Jimin walked through the crowd of students to get to his locker. He caught a few people staring him down as he went by with smirks plastered on their face.
He looked down at his shoes and walked faster. He always felt like a strange creature that was being exposed for everyone to see and point at.
Why was it so amusing to make him feel so little and useless?
Jimin finally approached his locker and when he saw a pink slip stuck on it he felt his heart sink a little.
His hand slowly reached to take the note which had a disturbing drawing on it with the word fag written in bold.
He crumpled the paper and gulped down his guilt. When his hand touched the lock he noticed it was broken.
Then he looked around to find even more people staring. He quickly tried to get his stuff to go ahead and leave, but when he opened his locker a bunch of drawings and notes fell out.
He also noticed that they had spray painted inside of his locker with mean words. The crowd started laughing and some were recording like usual.
Jimin panicked and covered his face from the camera flashes. "P-please," He told with a shaky voice.
"S-Stop recording." He pleaded with his heart in his throat.
"S-stop recording." He heard in the background.
Jimin closed his eyes briefly. He never thought he could hate a voice so much. He never thought he could hold so much anger towards one human being.
And he had tried to be patient and understanding. But, everyone had a limit. No, maybe Jimin wouldn't fight back that didn't mean he didn't feel hatred deep in his heart.
"Like my presents fag? Look at this." He told grabbing an eggplant and smacking it on his face.
"Leave-levee me alone."
"Fuck no I'm not leaving you alone. This is the best part of my day to see you so vulnerable and weak. You need to be reminded how much of a parasite you are to our society. Look around, no one is defending you, because no one fucking cares about you."
"I said leave me alone!" He screamed back pushing him.
The students whispers got louder and some laughed. This only infuriated him more so he pushed Jimin back against the lockers.
"I said no you faggot. Why don't you take a look at the dick drawing in your locker huh? Don't you like it? Huh?" He asked shoving his face in the tiny space.
Jimin yelped in pain as more students gathered around. "Hey! What's going on here?" A teacher yelled.
He quickly let go of Jimin and punched him on the stomach. "If you say a word you're dead. Understood faggot?" He whispered and then walked away.
Everyone started to run away leaving Jimin by himself. A teacher approached him and looked around to see the notes and inappropriate messages.
"Jimin, who did this to you?" He asked.
He kept holding his stomach trying to catch his breath again. He felt nauseous to the point he could throw up right there.
But, of course he couldn't answer. He simply felt drained and tired. What was he point in telling?
The only punishment he would get would be two weeks of suspension and then he will be back with worse ways to torture him.
"I'm okay." He breathed his eyes filled with tears.
"If you tell me who did this I will tell the principal. He will take care of it."
If Jimin would've had the strength to laugh he certainly would've. "I will help you—"
"I don't need help." He stated picking up the notes and shoving them in his coat pocket.
"But, you can't be—"
"What is the principal going to do about it?" He asked. A part of him hoped that the teacher will answer something that fulfilled the emptiness in his chest.
The teacher pressed his lips together and said nothing only proving that Jimin was right.
He grabbed his math book and closed his locker behind. He needed a new lock for sure and possibly a new locker.
He kept walking down the hall until he was outside the building. His breathing was fast and the felt that familiar chest tightness that compressed his lungs a little too hard.
He flinched and dropped his math book on the ground. Taehyung looked down at the open book and then at him.
"Who drew that?" He asked in disbelief.
Jimin shrugged and quickly picked up his book. He felt embarrassed and ashamed for always being that friend.
The one that always has problems and the one that always needed saving. He just wanted to be someone's friend without bringing his sadness into their lives as well.
Taehyung pulled him in for a hug and held him tightly. "Stupid question, are you okay?" He whispered in his ear.
Jimin shook his head no, "I'm angry."
"Who did it?"
"I'm not just angry at him. I'm angry at the world. I'm angry at myself for not being normal. Why was I made this way? Why?"
"I don't see an imperfection on you. They're just closed minded. You're different and different is good."
Coming from Taehyung's mouth he almost believed it. Jimin only held him tighter afraid he would collapse and bawl crying.
"I'm sorry," he whispered. Jimin knew it wasn't his fault. He also had apologized to his neighbors for the actions of others.
Taehyung was apologizing for humanity and for their cruelness. Though that didn't take his pain away, he felt more at ease in his arms.
Nayeon walked down the hallway with her gym bag at hand. She was about to walk in the bathroom when a guy got in her way stopping her.
"Umm, excuse me?" She asked annoyed.
"Is it true that you suck dick for a free meal?" He grinned.
She laughed with a huff, "If I did I wouldn't suck your nonexistent dick."
"Why don't you give it a try?"
"You're fucking gross. Move out of my way."
"Fine, fine," He said moving. She walked by and felt him grab her from behind. She turned around with a red face.
"What the fuck is wrong with you? Do you have a sister? How about your mother? How should you feel if a dumbass touched their ass, huh?"
"Calm down. It's no big deal."
"It's no big deal? I want to see you say that if you witness a guy taking advantage of a girl you love. I hope your small two inch dick falls off you asshole." She screamed pushing him back.
