savannah's pov
"morning beautiful" jack entered my room and i sat up in the bed, letting out a big yawn.
"jack, what is all this?" i asked with a smile growing on my lips.
"i thought i'd treat you with a special breakfast in bed" he settled the tray on my lap.
jack has been so sweet and caring over the past few days. he's always been like this but lately, he's taken it to another level because things have been so great between us lately.
we came back to london to get back to our lives and jack spent practically every night at my house, despite derek complaining everyday that i'm stealing his roommate.
and in terms of my injury, i've managed to make a good recovery. i'm off the crutches, but the doctor says that i still have to take care when lifting heavy objects or doing vigorous exercise.
i looked over the plate of food on my lap. it was filled with a big waffle topped with strawberries and blueberries, a small side of scrambled eggs, a slice of toast and a coffee to go with it all.
"okay. what did you do, say or break now?" i suddenly questioned, biting off a strawberry from my fork.
"nothing!" jack laughed. "can't a man show some appreciation to his girlfriend by treating her to a home-cooked meal?".
i stared at him, smiling in awe, "it's been a while since i've heard you call me that".
"what? my girlfriend?" he inquired. "well you are, aren't you? or have i just been reading the past week or so completely wrong?".
i shook my head, letting out a chuckle.
"no, no, you haven't. it's just nice to know that we're back to how things were when we first moved here".
"same here" jack smoothed down my hair and kissed the top of my head. "now eat up or else the food will get cold".
"okay, okay".
i started eating the waffles and the fruit first whilst jack sat beside me on the edge of the bed. but i couldn't help but laugh at how uncomfortable he was making me feel by just staring at me.
"...are just going to sit here and watch me eat?" i asked.
"well at first, i wanted to see if you liked it but now i don't think i can, because you're eating strawberries and i forgot how hot you looked when you ate them".
i raised my eyebrow as i chewed the food in my mouth, "are you getting turned on by me eating fruit?".
"yes" he licked his lips. "and i would think that you're doing it purposely" jack muttered, leaning in to place a kiss on my collar bone.
"so, i'm guessing last night wasn't enough for you" i giggled, even though i was enjoying what he was doing to me.
"enough of you?" his lips migrated to kissing my neck. "never".
i gently pushed his chest back, "but for now, you will because this is the best breakfast that you've ever made me and i would like to enjoy it".
he huffed out loud and settled himself down, "fine then".
as my attention went back to my food, jack came closer to try and give me a kiss but i moved my head to the side.
"i haven't even brushed my teeth" i stated.
"i don't care" he smirked and i let him attach our lips any ways. he hummed against the kiss and with the way his pace started to increase, i knew that he was getting excited.
once again, i held his chest back and pulled away from the kiss.
"i guarantee that you left the kitchen in a complete mess" i whispered to him.
"is that supposed to be sexy talk because you're failing, babe?".
i swatted his arm, "no, it's bossy girlfriend talk because she knows that you like to cook then leave things in a complete pig sty".
"when do i ever—" i cut him off by giving him my best stern look. he then let out a deep sigh in annoyance. "i hate the bossy girlfriend".
he rose up from the bed and headed for the door.
"but you shouldn't because once you're done in there and i'm done in here, they'll obviously be a reward" i explained, biting down on my lip.
"you, savannah brooks, are the biggest tease ever" he pointed his finger at me and i responded with a laugh, before he left me to eat the rest of my breakfast in peace.
once i was done, i came into the kitchen to see jack finishing off his cleaning by wiping down the counter tops. i moved to the sink and started to wash my own plate and silverware.
"hey, i'll do that" he interrupted me.
"no, it's okay. i've got it" i told and he left me to quickly finish up.
as i continued washing the dishes, i started to question my next words but thought that i might as well tell him now instead of leaving it until last minute.
"so, um, while i was in the bedroom, i was thinking about what i said about going back to how things were when we first moved in" i began.
he hummed to respond.
"and also about what our family and friends were saying about staying in la longer, and how they miss us" i placed the dishes on the drying rack, then turned to face him.
i dried my hands with the small towel and squinted my eye a little as if i was afraid of what was coming.
"would we be completely crazy if we considered moving back to california?" i asked.
jack was clearly taken aback by my words that it took him a second to reply.
"wow" he managed to say. "no, and yes. i mean, i miss our family and friends too, but didn't we spend so long trying to settle into london with this house, new friends, our jobs?".
"yeah of course, but there's a vogue la. i'm currently in my boss' good books so i could see what she could do about transferring me and if not..." my words trailed off as i struggled to think of the possibility.
jack immediately stepped forward and stroked my shoulders, "but you'll be back to where you started, savs".
"i don't want to think of it like that" i shook my head. "maybe i'll find an alternative that's not as amazing as vogue".
"yes. i'm just tired of being homesick and feeling like i'm missing out on everyone's lives, jack".
he nodded understandingly, "me too".
"but what about you?" i said, lightly holding his hand since i selfishly didn't ask until now. "what about your job?".
he scratched the back of his head, "working in advertising is cool but writing alongside the guys was so much better. but, i highly doubt that the job is just sitting there waiting for me".
maybe i should have kept my mouth shut. i hate seeing this worried look on his face all because i've walked in here and completely made the future unclear for us both.
i stared up at him, playing with the hem of his shirt.
"you can ask johnson or maybe ask sammy's dad's friend, you know the one that got us the jobs in the first place to put a good word in for you" i suggested.
