savannah's pov
"you have to get out of bed sooner or later" i heard max tell me as i hibernated underneath my duvet like i have been for the past week.
the aftermath of the trial has affected more than i thought it would. jack being in prison has just made me realise how messed up and damaged things have become, that all i can do is just stay in bed and block out everything, and everyone.
i soon heard the doorbell ring and felt max's weight remove from sitting on the bed, assuming that he was going to answer it.
"what are you doing here?" i instantly recognised sammy's voice.
"i don't think that we've been properly introduced, i'm max".
"i know who you are"
"sam, right?" max questioned.
"sammy, actually" he replied, his voice nearing closer to my room. "i need to talk to savannah, so you're not needed anymore".
"but i just got here" max stated.
"and now i'm here" sammy retorted.
max sighed as footsteps left my room, "you won't get much out of her by the way".
"yeah well since it's me, i will" sammy said and i felt a weight on my bed once again, as i continued to bury myself in my duvet.
"hey" he began and i kept quiet, since we haven't spoken since the trial. "...i've got forgiveness cookies".
i huffed and removed the duvet off my head and saw the tub of fresh cookies in his hand. i sat up in the bed and crossed my legs, pulling the sleeves of my oversized jumper down further.
he gestured the cookies closer to me, "i haven't poisoned them, i promise".
i chuckled very vaguely and took one, taking a bite before he settled them on my bedside table.
"i thought that you and johnson would have gone back to la by now" i told him.
"at a time like this? no way" sammy answered. "...look, i'm sorry for yelling at you like that after the trial. it was uncalled for and i should have handled things better".
i shrugged my shoulders, taking another bite, "it's okay".
"it's just that, i was angry after the sentencing and it was a heat of the moment thing".
i nodded my head to show i understood as the conversation drew quieter.
"you made me realise something though" i began. "that everything, all of this is my fault – even the attack, it was because of me. max got hurt because of me, jack is in prison because of me. i've screwed everything up".
sammy furrowed his brows, "hey, that's not true".
"isn't it?" i looked up at him. "i do still love jack, you know that right? i-i don't hate him, i'm just angry at him and i hate what he did".
"i know".
i focused on my hands as i gently fiddled with them, "i just don't get how i can still be so madly in love with someone, who is capable to putting another in hospital".
"...maybe that's because deep down, you know that he didn't really do it" sammy suggested, making me stare at him again.
he lightly scoffed, "savannah, jack didn't attack max. i know him and you know him too".
"max isn't a liar" i firmly said.
"i didn't say that. he could be confused, arguing with jack before the attack could have falsely triggered his memory".
i ran my fingers through my hair, "or maybe i've just seen how violent and possessive jack can really get" i mumbled.
"savannah—" he tried to say.
"max wouldn't take a lie this far".
"oh, come on. you can't possibly tell me that you're going to be okay without jack for six months?" sammy spoke and i looked anywhere, but in his eyes. "you even said it yourself, you love him, how can—".
"i said that i loved him, not that i trusted him" i interrupted.
"so, he cheated on you one time, he said he was sorry, like you've never cheated on a partner before!" he blurted out and i immediately narrowed my eyes at him.
"i think you should go" i said.
sammy sighed, "savannah, just—".
"no! just get out, sammy!" i raised my voice, taking the tub of cookies and handing it back to him. "go!".
and without another word, he got up and did as i told, allowing me to lie back down on my bed when i heard the front door close.
i shut my eyes for a few seconds to calm down, then reopened them and happened to focus on that picture of jack and i that still sat on my bedside.
i instantly faced it down, then pulled the duvet back over my head until i heard footsteps returning to my room.
"don't let it get to you" max's voice whispered.
"how can i not? jack's in prison, everyone thinks i'm crazy for not standing up for him and my relationship with two of my best friends is falling apart" i mumbled into my pillow.
i felt max sit down on the edge of my bed, so i lifted my head and sat up a little.
"well for one, i don't think you're crazy and two, you don't need all those've got me" he said, his lips forming into a smile.
i didn't respond and sighed quietly to myself at how max didn't get it. i do need those people - i've always needed them, so it sucks that this whole situation is getting in between us.
his smile slowly disappeared, "but is it true? that you still love him? jack?".
i slowly nodded my head, "ever since we met at eleven, there's never been a time where we haven't been around each other, you know?".
