savannah's pov
friday evening came by pretty quickly. as soon as kendall dropped me off at the apartment, i hurried into the lobby because jack texted me to meet him at home since he has a surprise.
turning the key in the door, i entered the house. the lights were dimmed and there was a dinner set out with candles and rose petals leading from the front door to a seat on the dining table.
"surprise" jack said before his lips curved into a smile.
i pulled my bag off my shoulder and takes off my coat, "jack, what is all of this?".
"well, i'm sure that both of us did a lot of thinking throughout our time apart and i just wanted to celebrate us moving forward" he explained, handing me a glass of wine.
i gazed at him in awe at everything he did, "i love you".
"i love you too" jack replied, then took my hand and guided me to the table, where he pulled out my chair for me then sat on the opposite one.
i smiled at him as i began cutting the
salmon teriyaki on my plate, "so you did all of this yourself?".
"of course".
i raised my eyebrow with a smirk.
"okay, i may have called my mom and asked her for a few tips. but let's just forget i said that" he brushed off.
i laughed, "well, that alone requires effort, so thank you".
after eating and talking about what we'd been up to while we apart, jack went to have a shower whilst i decided wash up all the dirty dishes.
but suddenly, he appeared behind me and started rubbing my shoulders, "savs, what are you doing? i should be doing that".
"but you made such a great dinner, so it's the least i could do".
"okay, but can't it wait until later?" he whispered against my neck before kissing it. "those four days apart drove me crazy".
"it's better to get it done now, so we don't have to later" i responded even though those few days drove me crazy too.
"but i have a surprise for you".
i paused, taking off the tap and drying
my hands with a towel, "another surprise?".
"it's not much, but you'll like it" jack insisted once i turned to him. "it's in the bedroom, come on".
he took my hand and gently pulled me out of the kitchen.
"is this just a trick?" i chuckled.
he rolled his eyes with a laugh, "no. you trust me, don't you?".
"of course i do".
"then keep walking" he spoke as we finally entered the room. "okay, close your eyes".
i sighed, "fine".
i opened my eyes again and jack stood in front of me holding a square-shaped gift that was wrapped perfectly with a ribbon on top.
i dropped my shoulders in shock, "jack,".
"just open it, savannah" he pushed as he trapped his lips in his mouth to hold his smile.
i began unwrapping the present carefully and was soon able to see a large, blue swarovski case inside.
i shook my head, looking up at him, "no, this must have cost you a fortune".
"but it was worth it".
taking the top lid off, i quickly admired the silver diamond-encrusted, heart pendant that sat in the box. i lifted it up and saw an engraving written on the back.
"dear savs, you're my forever. love, jack" i read aloud.
he held his hands in his pockets and lightly rocked back and forth, "well, it's true so we might as well get it in writing".
i could barely believe that he did all of this today, that my eyes started tearing up.
"see, now you're making me cry" i smirked at myself. "this is what surprises do to me".
jack laughed and wiped my falling tear with his thumb.
"is that really how you feel about me? i'm your forever?" i questioned, trying to suppress my watery eyes.
"i've always loved you and i won't stop. so, yes" jack told me.
i carefully settled the gift down and hugged my arms around his neck, "i'll always love you too, thank you".
jack held my cheek then leant in and softly kissed my lips. immediately responding, i kissed him back before his lips began moving at a faster pace.
i took in every touch of his lips since the separated week made it seem like a while. but jack's hands soon came down to my thighs, signalling for me to wrap my legs around his waist until he carried me over to the bed.
the next morning, i stood over the stove trying to make some chocolate chip pancakes on my own since jack decided to be a lazy ass today and thought that he'd rather stay in bed.
"ugh. breakfast smells so good!" jack soon exclaimed as he entered the room and came to hug my waist.
"yeah, breakfast does but your breath doesn't" i teased.
"hey! you're supposed to love me for better and for worse".
i cocked my brow at him as he sat up on the counter, "that's when we're married, genius".
"we can always get a head start" jack winked, although i playfully shook my head and continued cooking.
