. Yes, taking a little walk two blocks down is good for me, especially since I am used to it but the exercise was not on my schedule for the day.
I smile at the smell of the soon-coming rain. As I deliberately stroll down the street and wait until the storm makes its appearance, I wonder how packed the coffee shop would be. Especially on cold days like these.
The flash of lightning seemed to startle a few people as they start whipping their umbrellas out. Me? I smile as I wait for the thunder and the cold, sharp droplets to plunge onto my uncovered skin.
I am wearing a body warmer with ripped jeans and my boots.
My arms are out in the open. It's not like I knew it was going to rain and then boom, leave my jacket and umbrella at home. No, this morning it was quite sunny and I never check the weather so. . .
The thunder sounded throughout this small town and then the droplets of rain rode down my arms. I could not stop the smile from appearing where it belongs and I did the one thing most found weird.
I ran to the middle of the street and spread my arms open as if waiting for a huge bear hug. The streets were empty of cars and that's what I loved about living in Sonington. Very few people had cars because of how small this town was, what would it look like where cars were squeezed everywhere?
I open my mouth, stick my tongue out and start drinking up the droplets of cold rain that fall on my tongue. The grin on my face was enough for me to start dancing around like a crazy person.
I didn't care if people were giving me incredulous stares, it just encouraged me to dance on. Make people see I am the crazy girl of town who likes to dance in the rain.
I run around, spinning, making myself dizzy. Yet, I never fall around like a drunk person. I want to enjoy this little rain festival of my own which only I was invited to.
While I am spinning around and dancing in the rain, my face, for the second time, was met with a hard chest. Harder than Jacob's. This time, I do not welcome the floor.
A shriek passes my lips as feel the wind harshly pass me when I fall backward. Soon, my butt would meet the floor. Why am I always bumping into people? I am so unlucky.
The solid feeling against my butt makes me groan. It doesn't help that the dirty sandy floor is going to make my jeans ugly and stained.
I don't let the tears leave my eyes because some people stop to take a peek at me. What I do is, lift myself from the ground and gently dab my behind. It's sore if I fondle too hard.
"Fuck, I am so sorry!" A voice mumbles and when I gape up at the intruder, my gaze meets really impressive green orbs. " My bodyguard is a damn idiot for bumping into you like that!"
Those green eyes, it's so bewitching that I almost immerse in them. I don't notice that I'm staring until I see that the guy is staring at me as well. Clearing my throat, my already red cheeks feel hot as I smile an insignificant smile.
"I-um, it's okay." I laugh, holding my hand over my behind. Argh, it's burning.
"Did you get hurt? I am so sorry if you did." This beautiful specimen seems positively concerned. His hair is wet and tied into a ponytail on top of his head as he shakes it to get the dampness out of it. It's like a dog wagging it's a soggy tale.
"I did actually, but I'm okay."
He smiles, his delicate pink lips making my stomach flutter. That's weird. "Why are you dancing around in the rain anyway?"
"It's rain," I laugh. "I always do that."
He laughs, shaking his head and I don't stop the smile on my face from enlarging. I will never stop a smile from thriving on my face because a smile always belongs there. On everyone's face. It's the best makeup.
"Sir, your dad is inquiring about when you are going to get home. A storm is going to make its arrival and probably hail."
The big bulky yet handsome guy standing next to Green Eyes says, his brows pinched together. It looks like he has a durable frown etched on his forehead.
"Well, I have to go. Uh, do you have a ride?" Green Eyes suspicions, raising his brow, that heart-fluttering smile still existing on his features.
"Nope, but I can just walk down the road, my best friend lives around there." I smile, ambling backward to get out of the rain that has gotten much heavier.
"We could give you a ride if you'd like?"
"It's the least I can do for what Andy did to you!" He smiles, pointing to Andy beside him.
I start contemplating my options here. I can walk to my second home in the rain that I love so much, just a few houses down to Mays. Or, I can get a ride with Green Eyes, the handsome man whose smile gives me the hibby jibby's.
"Okay, I'll take the ride only because my butt is sore. Just promise me you aren't going to drive us to an evacuated house and kill me." I have to be sure that what I'm getting myself into is as stable as scratching a very gracious puppy.
"Now why would I do that to such a pretty lady like you?"
My heart starts to flutter. I am so not unlucky.
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