- L i q u i d s and H i n t s -
- "Am I a fool for trusting you?" -
It doesn't matter anymore anyway...
Wrath and anger was spreading out of the woman who now was heading with every step full of confidence over to the black Mercedes car.
"What's the matter milady, you don't seem pleased..." The chauffeur asked with a worried look on his face while fixing his hats position
"Nothing. Nothing is the matter."
And that's when he knew, that something was especially not right.
The lady was often seen with good mood, and spreading positivity was a hobby of hers. But once she was filled with wrath, one could see fire, burning behind her as she walked off. If that was the case, nobody knew, how the day would end.
Either everything would've turned into ice
Or burned off of this world...
"So... Where do you want me to drive you today, miss?" He asked nervously, while checking on her pokerface in the mirror
"First of all drive me to Incheon, he's living in one of those big residences father wanted to buy off... He's living in that good district..."
The kind driver did not wanted to ask any further questions, since he knew, he wouldn't do good by digging into her personal matters and asking who "he" actually was. Judging right by her facial expression, he knew that either it was her ex-boyfriend (although he was quite sure that she hasn't had any) or it was somebody who definitely crossed the line, somebody who was somehow...
"Don't you want to start the car, rather than staring at me...?" She said with her arms crossed.
"Y-yes, I'm sorry miss Park..."
There it was, Ms. Park's attitude, the attitude when she was in such a bad mood...
Then the driver finally started the machine and drove the lady to the right place.
It was a very good weather today, the complete opposite of Louise's mood. If you could describe her inner feelings by the weather state, not only would thunders growl, whole tornados would be swirling around and maybe even Tsunamis were about to destroy the complete peninsula.
As they arrived, Louise stepped out of the car while fixing her light blue and white striped off-shoulder blouse with ribbons and her high waist white paper bag shorts. The sun was welcoming her and her red Dsquared2 Riri sandals were shining with the help of the sunshine even more. But that wasn't something Louise would care about now.
She was too much distracted with Taehyung. That was the only thing that mattered to her right now. Clarification was something she needed...
Clarification between them.
Should she just tear the ropes
Or hang in a little bit tighter?
But where's the sense?
As the young lady with shiny beach waves was approaching the big gate, she did not even had to ring, the gates opened automatically inviting her in, like the host would welcome her with spread arms.
But since the young master was nowhere to be seen, it looked like he wanted to meet her inside of his apartment.
"Kim Taehyung, you .... I just wanted to meet you for a second, and you let me walk through your whole property until I enter your mansion... Ugh... why is the sun shining so brightly today?"
A rhetorical question which nobody could and would answer her.
From afar Louise could spot a small little brown ball which was running towards her direction through the well cut green grass...
"Oh my God, where is this cute little fluffy puppy coming from?"
Finally a smile was seen on Louise's face, and what a bright smile.
Thank God, Louise loved dogs, and if there were extra cute ones all her worries could be forgotten.
"Bark bark!"
[ she knelt down to pat the dog ]
"Aw, hello little cutie pie! Wow, you're so adorable!"
The dog barked excitedly wiggling its little tail.
Oh, how happy that little animal was, seeing Louise as happy as the owner himself.
The lady was so carried away by the sweet puppy, that she almost forgot why she actually has come here.
"You truly do enjoy yourself right now, don't you?" The seemingly flawless guy asked her while having both of his hands in his white trouser pockets.
As Louise looked up to notice Taehyung in his light blue shades standing in the sun, her smile faded away. She stood up, fixed her purse and put one strand of her hair behind her ear.
"I didn't come to play along today..." an unusual serious tone left her mouth.
"I didn't expect you to play along..." As Taehyung was about to put another strand of hair carefully behind her ear, his hand was blocked by Louise's wrist.
"Cut it off Taehyung, I don't want to be touched by you..." Harsh words escaped out of her mouth.
Like sharp knives...
Two worlds
Far apart
But at the end
They can turn into each other
So unimaginably fast...
"What's wrong Louise? You seem different..." Melancholy filled his voice.
"Different? Hah... You don't even know me Taehyung..." She added bitterly.
Being a little bit irritated by Louise's behavior, Taehyung didn't had any idea of how to solve this situation. He hated conflicts between people the most because he wasn't somebody who could bear an uncomfortable tension between human beings who know each other.
Therefore he took her by her wrist and dragged her along into his majestic place, bypassing well-known art by various famous artists and going up the stairs to his office room.
As Louise tried to break free, he pushed her to the wall near the entrance, and blocked her way roughly.
Louise tried to avoid his eyes.
It was a wide office room with full length windows and a minimalistic but expensive interior including Italian furniture. And although it was a sunny day, the room wasn't filled with so much light and liveliness as it should.
"Louise, I asked you if you could help me, and you agreed to it, don't you remember?"
The man avoided her gaze. Why? He didn't know himself. Taehyung just couldn't look into her eyes as their faces were only inches apart. Instead, he looked down, while his bangs covered his upper half of the face. The young man then, finally decided to let go of her wrists and stepped aside moving towards the windows, now facing them.