"so, you finally decided to get out of bed then?" i inquired, putting three pancakes onto a plate.
"it's your fault i'm tired, savannah" he implied. "god, you were amazing last night".
i hit him lightly with a towel as my cheeks heated up, "stop".
"why? it's a compliment, savs".
"but it's an embarrassing compliment".
"how is it embarrassing to know that you pleasure your boyfriend really well?" jack smirked, reaching over to poke my side.
i laughed and pulled my fingers through my hair, "are you going to eat the pancakes or not? they're getting cold".
he jumped down from the counter, "yes, i am and thank you, baby" jack kissed my cheek and took his plate, before i continued making more for myself.
jack and i both decided to have a lazy saturday and stayed home watching tv and talking all day.
yesterday and today has been really fun to just spend time with him without any interruptions or drama - just enjoying each other's company as much as we can, before the week starts up like we used to.
i sat in front of the tv with jack's head lying comfortably on my lap. i gently and continuously stroked my fingers through his hair.
"remember when we were little and almost every saturday - you, me and johnson would have a movie night" i told him.
his chuckle vibrated against my leg, "yeah, but johnson can't stay awake past ten so it would be down to you and me to finish the midnight snacks and tell him about it in the morning".
i smiled at the memory, but it soon faded as my thoughts switched, "we used to be so close".
"used to?" jack sat up. "we still are".
"no, i know" i quickly defended. "it's just that this whole move has kinda separated us three a little".
he touched my hand softly, "you know what? i'm going to prove you wrong. let's facetime him now, where's your phone?".
"it's almost dead" i said.
"right, i think mine's in our room" jack stood up and left the living area to go and search for it. "babe, it's not in here, have you seen it?".
"um," i checked the couch and in between the pillows, before eventually finding it hidden on the floor. "found it!".
i clicked the home button to see if it was dead or not, but instead saw a list of notifications from a group chat with caleb and derek.
i barely noticed that i was now reading what i could see on the screen. but once i saw my name mentioned, i unlocked the phone and tried finding out what my name was involved in.
"snooping through my phone, are we?" jack mockingly spoke as he fell back beside me on the couch.
although, i ignored his words since i was re-reading the messages so that i could comprehend what i had just seen.
"babe," jack nudged me.
i finally turned to him, "what are you talking about with derek and caleb?".
jack chuckled, though i could immediately sense the guilt, "what do you mean?".
"i-i've got to think of a plan" i began reading the messages aloud. "just don't tell her about it, it's better if she doesn't know. telling savannah will just make things harder on yourself...but serious question, who's better in bed her or...nadine?".
jack moved uncomfortably in his seat and the guilty look on his face caused a tiny lump to grow in my throat. but i knew that it would grow bigger if i didn't get some answers now.
"who's nadine?" i inquired, although he sighed and pulled his hands down his face. "...jack?".
he once again kept quiet that i started to become frustrated.
"jack, just tell me!" i exclaimed.
"baby, i am so sorry" he whispered, revealing the truth. i instantly felt as though my heart dropped to my stomach after his words.
"so it's true?" i stood up.
"i-i was completely drunk and things just got out of hand. but to be fair, i thought that you were off having sex with max" jack said.
"is that supposed to be an excuse? you thought that i was sleeping with max, okay, you thought. there was no proof to say that i actually was".
he quickly stood up, "okay, i know that now. but i was really angry and then as soon as i woke up, i regretted it completely".
i scoffed, "well that just changes everything, doesn't it? you regretted it once you were already pleased and satisfied by another women".
"no, it wasn't like that. savannah, it was just a one time thing. you know for a fact that the only person i ever want to wake up beside is you" jack grabbed my hand but i immediately yanked out of his hold.
"no! don't touch me, don't you dare touch me!" i yelled at him.
tears were about to pour out of my eyes at any second that i had to just turn around and leave the room. i quickly shut the door and locked myself in the bedroom, before jack could see me breakdown against the door like this.
i rushed this, i'm sorry but next chapter's going to be pretty heated, so be prepared lol
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