savannah's pov
"savannah" i looked up from my computer as my boss, miss carmichael strutted through the open door of my office.
"well done on that fashion week article" she praised, placing a copy of the magazine open on my article in front of me.
"thank you miss carmichael, that means a lot" i smiled.
"well, it should because that was certainly one of the best in this month's issue, especially due to those photographs".
"oh max took those, you know the new employee in photography?" i mentioned.
"i noticed - you're both very talented individuals, so i suggest that you and him collaborate for the versace show next week".
"of course" i obeyed, nodding my head. "that would be great".
she pulled her sunglasses down over her eyes, "good. keep up the good work and do not let me down".
miss carmichael pointed her finger at me, then whipped around in her designer heels to leave promptly.
i glanced at my masterpiece one last time and with excitement, i jumped out of my chair with it in my hand and hurried down the corridor.
without knocking, i entered max's office with a huge grin, holding up the magazine and diverting his attention from fiddling with a camera on a tripod.
"guess who got an exceptional note from their boss about their article?" i asked, waving the paper in my hands.
he pretended to hesitate and folded his arms,"".
"of course!" i exclaimed, squealing lightly after my words.
"well, you're not the only one who got an exceptional note from their boss" he told, showing me his copy of this month's issue.
"this is seriously the best news i've heard in weeks," i said, coming closer and immediately hugging my arms around his neck. "thank you".
he hugged me back, chuckling over my shoulder, "it was nothing, savannah".
"no" i released from his hold. "i want to make it up to you, because i could of gotten fired if i didn't fix that".
he shuffled his hands into his pockets, as smile curved onto his lips, "well, you could come out for drinks tonight - apparently everyone's going".
i furrowed my brows with confusion, "how does that make it up to you?".
"because, i enjoy your company that's why" max stated.
"okay, but as friends right?" i questioned, raising my brow at him.
"no, everyone's going on one big date" he spoke with evident sarcasm. "yes, as friends. come on, it'll be fun".
he nudged my arm lightly and his cheeky smile instantly made me give in, and nod my head.
"great, okay, so everyone's heading out straight after work" he explained.
"okay, i'll see you then" i gave him a wave before leaving him alone in his office.
that evening, kendall and i left work together and arrived at the bar, seeing theo, max and our other co-workers ordering drinks or dancing to the rihanna song currently playing.
"finally, we're all here!" max announced over the music.
"good," theo yelled, as the bartender placed two shots in front of him. "now who wants to get me drunk?" he asked, drumming his hands on the bar table.
"you do realise that we have work bright and early tomorrow?" max squeezed his shoulder, as theo mindlessly downed one of the drinks.
"i don't care, it's been a long time since-"
at that moment, kendall instantly gasped and clutched onto my arm as one dance by drake started blasting loudly through the speakers.
"oh my god, this song is my shit" she excitedly spoke. "theo, i promise to get you drunk if you dance with me".
"i'll take that deal" he hastily drank his last shot and wiggled his brows at max and i, before kendall escorted him to the dancefloor.
"savannah, come and dance!" kendall called, as i sat down beside max at the bar. "i know you like this song too".
i shook my head, "nah, i'm not up for it. you enjoy yourself".
"max?" she asked, but he also shook his head and chuckled.
"me neither, sorry" he responded, turning in his seat to face me. "so, dancing is not your thing, huh?".
"no way, you?".
"absolutely not" he agreed, then gestured to the bartender. "but, what about a cocktail? is that your thing?".
i chuckled, "of course".
while max ordered two cocktails and paid for both our drinks, i took my phone out and began messaging jack since i never got the chance to tell him that i'd be out tonight.
"who are you texting?" he wondered once our drinks promptly arrived.
i locked my phone after sending the message, "oh, just jack to tell him that i'll be back by at least nine".
"ah, i can't guarantee that. people always tend to loose track of time when i buy them a drink" max cockily shrugged.
"well, i'll just have to make sure that i don't" i responded, smiling to lighten up my words.
"but speaking of jack, how long have you guys been together?".
i slurped some of my cocktail through the straw, "almost nine months now".
"and you moved in together already?" max spoke in a surprised tone.
"but, we've known each other since we were kids then we had this, uh, on and off thing for a while".
"so, it's a first love kind of thing?" he asked, twirling his straw around in his drink.
"yeah. i mean even though we've known each other for so long, i still get butterflies knowing that i'm going home to see him" i unintentionally let out a grin at the thought.
