In the morning Yoongi was sitting on his bed waiting for Jimin to walk out the bathroom. The second the door opened he held his breath.
Jimin walked out wiping his mouth. He looked at Yoongi and smiled. "Good morning. How are you today?"
Yoongi was confused about his attitude. "I'm good. How are you?"
"Excellent! I had a great sleep." He commented as he removed his pajama shirt. Jimin froze whenever he didn't hear Yoongi say a word.
He turned around and saw him looking at his torso. Jimin looked down and instantly grabbed a shirt to put on.
"Aren't you going to get up? We have fifteen minutes to go down. I wouldn't want us to be late—"
"Stop it." Yoongi said grabbing his hands. Jimin looked at him a bit confused. "Stop what?"
"Why're you pretending nothing happened? You're bruised everywhere. You were beaten for no fucking reason and you're just going to let it go? Pretend it didn't happen?"
"I don't want to remember it. I don't even want to talk about it."
"What will you tell your parents when you go home tonight, huh?"
Jimin's expression suddenly changed. He had forgotten he had to see his father tonight. "What?" Yoongi asked.
"Nothing. Forget it. Are you coming?" Jimin asked getting up from his bed. He looked up to see his bruised cheek and nodded.
Jimin remained still as he slowly got up and rubbed his cheek lightly with his thumb. "If you told me who did this to you I would fix it."
He fidgeted with his fingers nervously. Yoongi's thumb was cold but soft. He was touching him so gently like he would break him.
"I appreciate it. You've already fixed it by comforting me."
Yoongi sighed pulling away. "You're too good."
"Is that bad?"
"It is when they keep stepping over you. You don't deserve this shit. No one does."
"Life isn't fair sometimes."
"You're telling me." He groaned pulling out a set of clothes to wear. Jimin bit the inside of his cheek watching him.
His heart fluttered at the sight of his body. For a brief second, his mind traveled to a dirty place.
"Are you okay?" He asked concerned.
Jimin quickly nodded and ran to the bathroom. He rested his body against the door and looked down at his pants.
His face bursted in embarrassment. Yoongi had given him a boner. He covered his eyes and tried to think of something else to make it go away.
"Hey. What's up?" Yoongi asked knocking on the door.
"Nothing. I-I just had to-to-pee..."
"Oh. Okay. I'm ready."
Jimin walked over and flushed the toilet. He washed his hands though they weren't dirty. "O-okay." He responded finally walking out.
Yoongi smiled and looked at the floor. What was Jimin doing to him? And why did he suddenly feel the need to protect him at all costs?
"Alright let's go." Jimin mumbled. They headed down the hall to the elevator. Everything was perfect until another person got in with them.
Yoongi suddenly got a bit panicky and stepped away from Jimin. He looked at Yoongi who was suddenly across the elevator from him.
It upset him, but he understood. Hanging out with the schools spaz wasn't good for his reputation.
"What's with all the snickering shit?" Yoongi asked Jungkook as they walked through the cafeteria.
"You haven't seen the video?"
"What video?"
"That little dude. Your roommate. That was some fucked up shit. What they did to him."
Yoongi looked around the cafeteria and watched everyone on their phones laughing. "Let's wait for the others...hey where are you going?" Jungkook asked.
Yoongi approached a table of three kids. He slammed his hand on the table making them look up.
"What are you looking at?" He asked.
The boy holding the phone slowly handed it to him. Yoongi's eyes widen seeing the video of Jimin being beaten on the dirty floor.
His blood instantly boiled. "Who the fuck send this to you?"
"I-I-I don't—"
"Who the fuck?" He asked louder.
They three boys remained quiet scared to death. Yoongi smiled, "Who are you? Introduce yourself. All of you."
"H-Hwang H-H-Hyunjin." One responded.
"L-Lee F-Felix."
Yoongi waited for the third one to answer, but he was so flustered and looked so scared he couldn't say a word.
"You. What's your name?"
The boy gasped and tried to gather his courage to speak up. "Name." Yoongi said leaning closer to him.
"Y-Yang Je-Jeongin."
"Do you know who recorded this video?" He asked.
"It was him!" Hyunjin quickly said.
Yoongi looked at the person Hyunjin pointed to. Of course it would be him and his crew. He scoffed rolling his tongue.
"Great. Thanks for your information."
"My-my phone sir." Felix shyly said.
Yoongi nodded, "Ah yeah. Of course. Here it is. Let me just quickly delete this shit. Here's a soft warning for you three, stop spreading this shit around. Do you see what happened to the kid in the video? Would you like it to be one of you instead?"
"No. Of course not. We-we were just curious." Hyunjin responded.
Yoongi smirked, "Well, you know what they say, curiosity killed the cat."
The boys shut their lips and nodded. "Understood." Felix responded. Yoongi then handed him the phone and walked back to Jungkook.
"What the fuck was that? Do you torture little kids or what?" Jungkook asked.
"Nothing. Nothing. I need you to back me up."
"On what?"
"We need to start a fight."
"What? Are you on crack?"
"Jungkook. Are you backing me up or not?"
"Yes, yes, I got you. Who are we fighting?"
"That jackass over there."
