savannah's pov
after the bath had finished filling up and the bubbles were almost overflowing, i stripped down from all my clothing and wrapped a white towel around me. i opened the bathroom door again and saw jack lying on his bed, concentrating intensely on his laptop.
"did you really think that i was actually going to get in that bath without you?" i sniggered and he briefly looked away from the screen, his eyes soon widening at my towel-covered body.
"well? come on," i bit down on my bottom lip and jack quickly shut the laptop to undress while hurrying towards me.
as we both entered the bath, the warm water encompassed my body and i satisfyingly breathed since this was exactly what i needed.
"hey, remember the last time that we did this?" jack said.
i rested my arms across the rim of the bath on either side of me, "how could i forget? i told you that i loved you and you blanked out".
jack awkwardly scratched his head, "okay well before that, with the whole twenty-one questions thing".
"yeah, i remember" i nodded. "and no, i'm not about to play it again with you, because that game always leads to an answer that should have been left unsaid".
jack slightly held his hands up, surrendering from a further debate as i ran my fingers across the bubbles in front of me.
a few seconds later, i fell deep into my thoughts - thinking about the past, now and our future.
"i don't want to be in london forever" i began.
"in london," i emphasised. "i realised that maybe working in london will be a temporary thing, and i could try and get the same job here in la in a year or so".
he focused his eyes on me and titled his head to the side a little, "when did you think about all of this?"
"at dinner before you came home. plus, we'd rather our kids grow up where we grew up, am i wrong?".
i watched a smile grow widely across jack's face, until he trapped his lips in his mouth to stop it from extending.
"you think about stuff like that?" he asked. "us having kids?".
"well as embarrassing as this may sound; the fantasy was technically already in my head during high school".
"what? when you had a crush on me?" he cockily raised his brow, but i gave him a stern look.
"i told you that we weren't going back to the twenty one questions, jack".
"i know, i know, sorry" he apologised with a smirk still on the corner of his lips. "so, what would our kids names be exactly?".
i sat up a little straighter and squinted my eye to think back to all those years ago.
"for a girl, i was once set on madison. but then you met actual madison in college and that dream disappeared - no offence. so, i switched to mia and for a boy, i was thinking ethan ".
"i like those, but i'm pretty sure that we'll be having all boys. three, in fact".
i sniggered, "you're joking, right? there's no way i could handle three mini-jacks running around. i can barely even handle their father".
jack chuckled and suddenly came closer in the bath, so that he was settled in front me and inches away from my face.
"in what way exactly?" he smiled, as his attention flicked between my eyes and lips.
"not sexually, so don't flatter yourself babe" i lightly patted his chest, but he kept a smug look on his face - not believing me one bit. my eyes similarly flickered down to his pink lips, but when i looked back up, he cocked his brow as if to say i told you so.
i playfully shook my head until he held onto my cheek, directing my sight to his. he came towards my lips, but unexpectedly changed his direction to attack a kiss onto my neck.
i bit down on my bottom lip, the pleasure running through me as he continued sucking against my skin.
but interrupting the moment, jack's phone began to ring in his pants that were messily lying on the tiled floor. he stopped what he was doing and reached over to check the screen.
"who is it?" i asked, slightly breathless.
"it's just madison, but it's fine. i'll leave it" the phone stopped ringing as he settled it back down and bought his lips back towards the spot he was working on.
though before i knew it, the phone started ringing again and i could easily tell that jack was growing exasperated at the constant sound, because i know that i was too.
"just ignore it" he told me, trying his best to relax himself again though i sat up more, causing him to lift his head.
"answer it - it could be important" i said, knowing it's the best thing to do. jack sighed and reached back over to grab his phone again.
"hello?" he first spoke. "...okay madison, just calm down. are you at home?...alright, just give me thirty minutes" he assured her, before quickly ending the call.
"where will you be in thirty minutes?" i wondered as he started stepping out of the bath, then wrapped a towel around his waist.
