Jimin was walking down the dirt path hoping to forget those cruel words from his father and brother.
It was raining and this comforted Jimin in a way he couldn't explain. He had his rain coat on and an umbrella at hand just in case it rained too hard.
He would usually carry his camera around, but since it was broken he couldn't. Remembering that scene gave him shivers down his spine and he almost wanted to cry.
But he hated crying for people that didn't deserve his tears. Sometimes though, the pain was so hard to contain in the only way to express it was to cry.
His rain boots stepped on the muddy puddles. They kept getting bigger as he kept walking further down.
He was on the way to an old abandoned park located at the end of his road. When it rained he liked to go there and just sit on the old bench to think.
Thinking too much was bad.
Jimin knew this. He just didn't have anyone to share those thoughts with. So, he would replay them in his mind over and over until it gave him a headache.
When he reached the rusty playground he froze watching a boy sitting on the bench he was going to.
His heart instantly raced recognizing the figure. "Yoongi?" He spoke. Yoongi looked up and spotted a vibrant yellow rain coat and red boots a few feet away.
He smiled though he didn't want to. It was just a natural reaction to smile at Jimin, because how could you not?
Yoongi felt better simply by looking at him. He had been praying for something good to happen.
Turns out his prayer was answered through a cute human who happened to be wearing an abnormally huge coat.
"Hi!" Jimin beaming running to him. He splashed through the mud to get there. "What are you doing here? Do you want my umbrella? I won't use it." He offered handing it to him.
Yoongi looked up locking eyes with him. A sudden flashback from years ago replayed on his mind.
Then he saw the little boy in Jimin. Not much had changed. Still cute, sweetest smile, and kindest heart.
"You'll get sick. Use the umbrella." Jimin offered again with a bright smile n
Yoongi shrugged, "So will you. What's the point of carrying an umbrella if you're not going to use it?"
"The rain makes me feel."
"Feel what?"
Yoongi looked up rain drops falling on his face. "It doesn't make me feel any different. Just wet and cold and more sad than usual."
"I think it's beautiful. Nature itself is beautiful. It's extraordinary how the world works, how it rains, how flowers bloom in the spring, how leaves turn orange in the fall, how during the winter..." he stopped blabbing feeling Yoongi's attention all on him.
"I don't mind the rain." Yoongi finally said.
Jimin took a seat next to him. "Me either. Are you going to answers my other question about why you're here?"
Yoongi shrugged, "That depends. I'll answer if you answer mine."
"What's your question?"
"What happened to your face?" He asked pointing to a slightly red mark on his cheek. Jimin turned his face so he wouldn't see that side.
"Did some fucker bother you?"
He shook his head no, "I-I had a fight with my younger brother." He lied.
"And he did that? What a little shit."
"Yeah, I guess you can see that I'm not good at fist fighting." He laughed nervously.
"How old is your brother?"
"He's fifteen."
Yoongi groaned, "Fuck. He's too young for me to beat his ass. I'm not trying to go to jail."
Jimin giggled, but felt bad for doing so. "It's okay. You can laugh." Yoongi said like he was reading his mind.
"Do you have siblings?" He wondered.
"Oh no. Luckily I'm on only child."
"Would you not like a sibling?"
Yoongi sighed, "Nope."
Jimin kept quiet. Sure, his brother was an asshole at times, but he still loved him very much.
"Sounds cruel and selfish doesn't it? Trust me. It isn't. I'm just thankful I don't have siblings so they won't go through the shit I'm going through." He chuckled.
Jimin's expression softened. Hurt was painted all over his face. "What's wrong? If you don't mind me asking."
Yoongi laughed louder looking up at the sky, "What isn't wrong?"
"You can tell me." Jimin softly said looking closer and he saw literal sadness spill through his eyes.
Yoongi couldn't say a word without choking,
"Don't worry. The sky is crying with you. You're not alone." Jimin whispered.
Yoongi looked at him, "I'm not crying."
