i hurried towards the elevator that was just about to close, until someone quickly held their hand against the doors before they could.
i entered and came face to face with max, who gave me a small smile before i stood on the other side of the elevator as it went up.
"so, are you going to ignore me forever?" he spoke, turning his head to me. "we work together, you're going to have to talk to me sooner or later".
i tried my best to focus on the numbers going up above me, but he spoke again.
"i don't know how many times i have to say sorry".
i closed my eyes and sighed, before finally facing him, "you don't. i at least need someone to talk to, since jack and i aren't even on speaking terms either".
"how comes?".
"we argued about europe, then about you a—".
"wait, about me?" max inquired, cutting me off.
i nodded my head, "jack's not very fond of how much time we spend together and how we talk to each other everyday".
"but we're co-workers and friends, what does he expect?" he snickered.
"i know but he doesn't realise that, so i yelled, he yelled, i had enough and went to bed without a word".
max held his hands in his pockets and shrugged his shoulders, "i feel like this is partially my fault".
"it's not. jack and i have been at each others throats for the last week and i don't know, maybe i just need to stop keeping secrets from him".
"hey, you need to stop blaming yourself all the time" max rubbed my shoulder. "there's two people in every relationship".
"no, it's fine," i brushed off, not wanting to get upset right now. "i'm just not even sure that i still have a date to this event tomorrow".
he bit down on his bottom lip, "well, you could come along with me and my date".
"you have a date?".
"yeah, i asked this women named maya yesterday and it tuns out she was last minute too, so she said yes" max reluctantly replied.
"oh. well i guess that since theo and kendall are going together, it'll just feel like a group thing" i shrugged, before the elevator dinged and more people began to come in.
i guess this is kind of what i deserve, since max asked and i blew him off, then i argued with jack, which didn't better my chances of him agreeing to come with me at all.
but i mean, having no date won't be that bad right?
later in the day, i got a message from kendall telling me to come to the stylist department, so we could try different dresses for tomorrow.
we were both standing on two individual podiums, as two ladies altered a dress on our bodies with a bunch of pins to hold them together.
"so, jack isn't going with you then?" kendall questioned, as the ladies worked on the bottom half of our dresses.
"we're not talking, so it looks like it" i told her.
"so this means that you're going with max?".
i shook my head, "actually, he's already got a date".
"really? oh, well don't worry about it. you can still have as much fun with theo and i then. okay?".
i gave her a smile and nodded my head, before there was a light knock on the door and one of the stylist answered.
max and theo walked in, then paused before us.
"woah, sorry, did we just walk into the modelling department?" theo said.
i shook my head and chuckled, "shut up".
"no seriously, you both look stunning. we're gonna have to step up our game, young theo" max patted his back.
"then i hope you're planning on wearing a tie tomorrow, theo because i prefer them than bowties" kendall informed him.
he pulled his eyebrows together, "wait a second, how come i didn't get any input on your dress?".
"because i didn't let you" she fired back and i laughed at them both, before max turned to me.
"what about you savannah? what would i look better in? a tie or bowtie?" he asked me, biting down on his lip with a smile.
"shouldn't you be asking maya that?" i chuckled with confusion. "but if i was to choose, i'd say either since i'm not as fussy as kendall".
"hey!" she exclaimed at the insult.
max walked a little closer, " aw, come on, i like having your input" he said, staring at me with a pleading face.
"...fine" i gave in. "bowties are slightly better".
he smiled, snapping his fingers at me, "bowtie, it is then".
it's now friday, and jack and i haven't really spoken since the argument.
our conversations have been blunt, we barely look at one another, there's been no sort of intimate contact except for forced kisses on the cheek
and it's been less than forty-eight hours and i miss him.
i had just finished doing my hair and make-up in the bedroom, before i walked into the living room in just my robe to find my missing clutch bag.
jack was sitting on the dining table, completing a bunch of paper work as i quickly scanned the room.
"so you're still going to this event?" he spoke up and i just hummed to respond since i was quite shocked that he was speaking to me. "what time is max picking you up?".
"he's not, he's going with someone else" i told, still continuing to search.
"and who are you going with?".
"uh, no one actually"
he frowned, "oh".
"but it's fine, i'm just going to hang around theo and kendall, so it won't be that bad" i assured, then finally found the clutch bag hidden in the couch.
the conversation was pretty much over, so i made my way back to the bedroom to get fully dressed so i wouldn't be late.
jack's pov
i was tapping my pen against my cheek, reading all of the complex words on the page, until i heard the sound of heels walking against the wooden floor.
i looked up, doing a quick double-take at savannah entering the room. she was wearing a long, silver-sparkled dress, that showed her curves so perfectly and had a slit down the side to show off her gorgeous legs.
she looked beautiful, and i was now struggling to take my eyes off her. but i didn't want to make it obvious so i cleared my throat and attempted to look back down at my work.
"how are you getting there?" i questioned, refraining from looking up.
"by taxi".
i knitted my brows together, "and you're going to come home by yourself in the taxi?" i asked, not really liking the idea.
"yeah, why?".
"are you sure? because i don't know, maybe i could pick you up or—".
she shook her head, "no, just continue working. i'll be fine".
i've known savannah for god-knows-how-many-years and i know for a fact that if she says she's fine without looking directly at me, she isn't.
i watched her take one last look at herself in the mirror. she played with the long curls in her hair and didn't seem as excited for the event as i thought she would be. but she eventually put on a tiny smile and pulled her shoulders back.
"i'll see you" she told me and gave me no time to respond, before leaving the house.
i instantly began to feel bad for deciding not to go with her. but in all honesty, i thought that since i wasn't going, then she'd go with someone else and at least not be alone for the entire night.
but either way, i'm not even sure that she even wants me there.
savannah's pov
before you could enter the lobby of the event, everyone was forced to let the paparazzi take a bunch of photos of you and of course, that wasn't my most thrilled moment since i was one of the only people without a date.
i walked into the lobby and before my eyes could search the room for anyone, i noticed max talking to a few people in the corner.
he didn't notice me at first, but took another look and instantly excused himself from the group he was talking to, to come over to me.
"savannah, wow. y-you" he said, raking his sight across my dress as he stood in a black and white bowtie suit.
"thank you, so do you" i complimented back, not long before a dark-haired girl in a black dress strutted towards us.
"max, there you are" she said.
"oh, maya. this is savannah" he introduced and she held her hand out to shake mine.
"hi, nice to meet you" she smiled through her bright red lips.
"you too".
gently, maya clutched onto max's shoulder, "do you want to go and get a drink?".
"yeah, i'll be there in a sec" he nodded, leaving her to walk away before him. "so, jack really made you come here alone then?".
i nodded my head, "i deserve it any ways".
"right, just like you deserve having a boyfriend who will go crazy just for hanging out with a male friend" he added with sarcasm.
"i don't really want to talk about this right now," i told him in the nicest way possible. "so, i'm going to go find kendall".
although before i could move from my spot, max carefully held onto my arm.
"just know that if i were in jack's shoes, no matter how hard we argued, i'd still be here" he said, letting go at my hand.
i came closer and leant up to kiss his cheek, "thank you" i whispered and he gave me a tiny smile, before i finally walked away.
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