"madison's place. she's freaking out about her debt with those guys. i don't want to leave you, but i'll be no more than an hour" he explained and i pursed my lips as i began to regret telling him to answer the call.
jack noticed my expression and paused, "i'm sorry, but i promise i'll hurry" he said and leant down to give me a quick kiss. i smiled the best that i could for him, then began shooing him out.
"it's okay, go. i understand" i told him and he eventually left the bathroom, and me alone in the tub.
jack's pov
"so what exactly was the problem, because i could barely understand you on the phone?" i asked as i entered madison's apartment.
"you know those guys, the ones that wes and i owe money to," madison began while i followed behind her into her living room.
"well, i'm pretty sure that they have him and i just need you to help me put the money that you gave me, onto their account" she said.
"madison, maybe it's best if you just call the poli-".
"no! wesley told me not to okay, just help me, please because it's not working"
"okay, okay" i calmed her down and sat on the couch opposite her laptop, and she sat beside me.
silence awkwardly drifted between us as i typed and clicked on the laptop, and madison sat very closely, watching my every movement. i yawned before looking at the time on the corner of the screen - it was coming to eleven pm and it's now been thirty minutes since i arrived.
"i'm so glad you here and still willing to help me" madison quietly spoke, but i just smiled quickly to respond.
"i mean, i really thought you hated me after you kicked me out that night. but i should of known that you didn't, since you're a good guy".
i still remained reluctant to respond and just gave her small head gestures, and continued to do what i came to do.
she moved up a little closer and my eyes diverted from the screen to the minimal amount of space left between us.
"you're not even just a good guy, jack. you're smart, funny, handsome, i don't even know why i never gave you a real chance".
madison placed her hand on my thigh and my attention quickly focused on her touch. i gazed up at her face and she kept her eyes in line with my lips. suddenly, she bought her head closer and my hands abruptly grabbed onto her shoulders, holding her back from further action.
"what are you doing?" i questioned.
she ignored my query and tried to come closer once again, but i held her.
"madison, stop!" i almost yelled, standing up from my seat.
"jack, why do you keep fighting this? because i know that you still have feelings for me".
i smirked, "excuse me?".
"you wouldn't have offered to help me with this money or even come here at 10pm, if you didn't".
"i came here to just help you, as a friend, that's it".
madison scoffed as she stared up at me, "you can't possibly tell me that you're actually that hung up on savannah? because i'm pretty sure that you were just using her for a good fuck".
"i wouldn't of fought for mine and savannah damn relationship if i just wanted her for sex!".
"but jack, you still love me. i know you do" she ensured and stood to come closer to me, though i backed away.
"no, i don't. okay look, right now i'm not even sure if this whole being in trouble with money was just a sick joke to get me back, but i do know that i'm done here and done with you".
i picked up my jacket and keys, and started making my way out of the living room and through the hallway.
"you're really funny, jack" madison called out, so i paused my tracks. "because i can easily go and tell savannah that you and i kissed".
i turned and sniggered at her words, "do you really think that she'd believe you over me?".
"oh, i know she won't believe me - at first any ways. but at the very back of her mind, you'll both be in london and she'll be all anxious every time that my name is even mentioned, because poor old jack has made a reputation for himself just from cheating on one relationship".
i shook my head at the cunning look in her eyes, almost embarrassed from how stupid i was to even let myself come in contact with her again.
i was about to turn and leave through the front door, but i knew i needed to have the last word.
"i don't even know why i ever married you, because you make me sick, madison" i spat and she folded her arms, trying to hold in her dignity.
"the money should be all sorted out now and for you, i'll even throw in a little extra, as long as it means that you stay away from me and especially from savannah" i sternly spoke.
when madison was left speechless, i scoffed one last time at the state of her before exiting out of her life for good.
well, that was most likely the last of madison in terms of this book or any other of my books lol.
{one more chapter left!!}
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