jack's pov
i had just woken up and noticed that the space beside me was empty.
but i sat up once the bathroom door opened, watching savannah hurry out in just her underwear and with her make up done.
"and where is your sexy-ass going?" i groggily asked with a smirk.
"work, and i'm running late" she explained.
i groaned, leaning my head against the headboard as she rushed into her walk-in wardrobe, "can't you just take the day off?".
"no, unless you want to see me get fired" she called out.
"well, who's going to stay with me?".
"oh i'm sorry, do you want me to call you a babysitter?" savannah teased, laughing lightly at the end.
"you know what i mean" i rolled my eyes. "babe, just call in and say you have food poisoning".
she came back into the bedroom, surprisingly and annoyingly fully dressed, and buttoning up her black jeans, "that's ridiculous, plus you have work too".
"not until one".
"what's the difference?" she looked at me through the mirror, while quickly brushing her hair.
i got out of bed and sauntered over to lock my arms around her tiny waist, "babe, please" i breathed in her ear, but she immediately released from my hold.
"bye, jack" she sang, running her hands through her hair and walking towards the bedroom door.
i sat back down on the bed, "hey! where's my hug and kiss?" i called out and just before she left the room, she came over to where i opened my arms then kissed her softly.
"enjoy your day" i spoke but before savannah could escape from my hold, i pulled her back onto the bed with me and rolled so that i was towering over her.
"jack!" she squealed with her adorable smile and hair falling messily over the sheet, and on her face.
"stay with me" i gently stroked her hair.
savannah raised her brow, "it seems like you're set on getting me fired".
"it doesn't matter, any ways. i have enough money to take care of you" i admitted, coming down to settle a kiss on her collarbone.
"yeah, that's sweet and all but i like working for success, rather than being handed it" she said, pushing my chest up. "but seriously, i'm late".
i sighed, "fine" i rolled the side and let her stand to straighten up her clothes and hair again.
"how am i meant to explain why i'm late now?" she pushed my shoulder.
"easy. tell them that your boyfriend tired you out last night" i licked my lips and winked.
she shook her head, turning to leave the room and i followed her out.
"but since you don't want to stay all alone in the house, you can head down to a grocery store today" savannah suggested and i scrunched up my face.
"grocery store? we don't need anything".
she paused in the kitchen and opened the fridge, "seriously? we have a drop of milk left, two slices of bread, we need more chocolate syrup or else you'll have a tantrum and plus, we need ingredients for dinner tonight, which i have on a list right here".
she handed me the small paper and i scanned through the written list of foods, before looking up at her in awe.
"what would i even do without you?".
she shut the fridge door, "probably starve to death" savannah admitted, and we both laughed just as the doorbell suddenly rang.
we exchanged quick looks since we weren't expecting anyone, but i walked over to the door to answer it any ways.
"uh, hi. can i help you?" i spoke to the unfamiliar, dark-haired man standing before me.
"hey, you alright? i'm max. is savannah here?".
"oh, so you're the famous max that my girlfriend talks about" i said, giving him a quick scan from head to toe. "babe, max's here for you!".
savannah instantly approached the door and i weirdly watched max's face light up a little more, "hey, what are you doing here?" she asked.
"well, i thought we could head to work together. i stopped for some muffins and tea before and got you some" he explained as he handed her the items.
"aw, that's sweet" she smiled, picking up her handbag from beside the door. "thank you".
"so, i'll head to the grocery store and i'll pick you up later?" i told her and she nodded her head, giving me a kiss on the lips.
"bye" savannah walked out the door with a wave.
"bye baby. nice meeting you, max" i called out and he gave me a quick smile, before i shut the door behind them.
due to the increasing amount of boredom at home, i entered the conference room where our boss usually makes us pitch and discuss ideas for new advertising campaigns.
i sat down on the large table in the seat next to one of the new friends i gained, here at work.
"hey man, weren't you supposed to be starting at one today?" derek asked, double checking the expensive watch on his wrist.
i unlocked my briefcase on the table and took out a few files, "yeah, but i decided to come in early".
"how comes?" another friend, caleb questioned beside derek.
"i was bored and well, you know that guy max? the one who savannah's been talking about?" they nodded their heads. "he turned up at our door today to pick her up with some breakfast".
"wait, is this the same guy that tried asking her out on his first day at her work?" derek recalled.
"yep" i scanned through the content on the papers in my hand.
"and the guy that she was busy hanging out with yesterday?" he asked again and i nodded.
"and you're okay with this?" caleb sounded quite surprised, so i raised my head to look at them.
"okay with what?".
"y'know, the whole guy-you-don't-even-know-spending-an-exceeding-amount-of-time-with-your-girlfriend" caleb elaborated.
i scratched the back of my head, spitting out a light chuckle, "it's only been a week, caleb. plus, i trust savannah and seeing as she told me about him asking her out shows that it's nothing to her, they're just friends".
derek patted my back in a somewhat sympathetic manner, "well, you better make sure that this max realises that" he said, before our boss came into the room and got straight into the presentation.
i don't know whether derek and caleb are just trying to wind me up or if what they're saying actually makes sense.
but when max saw savannah today after i answered the door, his face perked up in a way that could possibly mean that he saw her as more than just a colleague, or a friend.
i don't know, maybe i'm overreacting because i know that he already had an interest in her.
although all i know is that i trust my girlfriend, and that she wouldn't let anything jeopardise our relationship after everything we've been through.
this was partially a filler chapter, but i'm already half way through writing the next chapter which will be much better
slow updates rn bc of exams btw
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