savannah's pov
i came out of the elevator, and held my phone in between my ear and shoulder as i searched for the keys to my office.
"i just arrived, but i'll meet you for lunch..." i explained to dylan. "...yes, i do miss you already" i chuckled, before my eyes darted to madison, leaving jack's office.
i could no longer focus on my phone conversation, because my mind just scanned through the various possibilities of her visiting jack at work.
"...uh, yeah, i'm still here" i said, after i snapped out of my thoughts. "okay, i'll see you later, i love you too, bye".
i hung up the phone, and continued to watch madison walking towards the elevator, without acknowledging me. she didn't look angry, or upset, so i'm guessing that jack didn't shout at her.
but then again, she looks satisfied...or maybe i'm just overreacting, and analysing a situation that doesn't really concern me anymore.
i unlocked my office and put my bag on the floor, before logging into the computer to check my emails.
i haven't told anyone expect lauren this, but ever since my date with dylan a few weeks ago, i've been looking for some other job offers. overnight, i realised that i didn't want to be working here forever, so i went ahead and filled out four applications.
three fashion companies; marc jacobs, chanel and elle magazine have already gotten back to me with the whole "i'm sorry" email, which means that i only have one more left to go.
i closed my eyes and prayed silently in my head for good news, before i opened them again and clicked the inbox icon. two emails down from the top, was a response from vogue magazine. i clicked the message and my heart immediately skipped a beat, when the first line didn't read; i'm sorry, but instead read, congratulations.
i continued to read the email, as it explained how i successfully passed the application, and how they would love for me to come down to their offices tomorrow, for an interview.
i took out my phone, and immediately texted lauren to come to my office asap, and in the next minute or two, she did.
"you used about ten exclamation marks in that text message," she mentioned as she shut the door behind her. "what's the big news?"
"come and check out this email," i happily spoke, and gestured for her to come around to my computer and read.
i watched lauren's eyes widen, the further she read down the page, "oh my god, you're going to work for fucking vogue magazine!" lauren squealed and hugged me tightly.
"i'm so proud of you!" she added.
"hey, i haven't got the job yet" i chuckled, then pointed back at the email. "see, i have an interview tomorrow at 2, at their l.a offices".
"right, i'm taking you and picking you up" lauren quickly mentioned. "i want to be there before and after everything happens".
"okay, but don't tell anyone until i actually get the job" i warned her.
i mean, i'm not really the type to enjoy others making a huge fuss over me. so, i'd rather come to my friends and family with good news, than good news that could potentially turn into bad news.
tomorrow came by quickly; i fixed my bag onto my shoulder as i looked back at lauren, who gave me a thumbs up through the car window.
i then stared at the building in front of me. vogue was imprinted on the top, and i walked through the automatic doors, and to the desk under the reception sign.
"who are you?" the lady sitting behind the desk questioned, although she didn't allow her eyes to leave the nails, that she was filing.
"savannah. savannah brooks". the women's eyes drifted away from her hand, and to my appearance. she observed me briefly, then went back to perfecting her nails.
"job interview for the new assistant writer, correct?" she asked me.
"good," she spoke, before i could even answer. "leave your resume, and references here. then, go and fill out a brief application in the waiting area. you will be informed, when miss michaels is ready for you".
i looked behind me, and assumed that the group of comfortable-looking chairs in the corner, was the waiting area. "thank you" i said, then handed her my files, before taking a pen and application to fill out.
around fifteen minutes later, the waiting area cleared out and the receptionist told me that miss michaels was ready for me in her office.
i read about miss michaels - her status at vogue is just underneath the editor in chief, anna wintour. so, my heart was obviously beating like crazy, the further the elevator travelled upwards.
i walked down the hallways, while reading names on the doors, until i reached one that read, 'christina michaels'. i took a deep breathe before grabbing hold of the door handle, and pushing it down.
a tall, and probably middle-aged, red-headed women stood facing the view from her windows. she didn't look back once, as i came in and awkwardly took a seat opposite her desk.
"name?" she tiredly sighed, while still giving her full attention to the window.
"savannah brooks," i said. "i'm here for the-"
"i know what job you're here for" she quickly cut me off, as she turned around to sit down on her desk chair and type into her computer. "so, do you believe that you could be an assistant writer of vogue magazine?".
