savannah's pov
i hastily drank the rest of my fourth cocktail, tilting my head back and allowing the alcohol to quickly consume me as bounce back by big sean blasted in the club speakers.
"okay, i'm ready for another one" i loudly settled down my glass. "who else?".
"i'm still on my second" lauren shook her drink gently.
kendall did the same, "me too".
the other girls that we were with all held back, telling me that they're were fine with the drink that they were still aiming to finish.
"aw, come on. i thought that we were supposed to be having fun?" i exclaimed.
"don't you think that that's enough with the drinks?" lauren whispered to me, but i instantly cocked my head back.
"what? no! get one more" i held onto her arm and begged, although she and the others stared at me with blank faces and shook their heads.
i rolled my eyes and stood up, "fine. i guess it's just one for me".
i made my way through the crowd and stopoed at the bar, where i caught the cute bartender's attention. i ordered one cocktail that he kindly gave me for free, and then i added five vodka shots go with it just for some extra fun.
once he lined up the five mini glasses before me, i downed the first one, then the second, then the third.
"woah. slow down there, princess" a male voice spoke in my ear.
i knitted my brows and swallowed the sharp remains of the drink, "excuse me?".
he finally stood beside me and i was able to get a better look. he had dark hair, light brown skin, a beard that was stylishly scruffy and he practically towered over me with his tall height.
"i saw you drink about three glasses over there, and now the shots and the extra cocktail?" he explained.
"okay. one, watching me from afar is pretty creepy and stalkerish and two, for your information, i'm just enjoying my night out. is that a crime?" i inquired, before quickly taking the fourth shot.
the man rested his elbows against the bar, so he was lowered to my height, "let me guess: you were really excited to let loose tonight but now your friends are limiting themselves to two drinks, keeping sober and you feel like you might as well party on your own".
"yes!" i threw my head back with relief. "you completely understand".
he held his hand out, "reece,".
"savannah" i told, returning the gesture. "so, reece, are your friends planning on remembering what happened tonight?".
he gestured behind him, "no, they're aiming to get as drunk as you could ever be as per usual. i just came over to chat to the pretty woman".
i smiled at his compliment and passed him my last shot, "i like you — here".
"so, what exactly is the cause of this night out?" reece questioned before taking down the vodka. "or are you just that spontaneous?".
i loudly sighed, "let's just go with a messy break up".
"aw, did someone cheat?".
"yeah, and also a situation that involved being falsely accused of a crime, but let's not get into that".
he lifted up his empty glass, "well, a toast to moving on from a bullshit relationship".
"a-fucking-men" i clinked my cocktail glass with his.
after discussing each of our favourite memories that were only caused by how wasted we were, reece took me over to meet a few of his friends and we were currently cheering on a guy to chug down half a bottle of wine.
he got most of it down, but the remains started falling down his chin before the bottle was finished and loudly put it down.
he raised his arms up like a champion and we cheered at his ability to take that much wine in one go.
i held onto my stomach, as i laughed, "honestly...honestly, you guys are so much fun".
"woah, looks like savannah's a little pissed" one of reece's friends announced.
"a little?!" another exclaimed.
"blame this guy over here" i slurred, linking my arm around reece's muscular one.
"nah, we should be blaming the ex boyfriend she's trying to get over" he drunkenly corrected.
"ugh, don't even mention him. if...if he doesn't want me then i don't want him, i don't even need him. he is history now" i explained to them all, struggling to sit up right.
"you sure about that?" reece laughed at me.
"look, i can even prove it" i told him, then grabbed his shoulder and crashed my lips into his - he immediately responded and kissed me back, whilst his friends cooed and cheered at the make out session before them.
jack's pov
tonight, the guys decided to go and get a drink at a local bar, but i just honestly wasn't in the mood to fill up my system with tons of alcohol, so i decided to stay indoors .
but after a while of texting with nadine, i invited her over to keep me company and so that we could continue watching this film that we never finished last time.
she sat fairly beside me with her legs hunched up and a blanket over our laps, as my arm stretched over the top of the couch.
we were both pretty focused on the film until it ended and the credits started rolling in.
nadine stretched over and paused the tv with the remote, before going back to the netflix menu and searching for another film.
"okay, let's watch..." she hesitated. "...clueless!".
"no, i am not about to watch a romcom" i chuckled, shaking my head.
she gasped at my decline, "why not? it's a classic".
"but it's not for me".
nadine pouted her lips, "aw, does jack not want to break his masculinity?".
"ha-ha" i sarcastically replied, before trying to grab the remote. "let's pick another movie".
"nope, it's already starting" she concluded and pressed play.
"alright, fine" i told her, then started trying to fight the remote out of her hands as she squirmed around beneath me in laughter.
"give me the remote, this is my house" i laughed.
"technically, it's derek's and plus, you're gonna have to fight me first" she responded.
"what does it look like i'm doing?" i lifted myself further off the couch to gain a better reach yet nadine pulled my hand and i instantly fell on top of her.
her laughter slowly died down and so did mine until she bit onto her bottom lip and stared at my eyes.
her hand reached up to hold onto my shirt and bring me closer, but multiple texts from my phone interrupted any other movement.
i stretched out my hand to turn my phone over and saw three texts from savannah:
"what is it?" nadine whispered, whilst my body still hovered over hers.
i stared at my phone, re-reading the message then shook my head to snap out of my reverie, "um, savannah's texting me. i can't even understand what she's saying".
