Jimin sat in the library attentively reading the book in his hands. He had sticky notes and pens beside him to write down every page number that he wanted to remember.
He smiled shyly and almost giggled. Every one of these pages and quotes reminded him of Yoongi.
He heard laughing and he immediately closed the book and pulled his notes and pens closer to him.
The laughing came from the other book shelve beside him. He sat leaning on the books and didn't move afraid it would be his bullies.
"Stop that, Jin!" He heard.
"No, you started it." He mischievously whispered.
Jimin being the curious boy that he was, took a book out of the shelve so he could see on the other side.
He spotted Jin and Hoseok giggling and poking each other. Jin reached over and grabbed Hoseok's side.
"Stop! That tickles!" Hoseok gushed. When Jin didn't stop he pushed him against the book shelve and pinned his arms over him.
Jin's reaction suddenly changed and he turned red. "What?" Hoseok snickered. "Nothing. I have to go." He quickly responded and pulled away.
"Oh, alright. I gotta go too. I won! Loser!" Hoseok grinned running away.
Jin gulped and looked down at his wrists the shade of red deepening in his face. Jimin slowly put the book back and sat down on the carpet.
He waited until he didn't hear Jin's loud breathing to get up and leave. The last thing he needed was to be accused of being a creep.
After not hearing him anymore, he walked out with the book he checked out at hand. He hated that today was Friday.
That meant, he had to go home and deal with his father. He just needed to see Yoongi one more time before leaving to face the shitty weekend ahead of him.
When he walked down the steps he saw Jin sitting down on the pavement. He was looking down and was fidgeting with his hands.
Jimin froze and stared at him from a distance. He knew it was better if he kept walking, but he couldn't.
He thought of that day when he saw Yoongi sitting in the rain and how much he needed somebody.
What if Jin needed that too?
So, he slowly approached him until he blocked the sun with his shade. Jin looked up with one eye closed due to the brightness.
"Hi," Jimin whispered waving.
He looked severely confused and simply waved back. Then, looked back down and waited for him to leave.
He was starting to get aggravated with Jimin. Why didn't he leave? Seconds later he looked back up annoyed.
"Can I help you?" He asked.
Jimin cleared his throat, "S-Sorry. I was just heading back to pick up my stuff and I saw you here. I'm just wondering if you're okay."
"Yeah." He simply stated.
"Oh, okay. Well, I wanted to let you know that I'm here in case you need to talk to someone. You don't have to. I'm just letting you know."
Jin raised his eyebrows even more startled than earlier. "Uhh...alright."
"Alright, I'll leave you alone now. I just wanted to tell you that you can talk to me if needed. And if you're worried about feeling something for Hoseok then I want to let you know that it's ok—"
"Wait what?" He asked getting up.
Jimin stepped back a little scared. Jin wasn't much taller, but he was much bigger. A single punch and he would be down on the floor for sure.
"What did you say?" He asked leaning towards him.
"Well, I-I don't know what I'm-I'm saying-"
"I'm going to ask you one more time, what did you say?"
Jimin blinked several times and swallowed the knot on his throat. "I...I said that...you don't have to...to worry about f-feeling f-for H-Hoseok."
Jin grabbed him the shirt and pulled him closer. Jimin dropped his book afraid of what was coming.
"You don't know shit."
"I'm-I'm sorry. I just wanted to-to make you feel better."
"What makes you think I have a feelings for him, huh?"
"I-I just observe."
"Yeah? Go observe somewhere else. I've been cool with you, but that doesn't mean I won't beat your ass up. Now fuck off."
He let go of him and walked by shoving him with his shoulder. Jimin was finally able to breathe and he picked up his book.
He glanced at Jin who was disappearing in the distance. He saw him pull out a cigarette and place it in between his lips.
Then he wondered if he smoked like Yoongi because he felt alone too.
"Did you finish the paper?" Jungkook snickered.
"Yeah, I did. I bullshitted the whole thing. Like fuck, are we in kindergarten? I wouldn't have done that shit if the teacher actually did her job." Yoongi said annoyed.
"Yeah, I was actually surprised whenever he stood up for Jimin." Hoseok added.
Yoongi rolled his eyes, "It's no big deal."
"Why're you're defending him now?" Namjoon asked.
He shrugged in response, "Some people are going through a really tough time."
Jin kept quiet and suddenly threw his unlit cigarette on the ground. "Jin." Hoseok said. He looked up paranoid.
"You hadn't said anything. Is it because I won the tickle fight?" He smirked approaching him.
Jin shifted away and shook his head no. "Why're you're running away from me?" He asked only leaning closer.
"I'm not in the mood." He responded moving closer towards Jungkook.
Hoseok rolled his eyes and sighed, "Fine. I guess I'll get going. My mom said she was fixing some dinner thing tonight. Bye guys."
They all said bye except Jin who kept quiet. Hoseok walked a few steps, but then turned around and stared in Jin's eyes.
"Bye Jinnie. Hope you're in a better mood Monday." He teased with a bright grin.