"But you are. I can't tell because of the rain but I know you are. I can feel it. I cry in the rain too. The sound of it blocks my sniffs and people don't ever notice. It's not like anyone would notice either way." He shrugged sadly.
Yoongi gulped and Jimin looked down at his rain boots to not make him uncomfortable. He knew people didn't like being watched while they cried.
Even if he couldn't see his tears he thought Yoongi deserved his privacy to hurt without feeling embarrassed or ashamed.
"I just . . . I wish I was doing better. I pretend to be okay, but I'm far away from that. You see, my mind is in a very dark place right now, Jimin. I just keep going in circles over and over. It's like there's a cassette stuck in my head that just keeps repeating and repeating and repeating. It's very exhausting you know? It's draining life out of me and I don't know how to make it stop. I just don't know how to and I want it to stop. I just want to feel okay again. I haven't told anyone none of this, but I'm going to tell you," he begun because he needed to tell someone.
"I'm sorry if I'm boring you with my life story and if you want to leave that's perfectly fine. I just need to say this out loud and get it off my chest because it's been bottled up in my heart for years. I am so angry and my mind is so fucking troubled because I just realized that nothing will never change. My mother is with a dick head that calls himself my father. He's always beat her, insulted her, and beat me too. I think my body has finally accepted the fact that no matter what she will always pick him over me. We've thought about running away. I told her, fuck, I told her I will take her away. I will do whatever to get her away from that shit hole. And she keeps going back to him. Do you know what it's like to be twelve and see your mother get beat by the man who claims to love her? I would get beat myself trying to protect her, but I was a kid. Even now, I defend her and he still overpowers me. I just don't understand,"
"It's like a kick on your stomach. Have you ever been hit there? You feel extremely nauseous and it's a pain that makes you gasp for air and that's what I feel like. I've given her my whole life and everything I've had to make her understand. And to know that no matter how much he hurts her she'll go back, it breaks my fucking heart. I constantly feel like I'm struggling to breathe and every time I take a breath it hurts. I can't wrap around the fact that he's going to ruin her life forever and that she's too blind to see. What about my feelings? What about me? Does she ever stop to think about that?"
Yoongi had to stop talking for a brief second because the tears were threatening to spill from his eyes again. To finally say it out loud took a big weight off his chest. He wished it would take his pain too.
"I know she loves me, I just wished she loved me enough to leave him."
Jimin sniffled as he looked back down to his feet. Yoongi turned to him and leaned his head down.
"Are you crying?" He asked.
Jimin nodded looking up. He wiped his tears with the back of his hands even though it was useless.
"W-why?" He asked confused.
"Because you're crying and that makes me cry." He said with sadness. He had told himself that he wouldn't cry for just anyone.
Min Yoongi was worthy of his tears any day.
"I don't want you to feel that way. It's very sad and it makes me extremely upset." He quietly said.
"You don't have to cry for me." Yoongi whispered.
"I know. I said the sky is crying with you and that you shouldn't feel alone and I keep my word to that. But just know I'm with you too. You will not cry alone. I will cry with you."
Yoongi stared at the thin boy with admiration. He felt a light blush on his cheeks as he scooted closer to him.
"Thank you. I'm simply too scared to turn into him."
"You're nothing like him." Jimin protested.
"But I am, can't you see? I was mean to you, I bullied others, and take off my anger on people that don't deserve it. I'm slowly molding into him. I hate it."
Jimin wrapped his arms around his body and Yoongi finally let the tears out. It was reliving to cry without being judged.
"You're not like him. I know it. I can see it. Like I've told you, good change is slow. It takes time. Be patient with yourself. Nothing in nature blooms the whole year. It's okay to be sad right now. It's okay. It takes time. It takes time." Jimin cooed.
They sat there for a while. Seconds, minutes, maybe even hours. They say and cried on a rainy day.
That made them both feel at ease because they knew they weren't crying alone.
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