as if on cue, when i came out of the elevator kendall left her office and her eyes darted to me, before telling me to come over.
"so the new guy is waiting for you in your office," she informed me. "and let me just say, wow" kendall quietly squealed.
i shook my head at her excitement and she gave me a small push towards my office. i pulled down on the handle and entered, seeing a brunette, young man peering out of the large window until he did a double-take at my presence.
"hi," he let out a small smile and smoothed down his tie. "sorry, i was just admiring the view from up here - it's crazy".
"yeah, it still seems surreal to me. i'm savannah" i held out my hand and he shook it gently.
"max," he greeted, before letting go.
i went around to my chair and searched for any notes left on my desk during lunch, as he went to stand in front of it.
"so you worked in the photography department?" i asked.
"yes, but coming up to this one is technically a promotion"
i looked up, "really? how?".
"i used to just develop photos or pitch ideas of where the photographers should be photographing" he explained and i raised my eyebrow.
"i know, it sounds really boring because it is" he laughed and i laughed along with him.
"so, what are you doing now?".
"oh, i'm going to actually be taking my own photos and have them used in the magazine".
"well, good on you for the promotion" i smiled as he sat in the chair opposite me.
"what about you? what do you do?".
"i'm an assitant writer, so half of the articles you see in the magazine are co-written by me".
max nodded his head, clapping his hands lightly, "impressive" he said and i playfully took a bow.
a knock on the door interrupted max's next question and it opened, revealing rachel.
"hey, sorry to interrupt savannah but miss carmichael wants you to add more to your article about fashion week".
she handed me the work and i frustratedly threw my head back, "again?".
"yeah, something about you needing to attract the readers more" she explained and i ran my fingers through my hair, trying my best to calm down.
"okay, i'll figure something out" i brushed off as rachel left the office and i scanned through the work she just gave me.
"hey," max said and i looked at him. "i know that we just met and everything, but i happened to get into london fashion week and have a few good shots of the runway".
"really? that's great" i said flatly as i focused on my rejected piece.
"so if you want, you can use them to help with your article" he offered and my eyes widened, before i immediately shook my head.
"what? no, i can't-".
"it's fine, honestly you'll actually be doing me a favour too" he chuckled and i realised how genuine he was being, so i gave in.
"oh my god, you don't know how much of a star you are right now, thank you" i clasped my hands together and said.
"no problem" he shuffled his hand through his bag, then handed me a flash drive. "here, they're on this and you can just give it back to me after you save the pictures".
"thank you so much," i said again. "but i should really be touring you around right now".
i gathering up my work and placed them into my folder.
"well that's a shame, because i was enjoying just talking to you" max licked his lips as he stood up from the seat.
i paused and flashed him a small smile, "touring you around was my boss' orders so if i don't, i could get fired and there won't even be a me to talk to".
he instantly stepped aside, gesturing his arm towards the door, "then, where to first?" he said and i went around my desk to leave, expecting him to follow promptly behind.
showing max around made me realise that i was completely wrong about thinking he'd be snobby and obnoxious, because he's actually turned out to be the complete opposite.
he's laid back, down to earth and beside the flirty comment he made earlier, i'm pretty sure i'll be able to add him to my list of good friends at work soon.
after about forty-five minutes, we ended the long tour outside my office.
"so out of ten, how well would you score my touring skills?".
he chuckled, playing with the cuffing of his shirt, "probably a nine, but i'll give you a ten if you agree to get some dinner with me later".
i was slightly taken back by his words and tried my best to remember how to let a guy down easy. but, i realised that i was hesitating for too long and lightly rubbed the back of my neck.
"i'm sorry, i can't. my boyfriend's preparing dinner for me and him tonight" i explained and his eyebrows raised.
"oh, you have a boyfriend?" he spoke with slight surprise in his voice.
"yes, but maybe tomorrow morning we could grab a quick coffee? y'know as friends?".
"yeah, yeah of course" he cleared his throat and smiled. "that would be great".
i flashed him a grin, then pushed down on the handle of my office door, "okay, well i've got to get back to work, but i'll talk to you later".
"definitely," max nodded his head. "i better go and check out my new office any ways".
he gave me a light wave and i smiled one last time, before going in and closing the door behind me.
after being let off work an hour early, i got out of the apartment elevator and walked down the hallway, as a light, burnt smell began waving around my nose.
the closer i came to our door, the more i could then hear a repetitive alarm going off from inside.
in a slight hurry, i unlocked the door with my keys and was instantly greeted with a small cloud of smoke going past me.
i watched as jack stood underneath the smoke alarm, waving a towel around it to stop it from beeping. before my eyes scanned the kitchen counters, covered by masses of ingredients.
i trapped my lips in my mouth to refrain myself from laughing, as jack noticed me come in.
"oh, you're back early" he yelled over the noise.
i dropped my bag and keys on the side, as the alarm finally came off and jack took a deep sigh of relief.
"my boss said i could go home" i explained, coming towards him. "how's the, um, cooking going?".
he used oven mitts to open the oven and take out a large tray with what i think, was supposed to be lamb.
i took a fork from the side and prodded at the burnt food, "so, is this supposed to be the best meal i've ever had or is there something else burning?".
i gave up on suppressing my laughter and started snickering, until jack snatched the fork off me.
"ha-ha, very funny" he replied, turning around to switch off the oven.
"i'm kidding" i stopped laughing and hugged him around his waist. "i can see that you tried, which is cute so thank you. but i think we're better off just ordering some pizza".
jack hugged me back tightly, "now, that is my speciality" he agreed, kissing the top of my head and unlocking his phone to call the pizza place.
when the pizza had arrived, jack and i sat on the floor eating with our backs leaning against the couch.
"so, how did it go with the new guy at work?" jack questioned with his mouth slightly full.
i wondered whether to tell him that max tried to ask me out or not. but, i guess it's not that big of a deal to be keeping it a secret.
"it went better than i expected" i chewed the food in my mouth. "he was really friendly and sweet because he helped me with my article, but he did try and ask me out at the end though".
jack paused from taking a bite out of his pizza and clenched his jaw, "he did?".
"yeah, but obviously i turned him down and said i had a boyfriend" i shrugged.
"and did he back off?".
i nodded my head, "i just said that we could grab a coffee in the morning as friends".
i tried to look down and focus on eating my food, but i couldn't help but glance at how jack remained with this stern look on his face, as his brows knitted together.
"well, does he know that it's just as friends?" he continued to ask.
"i think so..." i answered, placing the unfinished crust down. "why? what's the problem?".
he looked down, continuing to eat his pizza and shook his head, "nothing".
"shouldn't i have told you or?".
"no, no. i just don't want you to feel awkward, y'know now that you have to work with him everyday".
i chuckled at how much he cared and stroked his cheek, "you worry too much, and i won't because me and him are pretty much on the same page".
"are you sure?".
i nodded my head, "i'm sure" i said and he kissed my hand that still resting on his cheek until i let go and allowed us to continue eating.
the story will get much more interesting soon, i promise
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