"why do you seem so uncertain?" miss michaels questioned.
i cleared my throat, "sorry ma'am, i meant, yes" i repeated. "i do, want to be an assistant writer of vogue".
she sighed again, "very well. tell me about yourself then" the straight-postured lady pushed, and finally gave me her full attention.
"well, i'm 23. i currently work as one of the fashion writers for a small newspaper, but i'm definitely willing to leave that job, for this one. i work well with others, i'm a hard worker..."
miss michaels suddenly yawned a loud, and completely interrupted my words. she then began writing something down, but from where i was sitting, i could still look close enough to tell that she was just doodling random shapes on the corner of some paper.
"um, i-i, i'm very efficient, so i can work late hours. fashion has always been an interest of mine. i'm always obsessing over it with my best friend and my younger sister, and-"
"this interview is about you, not your family and friends, or what not" she harshly told me.
"right, sorry. i'm, uh, usually very organised, so deadlines will not be a huge problem, i'm a great people person, so-". i paused my sentence, when miss michaels reached into her bag to pull out her phone. she unlocked it and kept her focus on the device, than on my actual interview.
i attempted to speak again, but she started laughing at something that she was reading on her screen, "oh, i'm sorry. it was just so boring, that i assumed you were done" she looked up and gave me the most fake smile.
was this women being serious right now?
"...well, i wasn't" i told her. "i mean, how can i do an interview when my interviewer is rude enough to take out her phone, while i'm in the middle of speaking to her".
she locked her phone again, "excuse me?".
"i didn't come here to be treated like i'm completely inferior to every one of you in this building. i came here, because i've been waiting for an opportunity to do something, that i actually love for years now" i explained.
"so, the least you could do is stop being a bitch, and listen to why i actually deserve this job, and want this job" i finalised, as i smacked my application down on her desk.
at first, i was proud of myself for standing up to her like that, but then i saw the disrespect and embarrassment in her eyes.
"...miss michaels, i am so sorry. i didn't mean to-"
"that took some guts, savannah" she suddenly said. "after six years of working here, and interviewing thousands of young women like you, approximately ten have stood up to me like you did, and those are the few that work for vogue now".
a smile began to emerge on my face, " you're not mad?".
"mad?" miss michaels questioned. "i can already see that you have a great sense of style, your application form is more impressive than the previous applicants, so i'd probably be mad to not give you this job right now".
i gasped and covered my mouth, "are you serious? oh my god, thank you so much! you don't understand how grateful i am".
"oh, i do understand, miss brooks. practically everyone dreams of working in a top fashion business in the city of london" she chuckled, and so did i, until i replayed her words in my head, and my smile faded.
"sorry, city of london?".
"yes, didn't you know?" she asked, and i furrowed my brows. "oh, sweetie, this job is not for the los angeles vogue. this is stationed at the london vogue".
"...oh" was all i could manage to say, at this point.
"do you no longer want the job? because your style and attitude would be great in england" she happily explained, but i just smiled lightly at the compliment.
"plus, the pay is great" she childishly whispered, and i smiled again.
"i still want the job, miss michaels. it's's just a shock to hear that it's all the way in london" i told her, and she looked at me with concern. "...but i suppose, i'll get over it" i began to laugh, and she eventually did the same.
this is first time that i've ever received an opportunity like this. i mean, i'd be working for the biggest fashion magazine, in a place where great style is one of their top qualities.
this is my dream, and jobs like this do not come very often...even if it does mean, that i'll be ten hours away from where i've grown up my entire life, and ten hours away from all the people that i care about.
"miss michaels?" i began, and she nodded her head. "would it be okay, if i took sometime to think about the assistant writer job?".
she clasped her hands together, "well, there are many girls who are dying to take this job, and the job needs to be attended in twelve days..." she explained, and my heart skipped a beat at the little time left.
the red-headed women stared at me for a while - probably noticing the desperation in my eyes, and eventually looked at me more sympathetically.
"but since you impressed me today, i'll give you five days" she allowed. "after five days, the job is no longer yours, savannah brooks".
she pointed her finger at me, and i nodded my head to show that i understood every word.
merry christmas beautiful people!🌲🎅🏼❤️.
this story is almost at 100k, and i'm so excited and thankful for all of you guys.
pls vote, comment and share.
- anita xo
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