Jin felt his insides flutter and his heart race. He could feel the sweat building up under his arms.
Hoseok then turned back around and kept walking. Jin looked at him the whole time unable to look away.
"There's Taehyung," Jungkook mumbled waving in the air.
Taehyung happened to be walking with Jimin. Yoongi and Jin both turned their attention to him.
"Alright, bye Jimin! Have a good weekend." Taehyung smiled.
"Bye, Taehyung. You have a good weekend as well." He responded. He caught eyes with Jin who had a blank stare.
Yoongi noticed Jimin and Jin deeply looking at each other and he cleared his throat snapping them both to reality.
"B-bye guys." Jimin shyly said and awkwardly waved.
Yoongi couldn't help to smile. He looked down to avoid people from noticing, but Jimin noticed and this made him smile too.
Then he left to get his bike. "So, what are the plans this weekend, huh?" Namjoon asked once Jimin had walked away.
"I gotta go." Yoongi told grabbing his keys from his pocket.
His friends kept talking, but Yoongi completely ignored them as he got in his car.
He drove down the road slowly hoping that Jimin hadn't left. He smiled brightly whenever he spotted Jimin by a tree.
Before stopping, he made sure that no cars were around. No student seemed to take this route home since it was slower.
"Yoongi!" He squealed getting in as soon as the car was stopped.
He leaned over and hugged him tightly. Then placed a slobbery kiss on his lips. Yoongi smiled through it until Jimin pulled away.
"Sorry, I don't know how to kiss." He said embarrassed.
Yoongi grinned, "It was perfect."
"O-okay. I-I brought you something."
"What is it?"
Jimin handed him a book with a bunch of sticky notes on the side. "It's a book I checked out at the library. You don't have to read it all. Just read the pages with the notes on them."
"How romantic." He replied taking it. Jimin stopped him from opening it, "Read it when you're alone, please."
"Okay. Whatever you say."
They remained still and smiled at each other for a while until Yoongi spoke up. "Hey, whats up with Jin and you?"
Jimin's smile instantly disappeared. "What-what about him?"
"That's what I'm asking you. What's your deal with him? I saw the way you two looked at each other."
"Oh," Jimin laughed nervously. "You don't think..."
Yoongi crossed his arms over his chest. Was he actually jealous? Was this what jealousy felt like?
"What?" Yoongi snapped.
"You don't think something is going on between us do you?"
"I don't know. I mean he's more handsome than me."
"I don't like Jin like that."
"Then? What's the deal with you and him? Why was he staring at you that way?"
"It's...I can't say anything."
"Why not? Don't you trust me?"
Jimin didn't speak and Yoongi just kept looking at him waiting. "I mean you can tell me. I know he's handsome and I know that he makes dumb dad jokes and that his lips are like fucking plumped and pretty and pink and—"
"I think he's like us."
Yoongi stopped blabbing and raised both eyebrows, "What?"
"I saw him at the library with Hoseok. They were playing around and at one point Jin got very shy when Hoseok pinned his arms. After that I saw him sitting by the steps and I tried to talk to him about it. Let's just say he didn't take it so well."
"Jin would never...he couldn't...Hoseok?"
"I don't see why not. You like me, don't you? Did you ever expect that?"
"Well, no, I guess you're right." He quietly mumbled.
"Love is so weird isn't it?" Jimin said with a smile.
Yoongi nodded, he had never agreed with a statement so much in his life. He didn't know what made him like Jimin in the first place, but whatever it was he didn't regret it.
"Love is like a constant explosion of emotions. You feel so much happiness and cherish so many little things with that person that others wouldn't. Then, at the same time it's sadness and vulnerability because you feel whatever that other person feels. Its honestly the most beautiful and absurd mixture of feelings in the world."
Yoongi leaned in again and kissed his lips softly and tenderly. Jimin felt the butterflies in his chest and the blush creep up his neck. He slowly pulled away resting his forehead against his.
"I had forgotten how butterflies felt until I met you." Yoongi said.
Jimin timidly smiled and Yoongi sighed. "I just...don't think I deserve you. I don't deserve this." He whispered.
Because who was he to deserve a pure selfless human like Jimin? Yoongi was the completely opposite and didn't want to damage him more. Jimin deserved better.
Yoongi closed his eyes and gulped nervously. He tried to not think about this often. A life without him was too painful to picture.
It would be like a rainbow without color, or the ocean without water. It sounded too pathetic and desperate, but that's how he felt.
How could he continue a life without the person that made him feel like his life mattered? Like he mattered?
Jimin looked at him with sadness in his eyes. He often felt like this himself, but he tried to not overthink it.
"I feel that way too. But, guess what? You like me even though I'm broken, damaged, possibly crazy and stupidly in love with the what if's. What makes you think you don't deserve to be loved too?"
Yoongi closed the space between them by pulling him in for a hug. He held him like he was a tourniquet trying to stop bleeding.
So, they hugged for what seemed like forever. And Yoongi could breathe without the heaviness in his chest.
When he was in Jimin's arms all his worries seemed to be small.
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