"hey" i touched his cheek to face me. "if we work this out and realise that moving back to la isn't the best option for us, then we'll stay".
"are you sure?".
i nodded, "you and me. we're in this together, right?".
"of course".
"so as long as it works for both of us," i hugged my arms around his waist. "we could still make london our home".
jack wrapped his arms around me too, "okay".
"yeah?" i tried to assure, looking up at him.
"yes" jack settled and pecked my lips multiple times. i glanced around the kitchen at how clean it was whilst i continued to hold onto him.
"you did a pretty good job in here, babe" i flashed him a smile.
"it's not the praise i wanted, it's the reward".
i smirked and lifted myself up on my tiptoes a little to hover over his lips.
"i never said anything about a reward?" i whispered.
"yes, you did" he clarified.
"no, i don't think so".
jack threw his head back, inwardly groaning but struggling to hold a smile off his face.
"you're loving this, aren't you?" he questioned.
"mhmm" i gave him a brief kiss. "but i think i would love something else more right now".
jack gave me a look to see if we were thinking of the same thing. i'm pretty sure that he's had enough teasing him for the morning, so i nodded to agree.
before i knew it, he lifted me up over his shoulder, causing me to let out a squeal and carried me all the way to the bedroom.
once the elevator dinged, i stepped through the open doors to the floor of jack's work.
i came to surprise him at lunch and suggest that we go out and eat together, since it was my day off and i was already missing him from this morning.
as i headed to jack's office, i was glad that there was no chance of me bumping into tristan at any point. he decided to leave the workplace and apparently transferred to the official headquarters.
some people said that he went for the higher pay, but others say that he just couldn't stand seeing jack being happy with me every day.
i knocked on the door of the office and jack immediately answered for me to come in. he was standing over his desk and did a quick double take at my presence.
"baby! what are you doing here?" he greeted with a huge grin on his face.
"i came to surprise you, i thought we could grab some lunch together" i told, walking closer to him.
he leant against his desk and opened up his arms to pull me into him, so that i was standing between his legs. instinctually, i bought my face closer and he captured my lips into a kiss.
"i'd love to go to lunch with you" jack whispered.
"great. so where should we go?" i asked, gently stroking my fingers through his hair.
"i'm in the mood for sushi" he suggested, but i grimaced.
"had sushi with kendall last night" i told. "what about italian?".
"pizza and pasta - too basic" jack disagreed. "nandos?".
i shook my head, "we go there so much that they might as well permanently reserve a table for us".
he threw his head back and started to laugh at me.
"we've got to agree on something" jack spoke, then checked the watch on his wrist. "i have just under an hour until my lunch ends".
"well, if worst comes to worst, we can just stay here and have a private meal of our own" i mentioned, cocking my eyebrow.
i stroked the back of his neck, lightly and teasingly, then came closer to gently kiss along it. jack titled his head up a little to give me more access, as i loosened his tie slightly and started to work my lips on that area too.
"fuck. what if we get caught?" he said in between a groan.
i came up to his ear, "then we'll just have to be extra, extra quiet".
i nibbled on jack's earlobe, knowing very well what it would do to him and as if on cue, jack pushed himself back on the desk, causing multiple things to fall on the floor before his hands grabbed onto my thighs and lifted me onto his lap.
i straddled his legs and he connected his lips to mine, increasing our pace every second. the moment was heated, i knew that i was getting excited and i could tell very evidently that jack was too, but a light knock on the door abruptly alerted us.
i instantly got down from his lap and we both straightened out our clothing as the door swung open.
"nadine, hey, what's up?" jack cleared his throat and tightened up his tie again.
she paused at the door and sceptically glanced at us both. her attention went to half of jack's desk being on the floor and then awkwardly to his small hard on, which he quickly covered with my bag.
"these are for you" nadine rolled her eyes and handed him a small stack of papers, "derek told me to drop them off".
i stood beside jack and crossed my arms together. the last time i saw nadine was at the cabin when she freaked out on me and we kicked her out.
"nadine, long time no see" i said, although she kept quiet and turned on her heels for the door again. "what? no comebacks now".
"i'm not wasting my breath on you, savannah" she turned around and said.
"that's a first" i muttered until jack smirked and hushed me.
"but if you must know, i have a boyfriend now" nadine announced. "next week will be our one month anniversary".
"you moved on from jack quick".
nadine scoffed, "i could say the same about mr. tate".
"okay, thank you nadine" jack interrupted us before this conversation escalated into something much more hostile.
"and as a reminder, this is a place of work" she retorted, grimacing at the bag covering jack's crotch then left the room.
i sat laughed at what just happened as jack stood up to clear the desk items that happened to fall on the floor before.
"did you really have to say something to her?" he asked.
i followed and helped him tidy up, "remember? she called me a bitch".
"but you're the bigger person".
"yeah, yeah" i answered, placing the stapler back on the desk. jack's office was eventually back to normal, so his arms eventually snacked around me from behind.
"so, i'm still starving so how about we just go to the cafe across the street and i'll buy you a coffee and a meal?" he offered, kissing my shoulder and lighting rocking us back and forth.
i hummed at his warm breath against my skin, "and dessert too?".
"anything for you, baby" jack replied.
it's been way too long guys so if you're not a reader of my other books, i've missed you
but i'm determined to complete this book very soon so updates will be coming more frequently
and btw if you ever have questions about my books or anything or just want to talk, private message me - love you all. ❤️
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