savannah's pov
it's the weekend, and i decided to wake up early today, so that i could begin to pack some of my things.
telling the guys about london was harder than i thought. but after dinner, they all came back to mine and lauren's apartment, so that we could talk about it more, and by the end of the night, they were 100 percent on board and supported me all the way.
but i'm pretty sure that they only agreed, because they'd had a little too much alcohol to drink.
although throughout all that, i couldn't stop thinking about jack, and how he just got up and left.
when he said congratulations, i knew that he didn't mean it, because i knew beforehand, that he wouldn't take it as well as everyone else.
but before i went to bed, i texted him to ask if he was okay, but he didn't respond, so i just didn't try again.
i was sorting through the junk underneath my bed, until i heard the doorbell ring. lauren was out having an early breakfast with her boyfriend, so i knew very well that it wasn't her.
i looked through the peephole, and was quite surprised as to who was standing there.
i opened the door, "jack? what are you doing here?".
"i just came to say that i'm sorry, for being such a jerk to you lately, and i was wondering if you'd want to go out for some coffee?" he stuffed his hands into his pants pockets, and i bit my lip to hide the smile growing on my face, since i could tell that he was being genuine.
"why the sudden change in attitude?" i questioned, and he shrugged his shoulders.
"well, you're leaving in ten days, so i need to make the most of the time you have left" he explained, and i smiled at him.
"okay, let me just get ready first, then we'll go" i opened the door, wider for him to come in, then i went back to my bedroom to get changed out of my sweats.
jack drove us to this cute, little cafe that wasn't too far from my house, and he insisted on paying for my coffee, and also a blueberry muffin to go with it.
"...thank you," i said to the waitress, as she bought us our drinks, and my muffin.
"so," jack began. "yesterday was a bit of a shock, so i'm sorry for just walking out like that".
"it's okay," i said before i took a sip of my coffee. "...i understand. i mean, you took it better than dylan did".
"really? how did he react?".
"he just wasn't being supportive at all. he told me that i should just get a job in the u.s, and then said that he doesn't do long distance relationships..." i explained. "it was all a bit crazy, so i haven't spoken to him in almost three days".
"well, if he's your boyfriend and he doesn't support you, then he's a jerk".
"and he hasn't even tried to contact me since then," i added, but soon shook my head to brush it off. "i don't even want to talk about it, to be honest".
"okay, good, because i hate that guy" jack admitted, before drinking his coffee.
i slightly tilted my head to the side, "jack, you barely know him".
"i think i know enough" he assured.
"but since, we're talking about people that we don't like, what was the deal with you and madison the other day?" i asked, while breaking off parts of my muffin to eat.
"oh, we were just grabbing a quick drink, before we met with our divorce attorney" he explained, and my eyes widened.
"...oh, really?" i spoke, since this entire time i assumed that they were getting back on track.
"yeah..." he trailed off, before squinting his eyes at me. "wait, you didn't think that madison and i were on some type of date, did you?".
i slumped down in my seat a little, "...maybe".
jack laughed at my expression and rubbed his chin, "madison has a boyfriend now, and plus, there's no way that i would go back to her after what she did".
"oh, well, that's good" i nodded.
he raised his brow at me, "why? were you jealous?".
"jealous?" i emphasised. "why the hell, would i be jealous? if you want to have coffee with the bitch, then go ahead" i told him, but he just continued to chuckle at my reaction.
after a while, jack gestured to the half eaten muffin on my plate, ", are you gonna give me some of that?".
"i knew that this was coming, because you've been eyeing it up and down for the past five minutes" i giggled.
"so, is that a yes or a no?".
i hesitated to pretend that i was debating it in my head, "" i said, and laughed at the disappointed face that he made.
"come on, please, just one bite" jack continued to beg.
"why didn't you get your own?" i sniggered.
"because i don't want a whole one, i just want a small part" he explained, while continuing to watch me pick pieces off and eat them myself.
"jack, you of all people should know that i don't share food".
he pointed his finger at me, "actually that rule used to exclude me back in high school, because you had a crush on me".
"that was seven years ago, gilinsky. don't flatter yourself" i sang.
"savs, come on. i'll even let you feed it to me, all romantic-like".
i couldn't help, but giggle as he sat there with his mouth wide open, and ready for me to feed him some of the muffin.
this was surely the type of fun that i'll miss when i go to london.
"...okay, fine. here" i gave in, and broke off a part of the muffin with my thumb and forefinger, and fed it to the idiot sitting in front of me.
jack happily munched on the treat like a little child, "happy?" i said to him.
he chewed some more, then swallowed the food, "very," he told me with a smile, then sipped his coffee.
jack and i sat in the cafe for about another hour, talking about the most craziest topics and laughing so loud, that other people kept turning their heads in annoyance.
jack sighed, then gazed at me, "i can't believe that you're moving half way across the world" he said.
i sighed too, and stared out of the window beside us, "i know, i'm gonna miss it here".
"...well, i'm gonna miss you" jack admitted, and i helplessly smiled to distract the fact that my heart was racing much more than normal.
"yeah, i'll miss you too" i said, and he reached over the table to take hold of my hand.
at first, he was stroking his thumb against my skin, but then he gently tightened his grip and i grew quite apprehensive at the moment we were having. so, i casually moved my hand away and ran my fingers through my hair.
"so, uh, i was going to go shopping today for some new clothes," i started as i pulled my bag over my shoulder. "do you want to come?".
jack checked the rolex watch on his wrist, "yeah, sure. why wouldn't i want to spend hours shopping for women's clothing?".
"come on, jack. i'll even throw in some fashion advice for you".
"was that supposed to bribe me or offend me?" he raised his brow, but i playfully rolled my eyes at him. "i'm kidding, come on, where to first?".
i happily smiled, as he stood from his seat then i grabbed his hand to leave the cafe in a hurry.
this chapter was cute af to write,
pls vote, comment and share.
- anita xo
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