And our Louise, flustered by all those movements, knew exactly that Taehyung was stating facts and she couldn't deny it that she once agreed on helping him out.
"So what's the deal?" She spoke up.
"I just don't get it Taehyung... You seem like a complete mystery to me who tries to turn everything his way! I just finally understood that all those things which have been happening weren't just coincidences. You planned them, right? You paid those paparazzi's to take pictures of us, did you even maybe call my crush to come over?!? Just to enjoy my stupid face?!?"
Again, anger was boiling in that woman's body.
"Louise calm d-"
Taehyung was about to wrap his arms around her shoulders but Louise stepped aside avoiding his action.
"I won't calm down, I'm not somebody to look down on. I am an independent woman who tries to build up her career here and you come across and are about to ruin everything!" She shouted
"Louise, I... I don't want to ruin your life... ...Yes. It is true, I did order those paparazzi's, but I have nothing to do with your crush, that was just a coincidence. I didn't had the time to do a research on your whole biography-"
"Oh, but you were about to do one... I see..." She looked to the side avoiding arrogantly his gaze.
"You know what? I just don't want to be used by you, Taehyung. And I don't want to be the cause for a breakup between two people! I don't want to leave a bruise over somebody's heart, but you are the one making me into your own marionette, causing others pain!"
[ She paused ]
"Understand me, I don't want to look like a stupid doll who has been fooled by a billionaire just because he needs to solve something."
Taehyung averted his gaze facing the floor. Worries were written all over his face. He then turned his back towards her and ran with his right hand through his soft hair while having his left hand stuffed in his trouser pockets.
"It is just hilarious and so idiotic how you thought that I was easy to get by asking me if we could go on some dates the other day together, although you were about to get married-"
"And that's the point! Don't you get it?" He cried, turning his head a little bit towards Louise. His voice sent chills through the young ladies body.
"What...?" She looked at his back, not sure if what she just heard was right.
Taehyung just couldn't stay calm and hold his emotions anymore. He was about to throw a tantrum, to turn his office room into a mess by throwing all those documents and business plans bestially on the floor.... ....But he couldn't because he didn't wanted to change the view of himself in Louise's eyes...
Too many bad memories came rushing through his mind as his deepest wounds were ripped fiercely apart and blood started gushing out of his heart. Tired and hurt was this man's body and soul after the overwhelming recall of the brutal reminiscence.
He moved to the working table and leaned over his glass desk with his both arms supporting his body and weight and his hands touching the cold surface.
By holding unto his forehead and trying to calm his breath down he finally got himself together and was about to explain the whole situation to Louise, which surely wasn't an easy matter for him in that condition.
He took his glasses off and started the sentence with closed eyes.
"How would you feel, if you had to marry somebody who doesn't love you and even betrays you?..." He said desperately, giving her an suffering look while his eyes were filling up with tears.
And that was the moment, when it hit her like an arrow.
Louise was shocked. She didn't expect the things to turn out like that... She never guessed Taehyung having such an common intention.
Silence overtook the whole room...
Louise felt bad, she felt sorry for the guy who now looked weak in front of her eyes, somebody who looked like he lost a fight and forcefully gave up. She even started to regret all those confrontations which she has been bashing at him. There was one thing which she hated the most: hurting others feelings.
But she never thought that the situation could escalate in such a way.
"But even if... " She started with a soft, voice making some small steps towards his desk.
"Why did you choose me? Aren't we complete strangers?" Louise gave him a quizzical look and shoved her hands into the back pockets of her shorts.
He looked up at her
"We are... But I thought that it would be easier to fake a relationship with somebody who doesn't love you, so
in the end nobody would get hurt, and no hearts would be broken."
" And who gives you the right to believe that I won't fall in love with you? How can you be so sure?" She crossed her arms.
"It's... I just... Love her too much... You wouldn't handle a one sided love once again, Louise." The young man fixed the collar of his white shirt.
Love at
But Taehyung, poor Taehyung tried to act all brave in front of Louise although he knew, that his heart made a change...
Oh, Taehyung why did you wanted to suppress your feelings so much?
What for?
You just couldn't believe it, right?
First sight
-"You look pitiful, Taehyung..."-
"You're really funny, do you know that?"
She added sarcastically.
"All you want for that person is revenge, admit it, you're longing for it. You just want to see her reaction and how she will be running back to you...
How pathetic, Taehyung...
Maybe she will do that at the start, but you know what, if she gets what she wants, she will drop it again like a used toy.
... ...
I really don't know what you want to achieve with that idea..."
"I want to cut the ropes..."
"I don't want marry her... Even if I might be reminiscing about the pain in my heart towards her,
I want to end it all,
I want to ruin it all,
I want to make her
suffer like I did.
That's why I need you, Louise..."
But wouldn't it be counted as a sin?
A sin for damaging the feelings of another person?
Is it a sin, or is it karma which will rightfully
take revenge on the griefs they committed ?
Looks like Love and Revenge are going to compete next to each other...
Have a wonderful day, and remember, you are loved.
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