"but he committed a crime, and he cheated on you and lied about it".
"i know, i know" i told, tucking my hair behind my ear. "that's why i'm trying to get over it, but it's harder than it looks".
max gently rubbed my leg, "it'll get easier, i promise" he said to me and i kindly tried to smile back at his gesture.
i stepped out of the lift at work and immediately felt all eyes on me, and eventually a few whispers.
i'm not stupid, i know what's it's about and kendall even warned me that my life has become the latest gossip here.
max is almost everyone's favourite at work, so now i'm known as the girl with the crazy ex-boyfriend that beat him up.
ignoring the stares and whispered gossip, i walked straight to my office and unlocked it to settle down my bag and coat.
i never got the chance to have any coffee this morning, so i made my way to the break room and of course, the few people paused their conversations to stare, then resume with a comment about me.
i rolled my eyes and poured the coffee into a cup, as i could hear my name being mentioned in the conversation behind me.
"but isn't savannah dating that really hot guy, the tanned one?" one of the women spoke in a useless whisper.
"yeah, that's the one. he attacked max in some alley, all because max and her were friends and now he's in prison for like a year" the other woman replied.
"oh, really? but i heard that she was leading max on any ways".
"i don't know, but i do know that that boyfriend of her's deserves to be locked up, he's a complete psycho" one of them added and i immediately placed down my cup and turned around.
"i am standing right here, you know?" i snapped
"we were just—".
"first of all, if you want to gossip, you should learn to get your facts right and second of all, jack isn't my boyfriend and he's not a fucking psycho, so don't call him that" i harshly explained, leaving them both speechless as i took my coffee and returned to my office.
i sat down in my chair and took a deep breath. practically yelling at those co-workers took a small weight off, but it also slightly triggered the depressed state that i was in last week.
all i have to do is just focus on my reason for being here and just get through the day without anymore drama or outbursts.
i was typing non-stop at my desk, as it hit half-six pm and the door to my office opened with max on the other side.
"wow, you're still here?" he said in surprise, taking a bite of the red apple in his hand.
i nodded, looking back at my computer, "you can miss a lot when you take a week off".
"true, but you also shouldn't exhaust yourself".
"i'm not, i've been working for a reasonable amount of hours" i lied, shifting in my seat.
he sighed, "you need a break".
"i took a break" .
"four hours ago?" max stated and i gazed up at him with a small chuckle, as he walked closer to my desk, "you're taking a break whether you like it or not".
i narrowed my eyes, "is that a threat?".
"stop stalling" he laughed. "just one hour, i promise".
i leant back in my chair, tapping my pen against my cheek, "an hour of what?".
"you'll see, but i can't say right now" max picked up my coat and bag from the corner.
"i don't like surprises" i groaned.
"since when?" he said, almost gasping.
"since today".
he held out my things towards me, "savannah, come on".
i looked at his pleading face, then the time, before looking back at him, "... fine. one hour, then you have to let me go home and finish this work".
"as you wish" max bowed towards me and i saved my work, then took my things off him whilst he quickly left to grab his.
max drove us in his car for almost twenty minutes until he parked outside a fancy restaurant, that we were both under-dressed for.
i laughed as he turned off the ignition, "what the hell are we doing here?".
"what else do they do at restaurants?" he grinned.
"this looks way too expensive, we can just go to mcdonald's or something" i said, trying to put my seatbelt back on until max stopped me.
"it's my treat - please, it's the least i could do after you took such good care of me after everything" max spoke and i bit my lip as i looked out the window at the posh entrance.
"...okay" i turned back to him and smiled. "but just know that i'm going to be ordering the most cheapest thing on the menu".
"looks like i'll be a gentleman and be ordering for you then" he chuckled, both of us stepping out of his car.
this chapter was quite basic but hella long
but i've decided that i love max or i at least like writing his scenes or whatever
but savannah will always and forever be jack's...we hope
p.s. jack's pov will be very soon
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