"well, i'm happy that you're happy".
he nodded his head and stared at me, "yeah, i like seeing your smile".
his words ironically happened to put a smile across my face, but i concealed it with my lips together and drank my drink.
"but, enough about my love life. how's yours?" i questioned, placing my elbow on the bar to rest my chin on my hand.
max shook his head and scratched the back of his neck, "i haven't had one since 2014, actually".
"oh. how comes?".
"i guess, the right person just hasn't come around yet" he shrugged.
"she's out there somewhere, though - probably closer than you think".
max lightly bit against his lip, "yeah, i know" he said and i warmly smiled, before going back to drinking my drink.
an hour or so past and even though we planned to go out for just a couple of drinks, max and i were now slightly tipsy and each had four shots lined up in front of us since he suggested we played never have i ever.
"never have i ever...been arrested" i stated and watched max quickly chuck down one of his shots.
my eyes widened, "really?" i questioned and he instantly waved his hand.
"it wasn't a big deal though, just underaged drinking" he shrugged, straightening his posture on the bar stool. "right, my turn. never have i ever...come to work still drunk".
this was my queue to drink one of my shots, before max waited for me to explain. "my friends back in la are the cause of that, not me" i corrected.
he chuckled, as i began thinking of something else to say. "...never have i ever gone skinny dipping" i spoke and we both simultaneously downed another glass.
"university is supposed to be the best years of our lives" max explained, gesturing his glass towards me as i agreed with him.
he slowly rubbed his chin, "um...never have i ever...cheated on my partner" max asked and i picked up my second to last glass and took the drink whole.
"on jack?".
i shook my head, "no, with jack".
"so is that the on and off thing you were talking about?".
i hesitated for a while wondering, whether i should be telling him any of this since it's only been a few days.
"it's okay" max happened to read my mind. "you can tell me".
"well as the short version, he was married to a bitch, i liked him even though i had a boyfriend and it just all got a little too messy".
i ran my finger around the rim of the glass as i thought back to how different things were a year ago, before looking max in the eye.
"i'm not like some crazy home-wrecker, if that's what you're thinking".
"hey, i know that" he sniggered and gently touched my arm. "it's been a couple of days and i know that you of all people have no intention on hurting anyone".
max softly rubbed my arm in comfort and i smiled lightly at his understanding. but as if on cue, theo stumbled between us both and put his arm around our shoulders.
"alright, that-that is enough dancing and drinking for me. i think i'm going to-...i think i'm going to call it a night" he slightly slurred.
"me too" kendall came beside me. "or else you will not see this face at work tomorrow".
"aw, come on you guys, it's only nine" max said, checking the watch on his wrist.
"yeah, it's still early" i added.
"savannah, don't you have a boyfriend to be getting back to?" kendall said and my eyes grew bugger at the reminder.
"oh shit, jack, i completely forgot. i have to go" i abruptly stood up and began putting my jacket back on.
max quickly took his last shot and stood up too, "do you want me to drop you off?" he offered.
"no, i don't want to cause too much trouble".
"it's okay, savannah. i'll take you" he gently patted my shoulder. i took my bag and said my goodbyes to theo and kendall, then followed max out to his car.
minutes later, i came through the front door with a tiny stumble in my walk to see jack sitting comfortably on the couch watching tv.
"hey, i thought you'd be back at nine" he called out as i shut the door behind me.
"i know, but i lost track of time with max" i explained.
i came and sat down beside him, lying my head on his chest and letting him hold me tightly in his arms.
"oh well, have you eaten?" jack stroked my hair lightly as i stared at old episode of prison break.
"no, i'm starving" i looked up at him with a pout on my face.
"well, i made my famous speciality".
my face slightly lit up, "mac and cheese?".
jack laughed at my excitement and pointed towards the kitchen, "yeah, it's in the oven" he said and i quickly got up to grab myself a plate.
"so, is this max a new friend from work?" he questioned, when i came to sit back down with my legs crossed on the couch.
i nodded, "he's the new guy that i had to show around, but it turns out that he's actually quite cool" i said, taking a bite of my food.
"he's super chill, he's got the best british accent - seriously if you meet him, you'll love him" i added, as jack smirked at my face and lifted his thumb to wipe the corner of my mouth.
"well, i guess i look forward to it" he said and i smiled at his gesture, going back to eating his mac and cheese.
this chapter is longer than usual but idk if it's good or not. but if i do decide to edit it, i'll tell you.
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