"You're fucking insane—"
"Oh! You're the one walking around grabbing people without consent, but I'm the one insane? How would you like it I grabbed your dick like this, huh?" She said grabbing his crotch area and sinking her nails as hard as she could until he started whimpering too loud.
"Fucking psycho! You aren't even that pretty you flat titty bitch." He yelled walking away.
She huffed bitting the inside of her cheek angrily. There were tears in her eyes because she was that upset.
Instead of going to the bathroom she decided to go ahead and walk to class. "Nayeon, hey, hey, come here." Yoongi said coming up behind her.
She quickly tried to compose herself and she smiled. "What's up?"
"You're suppose to wait for me to walk you to class."
"I appreciate it and all, but I don't need a body guard."
"What's the matter?"
"What? Nothing." She responded.
"No, something's wrong. I can hear it in your voice and you've got that small dimple on the tip of your nose indicating you're pissed."
She stopped walking and turned to look at him, "Let's go to your room."
"What? We have the next class—"
"If you want to talk to me then let's go to your room. Or mine. I don't care."
He nodded, "Alright. Your room is closer. Let's go there."
She then started walking again and he followed her behind confused. They didn't say anything all the way there until they made it there.
"A fucker grabbed my ass while ago. That's besides the point."
"What? Who the fuck? Tell me his name and I will beat the living shit out of him."
"I already took care of him."
"I don't care. I want him to respect you."
"Thank you, but he won't. Those fucking rumors about me haven't died completely."
"Mother fucker. If I could—"
"Me too." She replied with a smile and sat on her bed.
He sat next to bed and sighed. "I love you. Do you know that?" He asked.
"Where's this leading to? Jimin?" She asked.
"What? No." He lied even though he knew it was exactly about, Jimin. She crossed her arms over her chest until he gave in.
"You like him don't you?" He wondered.
"Yeah. I do, but he likes you and you like him. So, what's the point of me liking him?" She snorted. It was evident she was heartbroken, he could see it in her eyes.
"How...how long have you known?" He whispered.
"Since that day I kissed him. I won't say anything because I know you're freaking out about it."
"I just don't know what to do."
"Yeah, me either." She finally replied laying back on the bed. He did the same and they stared at each other for a while.
"I didn't want this to happen. I never meant to hurt you unintentionally." Yoongi said.
"I know. It just kind of sucks, but hey, life isn't fair."
"I'm sorry,"
"I've already told you it's not—"
"For feeling hatred towards you for a split second." He interrupted. She gulped blinking fast.
"I saw you hug him in the courtyard and I swear to you I've never felt such envy towards another human being. Because you're everything he's looking for and I'm the completely opposite. Do you understand my struggle now?"
"Yeah, everything, except I'm not a boy." She said sadly.
There was silence again and both wanted to say so much, but how when their hearts were so troubled?
"I hated you too. After I found out he liked you, I felt that anger too. And I was frustrated with myself because I wanted to keep hating you for taking him away. However, my love for you is too deep. I can't possibly hate you."
Yoongi covered his mouth and stared at the ceiling, "Holy shit, you deserve the world. You're just like him. Why am I even in the picture?"
She scooted closer to him and laid her head on his chest hugging him while wrapping her leg over his.
"I wish I would've fallen for you instead." She said.
Yoongi laughed wrapping his arm around her tiny waist. "What the hell? Can you imagine us dating? Never."
"We did fuck plenty of times."
"Yeah, but, did you ever feel anything? Besides the sex pleasure or whatever."
"I felt love. Not love love. I don't know. You're like my best friend sort of. You protect me, I protect you, you hurt and I hurt. Get me?"
"Then why do you say you wish you liked me instead?"
"Because we're so different. And Jimin and I are the same and I honestly feel like I've found everything I've been looking for."
Yoongi took a deep breath feeling more blue, "Yeah, I feel that too."
"If I would've liked you I would've never laid eyes on him and maybe that would've saved me a heartbreak. If you would've liked me back of course."
"What are we even doing? Are we really talking about the same person we like?"
"Yep, we are."
He snuggled closer to her closing his eyes slowly drifting to sleep. They didn't say much for a while.
"Hey, I'm willing to give up on him for good. Just promise me that you'll give him a lot of loving, yeah? Because that boy needs so much love, nearly as much as you do."
Yoongi reopened his eyes and stared at the ceiling. "I can see how heartbroken you are too. You might not trust me enough to tell me and I'm certainly not asking you to. Let him love you because you deserve it." She whispered nearly falling asleep.
"Mhmm." Yoongi gulped wide awake now.
"It's not a crime to feel the way you do,"
His heart started to race hearing this. "He makes you feel then let him. I don't care what the shitty world thinks. You're human and he's human regardless your sexual preference."
So his heart hurt a little less. His worries diminished a little less. And he could breathe a little better.
He had always been too unstable to love. At least that's what his father constantly told him. He was never enough to love and that's what his mother reminded him everyday.
But, Jimin, the way Jimin looked at him was like he was the best thing that ever happened in his life. Like he was his favorite town or his favorite color. He just felt so loved and so wanted it actually made him feel like it was worth living.
And yes, their love was complicated. As complicated and attempting to find a needle in a nest. He found Jimin even though he was looking for him.
It was like fortunate stroke of serendipity.
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