savannah's pov +
today was ethan's 5th birthday so our backyard was filled with kids from his school, a few of their parents too and also our friends and family members.
"lauren, you look fine" i assured her.
she's spent the past few minutes ranting over how much her body has changed since the beginning of her pregnancy.
"just fine isn't enough" she groaned, shifting uncomfortably in her chair. "carrying mia was never this hard".
"well, this will definitely be our last for a while" zayn told us. "i'm still not mentally ready to raise two girls in a world with some pretty scary men out there".
"aw, look at you with the whole protective father act" lauren lovingly stroked the back of his neck.
"don't worry man, mia and the baby have their favourite uncle here to protect them too" sammy patted zayn's shoulder.
"favourite uncle?" johnson recalled. "i think that's me, you mean".
"oh here we go again" i muttered, making everyone else chuckle. the guys just love to argue over who's the superior uncle of ethan or lauren and zayn's daughter, mia.
"you can't be the godfather to ethan and be the favourite uncle to mia and the new baby" nate joined in.
"exactly" sammy agreed.
"well ask the parents themselves because i think i can" johnson retorted.
jack shook his head, "oh no, don't get us involved in this".
"yeah, sort it out like the big boys you are" lauren added.
disrupting me from listening to the hilarious debate, the door bell rang and i immediately got up to answer it - knowing it will probably be another one of ethan's friends.
"hi, mrs gilinsky" ethan's classmate shyly greeted whilst hiding beside her mom's leg.
"hi skylar" i smiled then gestured to the gift in her hand. "ooo, is that for ethan?".
she nodded and i crouched down to her height, "how about i take that for you for now and you can go and play with ethan and the other kids in the backyard...there's a bouncy house".
she gasped excitedly, running straight into the house without looking back as i stood up to talk to her mom, jane.
"she was going on and on about the bouncy house in the car - she thought it was just rumours at kindergarten" jane chuckled.
i did the same then gestured behind me, "well, you're welcome to stay. there's a few other parents here or you can come back when the party's over".
"sure, i'd love to stay" jane walked into the house and i started to close the door behind her until a foot stopped me.
"oh, just one more person" max slid through the space left between the door. i shut the door, glaring at him with confusion as to how he found out our address.
"how did you—".
"oh, sorry savannah, this is my brother max" jane explained. "there was a plus one for the parents so i just thought i'd bring him along since my husband is working. max is actually old friends with some people here".
max flashed me a smile, "yeah, i go way back with savannah and her husband, jack".
"really? how?" jane questioned.
i cleared my throat, not wanting to cause any drama and explain the hell that max put us through.
"um, max and i used to work together when i lived in london" i told.
jane's brows raised, "oh, i never knew".
"hi, i'm jack" jack appeared next to me and shook jane's hand.
"you can go ahead and help yourself to any snacks and drinks" he pointed her in the direction of the backyard.
"i'll meet you there sis, we're just going to catch up" max called out to her and we all happened to wait until she was out of sight to start talking again.
"seriously?! how did you work this one out then, huh?" jack pushed max back towards the door.
"honey, don't cause a scene" i rested my hand on his chest to calm him down.
max chuckled, "i told you that my niece goes to the same school as ethan and when i heard that jane was also going to his birthday party, i thought it would give me the opportunity to show you both that i'm a changed man, and also your friends and family".
i narrowed my eyes at his explanation, "we told you to stay away from us. what part of that are not getting into your head?".
"max!" ethan's voice filled the room. he ran towards us and raised his hand to receive a high five from him.
"hey!" max messed up our son's hair.
"i have a bouncy house" ethan told.
"wow, can i see?" max grinned, before ethan tugged on his arm to take him in the direction of the backyard.
i sighed, pushing my hair back, "what do we do? should we call the police?".
in thought, jack scratched his head, "as much as i want to, no. it'll create a huge commotion for no reason. let's just keep an eye on him".
"i just don't get how he can act so casual about everything" johnson mentioned when we explained to them all that max was here.
"i told you guys that he's smart" jack said.
"but it's scary how normal it all seems" lauren shook her head.
"i know" i agreed, pouring myself more of the fruit punch that sat in the middle of the table.
"well he looks pretty comfy with your sister" nate spoke, instantly making me snap my head around to see what he was talking about.
i frowned as i watched max talking to andrea and managing to make her giggle a few times. i can't believe that because he couldn't get through to jack and i, he moves on to my little sister.
"babe, don't freak out" jack whispered in my ear, but i ignored him and left his side to walk over there.
"andrea" i said. "what are you doing?".
"oh, i'm just telling max about how i just finished a master's degree in photography and he did the same" she explained.
"yeah, i'm surprised that savannah never mentioned it to you" max spoke whilst i glared at how nonchalant he was being.
"baby sis, can i talk to you for a sec?" i gestured over to the corner.
i led her away from max then stopped once we were far enough for him to not hear us.
"you do remember who max is and what he did?" i quietly reminded her.
she sighed, folding her arms together, "that was almost six years ago".
"he ruined jack's life andrea, all of our lives".
"with something that he did when he needed help" she added. "you know that i'm a forgiving person, savannah and he was telling me about the counselling sessions that he attends and how they have really helped him".
"all he wants to do is gain forgiveness, not come back into your lives".
"but he's already doing that - showing up here, visiting jack and i at work" i argued back. "please just stay away from him or at least be careful, andrea".
she glanced at max talking to his sister, then let out a small huff as she looked back at me .
"fine, sure" she agreed and i gave her a smile of relief before she left my side to join max again.
shit chapter but i just wanted to update something tbh
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