제 4 장
It was late, indeed.
...Too late...
-"Why would you hold onto me?"-
I asked
But you still wouldn't let go of me...
Surrounded by the fancy interior of expensive furniture, Louise did not understand what Taehyung meant, but he looked desperate, as if he was in trouble, or something was bothering him deeply.
"Louise, I know, this might sound like a ridiculous idea but... I wanted to ask you if you wouldn't mind to go with me on a few dates?"
Her eyes rose in astonishment. Was that really what Taehyung needed help with? Weren't there enough girls walking around looking stunning, standing in a queue to become his girlfriend.
"Taehyung that was your question? I mean yeah, I would not mind going out with you on some dates, if you need help with it... I don't see any problem with it." Louise said in a quizzical tone. "It's just... Why me, aren't there other girls, you are interested in?—"
"I laid my eyes on you, Louise, I am only interested in you." A serious tone left his lips.
That was the moment when Louise needed to gulp first. Did he just seriously confess to her? —Just after a week he already made up his mind? No, that can't be it, he talked about only going to some dates, not being an actual couple, don't jump to conclusions, Louise!— She thought and brought herself down.
"I apologize, if I made you feel uncomfortable... You could also just think about it, take your time." Taehyung mentioned, sounding comforting.
How could Louise say no to such an offer, she couldn't at least she thought she would regret declining such an offer. She did not put her hopes up high, dreaming of becoming his girlfriend, it was just too early for that. Fantasies would not lead her to anywhere she said to herself. Maybe she could also convince her father about rethinking about an arranged marriage, who knows what benefits this deal would bring.
But maybe this would bring more pain to her heart rather than happiness. At the end, she decided to join this desperate love game of betrayal, jealousy and regret.
"I guess we really could go on a few dates." She said making up her mind and deciding over this fatal decision.
"Then, why don't we go down, and have some drinks together?" Taehyung asked politely with a raised eyebrow.
Both of these hearts went back to the sparkling, dark room where the atmosphere already got hotter. Although Louise was worried that Jay might still be there, that guy was nowhere to be seen anymore.
Arriving at the marble bar, Taehyung ordered some whiskey for Louise to drink.
"Wait, were you already here as I arrived, did you order the whiskey before?" But Taehyung just smirked devilishly and shrugged to her question, continuing drinking out of his glass, the alcohol burning his hot throat.
Indeed, it was him, who was watching Louise's arrival from afar, but was he also the one to order the drink?
"So, it was not Jay..." Louise left out a sarcastic chuckle, full of regret and disappointment in her former crush.
"I was such a fool, Taehyung, for believing in love and relying on my fantasy..."
"Fantasy? You were in love with a fantasy?"
"Yeah, I idealized a person, who is not as I thought he would be." She took a sip out of her glass, making the ice cubes collide with each other.
"That is a fatal thing, Louise, were you in a relationship with him?" He asked as he circled the dark, golden liquid.
She just smiled at him, remaining quiet.
"You know, Louise sometimes, you can also be used by a person for believing that they love you, but that might not be the case in the closest, you know what I mean...?" He looked over at her, his eyes were sparkling with confidence.
But before Louise could ask any questions Taehyung suggested to have a Love Shot together, which she did not refuse.
Just before bringing the glass to their lips, Taehyung looked her deep in the eyes and smirked
"I hope you won't fantasize too much about me then." He added as he saw the earlier guy from a distance making out with a girl on the sofa.
Having spent a quite pleasant evening, Taehyung insisted on driving her back to her apartment. Arriving in front of his car, he fulfilled his gentleman's duty and opened the car's door for her.
Louise was already a bit tipsy after the amount of love shots they drank together, and so Taehyung decided to apply the seatbelt slowly around her. Taking a short glances over her lips, he decided to restrict himself from going any further.
"Taehyung, I think something just flashed over there...?" She rubbed her eyes carefully but did not pay further attention to it.
Finally arriving at the right destination, Taehyung had to first of all, wake Louise up.
"Hey, Louise, Louise, wake up, we're there..." He spoke in a soft voice as he caressed her squashy cheeks, gazing at her porcelain face.
"Oh? Oh, I'm so sorry, I guess I fell asleep..." She opened her eyes slowly and stepped out of the car, not even waiting for Taehyung to fulfill his gentleman's duty. Therefore, Taehyung couldn't hide his smile after seeing Louise's behavior, but he thought that it's really cute how off she seemed after dozing a bit in his car.
The moon was shining upon them as they walked side by side next to each other. It has gotten quite colder in the night, and so Taehyung decided to take off his jacket and put it over her shoulders, carefully, making her blush.
"Thank you for the beautiful evening, Louise" He said as they arrived near her apartment faster than they thought. Taehyung neared himself closer to her ear, his warm breath tickling her neck slightly. "I will call you, Louise, sweet dreams."
"Message me, when you arrive, Taehyung!"
He nodded, walking backwards and waving, to make sure that she'll enter inside.
Louise could still not figure out why Taehyung mentioned her "helping him out". He could just ask her to go on a date with him... She understood that there's something fishy about Taehyung and his offer, everything looked too good to be real, and Louise started to get suspicious about the whole thing...
Will she regret taking Taehyung's bait?
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