savannah's pov
i resulted into staying seated at my table with a drink in my hand, whilst kendall and theo went off to dance once again. every single song happened to be their favourite, so hanging out with them turned out to be no fun.
the event has only been going on for forty-five minutes and i was already feeling like going home.
but i began wondering what jack was up to right now. whether he was still working hard at the dining table with a cup of coffee on the side, even though i tell him countless times to not drink coffee after 9pm.
or if he adorably fall asleep on top of his work or just gave up and is now sitting on the couch watching new episodes of modern family without me.
i helplessly chuckled to myself at that last one, taking out my phone to start sending a text to him before it was gently taken out of my hands.
"in what part of cinderella does she sit at an empty table, drinking a prosecco and texting with a pouty face?" max appeared, dangling my phone out of my reach.
"i'm not cinderella though, am i?".
he sat down beside me, "but judging from how great you look tonight, you're 99.99% close".
i wasn't quite sure how to respond to that without evidently blushing, so i decided to change the subject.
"can i have my phone back, please?" i begged, trying to reach his other hand.
max laughed at my failed attempts, "who are you texting any ways?".
"jack - now give it back" i answered and finally pulled the phone out of his hold.
he narrowed his eyes, "even after he was a total jerk to you?".
"don't call him that," i said, restarting my text. "...and you just don't get it".
hope you're doing okay
love you
i sent the two messages, then locked my phone before max sighed.
"i do get that he made you upset".
i huffed, pulling my hair back slightly, "he made me upset, i made him upset, that's what occasionally happens in relationships, but we get over it and move on".
"and you need to stop checking up on me, max. you have a date with you" i quickly told him, so this topic would be over.
he sat back against the seat, "well for one, i can't enjoy maya's company whilst wondering if you're okay or not".
"i'm fine...honestly".
"i know that you're not, savs" he said, unusually using my nickname. it instantly caught me off guard, that i stared at him blankly. "what?".
i shook my head to snap out of it, "sorry, it's just-it's just that no one's ever called me savs except for jack".
"oh sorry, yeah, he warned me about that one".
i frowned, "he warned you?".
"that night when he freaked out at the bar, he said that only he's allowed to say it and it's been like that since you two first met".
an unintentional smile settled across my face, "yeah, when we were younger, jack used to tease me with it because i hated it. but he never stopped so it grew on me".
"oh. well then, i'm sorry".
"no, no, don't be. it may sound silly, but it's just because it's always been mine and jack's thing, you know?".
he nodded his head and gave me an assuring smile, "i understand".
"max!" maya hurried over to our table. "i want to introduce you to a few friends of mine, then you owe me a dance".
he looked at me sympathetically as if to make his decision for him.
"it's fine, go" i shooed him away.
"max, have fun" i cut him off with a smile. "honestly, i'm good. i mean, i have my wine, what more could i need?".
"...okay" he thankfully gave in, then maya hooked her arm around his to take him away to the other side of the room.
i checked my phone to see if jack had replied yet, but nothing. he usually replies to texts really quickly, unless it's me telling him to stop at the store for any groceries.
i decided to give him some more time and walked over to the bar to refill my now finished drink.
time past quickly and once the bartender served me again, i sat down on the bar stool.
i watched people converse at their allocated tables, theo and kendall still on the dance floor, max speaking to a bunch of maya's friends and then a couple sitting at a table, sharing a few innocent kisses.
instantly, my mind cast back to jack.
i just hate this. i hate all of this. it's been almost two days and i already miss how he'd say good morning to me everyday, and if one of us is awake before the other, he'd text it to me instead.
and how we'd cuddle to sleep every night and if it gets to a point where i feel like i'm being too clingy, he'll pull me closer by his arm to assure that i'm not.
i looked at my phone again and jack still hasn't responded. he's obviously seen it appear on his lock screen, but is too annoyed at me to respond.
i bit down on my lip in attempt to suppress the single tear that was falling out of my eye. i quickly wiped it with my finger until someone wrapped their arms tightly around my waist.
"you know very well that i hate seeing my baby girl cry" the familiar voice whispered, kissing the side of my neck.
i immediately turned around and saw jack standing in a clean, black and white suit. without hesitation, i flung my arms around his neck and hugged him tightly.
"jack, w-what are you doing here?" i tried to say without allowing more tears to escape my eyes.
"after you told me that you weren't going with anyone, i felt bad" he released from my hold.
"you did?".
"yeah, i mean i did want to come with you, but i was just being stupid and holding a grudge. a really stupid grudge" he explained, helping me wipe my under eye with his thumb.
i intertwined our hands together, "i'm sorry, for everything. i fucking hate when we fight".
"same here" jack kissed the top of my head. "i'm sorry too, i was being childish and we should of just talked it out like adults".
everything was happening so fast right now that i could barely comprehend it all, so i just stood up and hugged him once again.
"did you get my text?" i questioned against his shoulder.
"no, my phone died as soon as i left the house" he explained and i felt an instant relief at the answer.
i pulled away from the hug and bought my face closer to his, "i love you".
he chuckled and soothed down my hair, "i love you too, savannah" he said, passionately attaching his lips that i've missed so much, to mine.
when we pulled apart, i continued to give him tiny kisses as he smiled against them.
"i have to go to the bathroom," i told him.
he moved his hands along my waist, keeping our faces close, "one more kiss".
i smiled with an eye roll and kissed him once again, before he let me out of his hold and i hurried to the bathroom.
jack's pov
as i waited for savannah at the bar, i decided to order myself a drink since i was well aware of how long women usually take once they see a mirror in the bathroom.
i paid the bartender for my drink and took a quick sip.
"finally decided to show up, then" an annoying voice spoke from beside me.
i tried my hardest to ignore them by looking down at the drink in my hand.
"what made you change your mind?" max added and i finally decided to look up at him this time.
"my girlfriend's happiness did, do you have a problem with that?" i said through gritted teeth.
"no, it's just that you sure did take your time" he snickered. "because while you were deciding whether or not to escort your girlfriend here, i was forced to see her upset for the entire night and comfort her to make sure that she wouldn't cry".
i shrugged, "what? are you expecting some sort of thank you?".
"no, i just want to make sure that you're here for the right reasons" he answered. "is it because of savannah or is it because you knew that i was here and you wanted to keep an eye on me?".
i chuckled at his deceiving behaviour, "you know, you act really different when savannah's not around".
"you didn't answer my question, mate".
"what does it even matter to you?" i inquired, becoming a little agitated.
"because i care about savannah and i need to make sure that she's okay at all times".
i took a haste step forward, "that's not your duty, that's mine as her boyfriend".
he didn't respond, but instead found my comment very amusing.
"right fine, ever since you tried to kiss her, i don't trust you alone with savannah" i loudly whispered. "but i'm not going to let you get in the way of the relationship that we took so long to build".
max raised his shoulders and patted my shoulder, "whatever you say, jack" he spoke with a smug smile, then left me at the bar once savannah was back in sight.
i hope that when jack and savannah kissed, max was watching in the background and crying a fucking river.
lol but what do you think will happen for savs, jack and max in future?
and also many old faces will be back next chapter so i'm excited
and btw i live for all these max rants on the past few chapters you guys are hilarious ily
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