savannah's pov
"hey, so how did it go?" lauren smiled as i got into the front seat of her car.
"it was good," i nodded. "the interviewer loved me".
"so, did you get the job?" she asked, while pulling out of the carpark.
i scratched the back of my head, "they said that they would get back to me" i brushed off.
"oh. well, i'm sure that you'll get it" she glanced away from the road and smiled at me. "can you just imagine if i apply for a job at vogue too - we'd be going to fashion shows almost every month".
"yeah," i lightly chuckled. "that would be great...".
you need to tell her; was the only thing circling through my mind, and i knew that my conscience was right.
"okay, i need to stop by walmart quickly, maybe you could get us some starbucks and i'll meet you back at the car?" lauren explained to me, as she turned off the engine in the walmart carpark.
i cleared my throat, "actually, before we do, i need to talk to you about something".
"and you've got to promise me that you won't cry, or else i'll cry too" i added, and lauren chuckled.
"come on savannah, it's me. when it comes to crying, i can't promise anything" she smirked, and i slowly exhaled, before speaking again.
"okay, well you know how i told you that the job was still pending?".
she nodded her head. "well, i lied. i, uh, actually got the job" i started smiling and lauren's face began to grow into a smile as well.
"oh my g-"
"wait," i quickly cut her off. "i got the job, without knowing that it's not stationed in la".
she looked at me questionably, "oh, then where? san francisco, san diego...".
"" i corrected.
her excited expression changed, and her eyes briefly grew bigger, "what? that's...that's crazy".
i sighed, "i know, lo".
"so, the once in a lifetime vogue magazine in london?" lauren repeated to me, and i nodded to answer. "are you going to take it?".
"they gave me five days to decide, because i leave in twelve days" i explained, and she lightly covered her mouth as tears began forming in her eyes.
"twelve days?" she repeated again. "wow, that's...that's, uh, quick".
"i know..." i quietly agreed, and looked up at the roof of the car, since i could feel myself on the verge of crying too.
"see," lauren smirked and dabbed at her mascara. "i told you that i couldn't promise anything".
"and i told you that i'd start crying too" i said, and wiped my eyes.
after a few extra seconds of the waterworks, lauren reached into her bag to get some tissues for us both, then blew her nose.
"you have to go, okay" she told me. "this is fucking vogue magazine, and no one else, not even me, should be the reason that you miss an opportunity like this".
i listened to her words, then stared down at my hands on my lap.
"but don't worry, s. i'll still be here, in la, waiting to here all about your fashionable life in england" she laughed, and i did too.
"...thank you, lauren" i said to her, then stretched my arms out to hug my best friend tightly.
"now, come on. i've still gotta go to walmart, you get the coffees and i'll drop you off at dylan's, because i'm guessing that you need to tell him too" she let go, and unbuckled her seatbelt.
i sighed as i thought about dylan's reaction, to me moving to london, and whether he would take it as well as lauren did.
i checked my make up in the car mirror, before walking towards the automatic doors of starbucks.
i stared at the menu's listed above the barristers, as i stood behind three other people in the line. after i decided what i was ordering, i glanced over at the brief laughter coming from beside me, and couldn't quite believe what i saw.
it was jack, with madison. sitting opposite one another, and drinking coffee.
first, she visits him at work, and now they're grabbing coffee together?
am i missing something?
jack's smile from laughing previously, faded when he saw me. madison did a small double take at my presence, then sipped her coffee at the tense moment.
jack had no expression whatsoever - he didn't seem sorry, or awkward, or like he was prepared to explain himself. he just looked back at madison, and continued talking, so i shook my head with derision and ignored them both.
after everything that he said to me - all the texts, and calls and pleading for forgiveness, i never thought that i'd see him go running back to the woman, who used him for his money.
i guess i always thought he had more dignity and self-control than that.
when i left starbucks, i texted dylan that i was coming over and that i needed to talk to him.
then in the car, lauren helped me practice how i was going to break the news, even though i constantly told her that i wasn't ready, and that i was scared of how he will react.
but deep down, i knew that i had to, especially since we've talking about taking our relationship to the next level.
once i was dropped off, i stood by the front door and rang the doorbell. just a second or two after, the door opened and dylan greeted me with a kiss.
"hey," he said, as i shut the door behind me. "so, what did you want to talk to me about?".
i followed him into the living room, took off my coat and sat on the couch with him.
"is it good news or bad news?" he asked, with one arm resting along the top of the couch.
"well, it goes both ways" i hinted, then hesitated for a while. ", i went to a job interview today".
"you did? that's great!" he stroked my arm. "for where?".
"vogue magazine".
his eyes widened, "wow, how did it go?".
"really well, actually," i told him. "in fact, i got the job".
"savannah, this-this is huge!," dylan happily hugged me, then kissed the top of my head. "this is huge...right?".
"yeah, it is" i assured him. "...but, babe, it's not for the los angeles vogue. the job is in london".
dylan chuckled after i spoke, as if i were completely joking. but he soon suppressed his smile, once he realised that i wasn't laughing, "" he repeated.
"i didn't know that it wasn't in la, when i made my application," i quickly explained to him. "i must have been too excited and read it wrong".
he moved awkwardly in his seat, then looked back at me, "so, are you trying to say that you're going?".
"well, yes" i admitted. "like you said, this is huge. i'd be an assistant writer, and doing something like this is my dream".
"but can't you do something like this, here in california? or even just in america?".
"i could, but working at a place like vogue is a big competition in cali, who knows how long i'd be waiting" i added.
dylan didn't speak after that. he just sat forward, with his elbows resting on his knees; and this went on for about a minute, or two.
i came forward, and rubbed his back, "dylan, say something".
he exhaled, and continued to avoid eye contact with me, "i-i just don't get how you can just leave like this".
i furrowed my brows, "i'm not just leaving. i have twelve days, and i came to you as soon as i could".
"but, coming to me as soon as you could isn't going to change the fact that you want to move half way across the world, and ruin our relationship!" he turned to me, and loudly spoke.
"why are you being like this?" i confronted. "i thought that you of all people would be the most supportive!".
"what, so were you planning for me to agree to the whole long-distance relationship shit, or were you just planning on breaking up with me completely?" dylan continued to argue, and i tiresomely pushed my hands through my hair.
"...i don't know" i mumbled, then he went back to staring at the ground. "why can't you just support me as a friend first, then we can sort out the relationship stuff?".
he sighed again, "well, can i just have sometime to think about it all, first?" he asked in a more softer tone.
"you can, but either way dylan, i'm still going to london" i sternly mentioned. he glanced at me, then fixed his glasses further up his nose.
"then, can i just think for a while? alone?" he gestured his head towards the door, then leant back against the couch without any further action.
i hesitated for a moment - waiting for him to finally come around and say that he supports my decision...but he didn't. so, i stood and hastily put on my jacket again.
"...fine" i told him, then left his house while taking my phone out of my bag.
i selected lauren's number in my contacts list, then held the phone to my ear, because with the way dylan was acting, i wasn't about to ask him for a ride home.
almost at 100k omfg
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