A Life Saving, And Changing Meeting {Prologue}
The child lightly shivered, wrapped only in a tattered, dirty blanket and deep green jacket that was of the same condition. The rain poured, as he hid under the roof of a building, which name he did not know for he was too worked up with cold and exhaustion to check, nor could he read. Although, even if he could, he most likely wouldn't have been able to see it anyways through the horrible weather.
He leaned against the door, and unwillingly allowed his head to begin to droop, body feeling as if it were shutting down. The bandages covering right arm were slowly peeling after the rainwater had gotten to it before he'd found this minimal shelter.
Trying to stay awake, knowing he may just not open his eyes again if he did, the boy did not notice the footsteps, as the door opened and a bright light shone. He fell backwards with no support left to keep him up.
Before he could fall completely, a hand stopped right before his head hit the ground. One of those hands felt bony in a way.
" 'ey, kid. You okay?" The voice was lightly accented, and a reply was given by not him, but a feminine voice.
"Of course not, get him inside! He looks ready to die!" She held power in her voice, concern lacing it lightly. The one holding him lifted him up with slight difficulty and held him in his arms, again, one feeling bony.
"Stay awake, alright kiddo?" The girl said to him gently.
He felt himself being rushed inside, the light almost blinding but he didn't dare shut his eyes, only averting them. He shivered, snuggling closer to the person holding him for heat.
"Doc, this kid needs help. Stat!!"
The boy's (e/c) eyes fluttered open as he blinked vigorously to become used to the light. He looked around at his surroundings, trying to remember what had happened before.
While the memories slowly came back to him, to the pouring rain, to the two who had helped him, and...a man who kept him warm as he checked on him before telling him to sleep, his eyes caught sight of the bandage to the side and widened.
He touched where he normally would find nothing, to feel a smooth surface, and finally realized it was not just no longer covered, but there was an arm there. His finger gently poked the other hand, and although it felt like ceramic, he could still move it with ease.
Before he could question this further, the door opened to reveal four people.
One was familiar, it was the man, Doc perhaps, who had helped him stay warm. The other three were unfamiliar.
"Ah, good to see you are finally awake!" He used what looked like a chair on wheels to go over.
"You must be confused, so say there and we'll explain everything, we promise." He spoke gently, and it out the boy at all slight ease.
And they did explain it.
Well, more the girl and the other boy did, whose names he had learned were apparently Beast and Joker. They were maybe fifteen, only three years older than him at least. The man was in fact Doc, and he'd somehow managed to make a prosthetic arm that he could move like if it were normal, as if magic. He decided at that moment, sometimes it's best not to know or dwell on things, like this and how Doc did it.
Yet, sparking his curiosity once more, he noticed the other man was not noticeable. He stayed hidden.
Still not speaking, the young boy pointed to the man's direction, curious and with a questioning look.
"Ah, that's the ringmaster. He's asked to see you, was very interested. We've told him everything we could." Beast butt in. "But we'd like to know your name, can't call you kiddo forever. So what is it?"
Quietly, speaking up for the first time, he told them.
And the man finally spoke up in a gruff but rather warm and welcoming voice, finally appearing.
"Well, (M/n). Welcome to the circus."
End: Prologue
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