savannah's pov +
i came through the front door and could hear a lot of movement in the kitchen and an aroma of cooking food in the air.
"savs, is that you?" jack called out when i closed the door.
"yeah, you're back early" i walked into the kitchen and took off my coat before placing it on one of the island chairs.
"finished all of my paper work and articles, so i thought i'd make a start on dinner" jack replied whilst stirring a cooking pot.
"smells nice, what is chef jack making for us?" i asked, carring ethan onto his chair.
"spaghetti bolognese" jack sang, flashing us both a smile.
i hummed with awe alongside ethan who banged against his table with his little hands with joy.
"yay! cheese!" he exclaimed.
"yes, we'll put lots of cheese" jack came over to our son and started to tickle him, making him roar with laughter. "lots and lots and lots of it".
jack finished with a kiss on ethan's head then turned his attention to me.
"how was work baby?" he inquired.
"okay, you?".
"good" he said. "yours was just okay?".
i shrugged and rested against the counter beside him as he continued to prepare dinner, "yeah, nothing new".
"so have you invited more people to ethan's birthday party?" jack wondered.
"yeah i've just about finished - just need to ask a few more moms from his class".
"is max coming to my birthday?" ethan questioned, making me choke on the sip of water that i took. i coughed to play it off and gave a brief smile to jack.
he chuckled, "who's max?".
"mommy's friend" ethan continued, focusing deeply on the new drawing he was making.
"mommy's friend?" jack repeated with furrowed brows and a smirk of oblivion to what our son was talking about.
"he gave me a high five!".
"what's he talking about savs?".
i shook my head and moved uncomfortably, "nothing, it's just this game we played in the car ride home".
jack's smile faded as he noticed my tense body language.
"savannah" he neared closer to me and i couldn't help but look him in the eyes with guilt.
at this point, i just couldn't lie to him anymore.
"he's back, jack" i whispered. "max's is out of prison".
jack's eyes fell into worry, before anger quickly took over him and his jaw clenched together. he rubbed his stubble and took a small step back from me.
"ethan, can you go to your room for me please?" he cut me off.
"but i'm drawing" ethan proudly showed us his picture so far.
"now, before dinner's ready" jack nicely asked again.
"daddy," ethan resisted.
"ethan, just do your drawing from upstairs" jack asked again, pulling his hands down his face. i could tell that his patience was evidently disappearing.
"but my pic—".
"i said go to your room ethan!" jack loudly slammed his hand down on the table, making both me and ethan jump with scare.
"jack!" i yelled as i watched tears start to fall from my son's eyes until he was now bawling out loud before us.
"shh, shhh, it's okay" i went over and hugged him gently. "just go and play with the new toys that daddy bought you and you can have ice cream after dinner. sound good?".
ethan sniffled and nodded his head while i wiped the tears away from his heated cheeks. i kissed the top of his head and helped him down from his chair.
"good boy" i praised, giving him small push out of the kitchen.
i waited until ethan was all the way upstairs before glaring at jack with my arms tightly folded. he stared back at me completely unbothered by what just happened.
"what the fuck is wrong with you? did you have to scream at him like that?" i argued.
"how long have you known?" he ignored me. "about max?".
"no, first let's get it straight that you don't yell at my son like that".
"he's my fucking son too, savannah and you have to yell to discipline kids sometimes. you can't just bribe them with treats to get them to listen. he'll be a hyperactive mess in the morning" he retorted.
i pursed my lips at his response then decided to move onto what we're really both angry about.
"he came to see me at work yesterday" i quietly admitted.
"and you didn't think to tell me that the man who ruined our lives has followed us across the fucking world?!".
"i didn't know that i would see him again. i thought—".
"we're married savannah, things like this can't be kept a secret regardless of if you saw him once or twice" jack informed. "what did he say to you? and don't lie to me".
"he tried to say that he's a changed man, he's been doing therapy and one way to recover is getting forgiveness".
he bit his top lip, clearly holding back from what he wanted to say next, "...did you buy it?".
"no, i didn't buy it jack. i believed that he got help but it doesn't change what he did. i told him that i wanted nothing to do with him".
jack let a deep exhale and started pacing slowly in the kitchen, pushing his hands through his hair.
"i don't understand. how-how did the court not tell me that he was being released?".
i shrugged, "we moved to a whole new country jack, they probably don't have our new address".
he stopped pacing and turned back to me, "how does ethan know?".
"max turned up at his kindergarten claiming that he was just picking up his niece".
jack picked up his pacing again before interrupting himself by cursing a loud.
"fuck. just the thought of seeing that smug face again drives me crazy and does he even have the right to worm his way back into our lives? isn't there a restraining order or something?".
"i-i don't know".
"because i swear to god savs" he charged towards me. "if i see him, if he even comes near me, you or ethan, i'll—".
"no, you can't do anything, jack" i calmed him by stroking the back of neck. "this is what let him win the first time, he's just getting into your head".
"i...i have so much more to loose now, savs" his eyes reflected a sense of fear that instantly broke my heart.
"i know, baby but we're not going to let him ruin things for us again. we're just going to ignore him".
"ignore him?".
"and if he's persistent, we contact the cops" i locked my arms around his neck. "they can deal with him and then he can't pin anything on us".
jack sighed and nodded to agree before i placed a small kiss against his lips.
"i should probably go and apologise to ethan - check he's okay" he mentioned.
"please do. he adores you, he must be a mess thinking that he made daddy upset".
jack raised his eyebrows, making me chuckle and roll my eyes at his childish behaviour.
"what?" i narrowed my eyes with a smirk. "you like it when i call you daddy?".
"stop" he moved away from me. "i'm still slightly mad that you didn't tell me about max yesterday".
i laughed and pouted, "i'm sorry, daddy".
jack shook his head at my banter and didn't respond except by rolling his eyes and playfully giving me the middle finger.
jack as a dad is such a concept guys !!
daddy jack would be dilfy af fuckkkk 🌹
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