"then leave it" nadine suggested. i licked my lips, placing my phone back down and she pulled me down to attach her lips to mine.
although, after a few moments, she groaned slightly once my ringtone interrupted us once again.
"sorry, hold on" i sat up properly and answered the call from savannah. "hello?".
"jacky!" she exclaimed as loud music played in the background. "guess what i'm doing?".
"savs, are you drunk?".
"are you?" she hysterically laughed. "i'm at a club and i'm drinking and drinking and drinking until i forget what the hell a jack is".
i knitted my brows together, "who are you with?".
"i'm...i'm with...wait, where's lo and kendall?" savannah began chuckling at her drunken forgetfulness. "oops".
"seriously, savannah. you need to go home, you're wasted" i advised her, but she immediately groaned at my words.
"yes, i'm drunk, so fucking what? and you can't forgive me over the whole max situation since we're stating facts here".
"hey, come on savannah!" i heard an unknown voice yell in the background.
"who was that?" i quickly inquired.
"my new friends! reece, you need to buy us another round" she spoke, completely ignoring me on the other line.
"savannah...savannah?" i tried getting her attention.
"got to go, i have people to entertain" she promptly told, just before the line fell completely silent.
"savannah" i said one last time then looked at the phone to see that the call was ended.
nadine shifted closer towards me, "is everything okay?...jack?".
"uh, yeah. everything's fine" i glanced at her with a brief smile whilst mindlessly fiddling with my phone in my hands.
"well, in that case" she used her finger to turn my head to her, then came a little closer to place a kiss on my lips.
she pulled back, smirking at me before reconnecting the kiss. i started to return the gesture and held onto her lower back until she gripped my shoulders then straddled my lap.
nadine's tongue gently ran across my lips and i would have done the same, if i wasn't so distracted right now. she's a great kisser, i'm not going to deny that but with all honesty, after that phone call, i just can't control my thoughts right now.
i pulled away from her, looking down with a sigh. she quickly licked her lips then pushed her hair back.
"you need to go to her, don't you?" she said and i glanced up.
"it's nothing personal and i swear, this was good. but i just need to make sure that she's okay" i explained.
nadine willingly climbed off me, "it's fine, go. i mean, i don't get it but—".
"what don't you get?" i questioned, standing up with my phone and house keys.
"you and your mixed emotions for savannah. it's like you're either annoyed at her for thinking you were guilty or you're going after her and saying you love her".
i took in her words, but decided to ignore them because i couldn't deal with this right now.
"i'll see you later, nadine. you can let yourself out" i said and she nodded, before i headed for the door.
i started putting on my jacket with my phone held between my ear and shoulder as i tried getting hold of savannah again, but there was no answer.
i then called lauren as i tried finding a taxi, since derek burrowed my car. she instantly picked up, telling me that savannah was beyond drunk and refusing to go home before giving me the exact address of the club.
i soon arrived and searched for no more than a minute until i spotted savannah standing up on a low table that was surrounded by a bunch of men.
they encouraged and cheered her on as she seductively danced around in a small, black dress to the playing song and continued to entertain them.
being unable to watch this, i stormed over and forcefully came in between the guys.
"hey, that's enough. show's over, boys" i told them all until they started complaining and swearing at me to move out of the way.
"savannah! savannah, get down!" i called, staring up at her on the table as she moved hr hips around.
she finally noticed, but gave me a harsh glare before continuing to dance.
"savs, seriously. you're embarrassing yourself!" i added, before my shoulder was aggressively pulled back.
"hey! leave her alone!" a dark-haired man, who was much taller and much muscular than me said.
"yeah, she's entertaining us! what are you? her boyfriend?" another man continued.
"no, he's not!" savannah answered them. "so, you can leave me alone".
i rubbed the stubble on my chin, questioning what to do next since the men and savannah ignored any of my words and carried on doing as they please.
"okay, fine. i didn't want to have to do this, but," i came closer towards the table and grabbed onto savannah's waist, before lifting and carrying her over my shoulder.
she immediately tried to fight off my hold, whilst the men loudly complained at how i was taking their entertainment away.
"jack, what the fuck?! put me down! get off me!" savannah yelled as i made my way through the club, getting multiple stares.
we came outside and got into the first black taxi that was pulled up. savannah lazily laid against the door, still extremely wasted, as i sat beside her and began telling the driver her address.
"this...this is fucking kidnap" she moaned.
the driver glanced at the both of us cautiously, leaving me to awkwardly smile at him.
"no. no, it's not" i assured them both.
"yes, it is. let me out" she continued to groan then tried to open the door on her side of car until i quickly stopped her.
"you know, i can get you sent back to jail for this" she pointed her finger at me, but struggled to get her aim straight.
"sure" i simply agreed, patting her leg.
savannah stared out of the window as we continued to drive down the night, london city, "where are you...where are you taking me?".
"home — where you can't parade in front of a bunch of pervs, completely drunk and wearing a tiny dress".
"so, first you kidnap me and you're basically calling me a slut?".
"i didn't mean it like that" i softly said to her.
"then what did you fucking mean?" she mumbled.
"that those guys had no respect for you whatsoever. you were clearly much more drunk than they were, so who knows what could have happened if i didn't pick you up" i honestly explained.
she didn't reply, but instead moved away from the window to gently lean her head on my shoulder. although seconds after, she moved down and lay across the seat with her head on my lap for the rest of the journey.
jack still cares about savs and it's so fucking cute
next chapter is coming very, very soon. it's already written, but i just need to fix a bunch of typos
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