"Ugh. He is an ass. Let's wait for the others so they can help—"
"No. We need to do it right now. There's less people here. Less teachers. It's the perfect scenario. Plus, you're the strongest out of the group. We're good."
"What did he even do to you? Besides being an ass?"
"He looked at me."
Jungkook raised his eyebrows, "And?"
"And that's it. I just don't like him looking at me."
Jungkook shrugged, "Okay?"
"Alright. Let's go." He said adjusting his three ring fingers.
"Wait. Let me start it." Jungkook said as one of the guys got up. Yoongi waited for Jungkook to walk over there.
He walked by the guy and they touched shoulders. "What the fuck is your problem man?" Jungkook said offended.
"What then hell? I didn't even touch you."
"Yes the fuck you did." Jungkook screamed.
The other guys got up from the table to surround Jungkook. The students started to gather around them to see the fight.
Yoongi smiled running the commotion. The three boys sitting on the table watched Yoongi get in the fight.
And even though, they were tempted to take their phones out to record them they didn't. "Hey! Hey! Break it up!" A teacher screamed getting in between the fight.
"Stop it! Who started it?"
"That little bitch right there. Then his dumbass friend came and attacked me!" The guy said spitting blood out.
Yoongi was pleased to see that he had left bruises on his face and gave him a busted lip. He wished he could return every single bruise that was left on Jimin's body.
"Oh hell no. Hold me back." Jungkook said.
"Enough! You seven to the office now!"
Jungkook rolled his eyes following them out the door. "Is that Jungkook and Yoongi?" Nayeon said to Taehyung and Namjoon.
"That is. What the hell happened?" Taehyung wondered holding the cafeteria door open.
"You're suspended. All of you. You all have detention for the rest of the day. Now leave!" The principal said.
The guys got up to leave except for Yoongi. "May I have a word with you?"
"No. That's enough. I don't want to hear your lame excuses—"
"Do you want to keep your job?" He whispered.
He stopped what he was doing and looked at Yoongi. "The rest of you go to detention now!" He waited until the rest walked out.
"What the hell are you talking about?"
"Do you honestly want to suspend Jungkook and I?"
"Yeah! You two started it!"
"I was doing your fucking job."
"I will not tolerate this language and this disrespect—!"
"There's a video going around of a kid getting beat up in the locker room by those assholes. Isn't this a violence free campus? Aren't we an anti bully school? Please, explain to me why the hell are kids getting beat up by jocks and no teacher seems to notice? Why don't you ever notice? You don't give a fuck about the students here as long as you get paid. All you want is the money so fuck the students right? How do you think it'll be if I was to share that video on social media and expose you? It'll go viral, you'll have the police interrogating you because what if they would've beaten him to death? You would be held liable. So, if I were you I'd reconsider suspending Jungkook or me."
The principle had a blank expression on his face. "Where did you see that video?"
Yoongi scoffed, "Every one has it. If I were you I'd start checking everyone's phone. You wouldn't want it to go viral would you?"
"Get out of here. I'm not suspending you two this time, but that does not mean I won't if you keep acting like a fool."
"Are you punishing them?"
"They're getting suspended for two weeks."
"That's it? Suspension isn't going to fix this shit hole."
"I think that's good enough."
"Make then clean the bathrooms. Hope they slip and eat shit from the toilet."
"Mister Min. I'm not tolerating your language anymore. Get out before I suspend you for speaking that way."
"Make them clean the bathrooms. Can you imagine a headline saying 'principal only suspended students for violently beating and abusing a boy'. That wouldn't be good for your reputation." Yoongi said crossing his arms over his chest.
He turned a deep red and felt the anger building up in the center of his stomach. "Leave now. They'll clean the bathrooms now drop it."
"Great. I'll see you around." Yoongi grinned and headed out. He walked down the hallway to his locker.
Jungkook and Taehyung were hanging out by the bathroom waiting for him. "Hey! What happened?" Jungkook exclaimed.
"We're not suspended and we don't have detention either."
"What? How did you manage to do that?"
Yoongi shrugged, "I got my ways."
"Oh fuck yes. I'm glad. I didn't need my parents to talk shit to me."
"Yeah." Yoongi replied uninterested.
"I need to get something to eat. With all that fight and shit I didn't even get anything. You two coming?" Jungkook asked them both.
"We'll catch up." Taehyung answered.
Once Jungkook was away Taehyung gave Yoongi all his attention. "Why are you starting fights? You've been acting so strange lately. Are you okay?"
Yoongi laughed, "Are you shitting me right now? Are you really asking why I started that fight?"
"Yes. Jungkook said it was because that guy was looking at you, but I know that's not the reason."
"Have you seen your phone? Your social medias? There's a fucking video going around of Jimin getting beat by those five assholes."
"What?" Taehyung said in disbelief. His heart hurt instantly. Poor Jimin. He hadn't talked or seen him in a few days and had no idea of what was going on.
"Yeah. Isn't he your friend?"
"Yes. He is. I just don't really check my social media like that and—"
"Well, I did that to defend him. You should've done the same." Yoongi accused.
Taehyung gulped suddenly feeling guilty. "Now, if you excuse me, I have to go shit all the toilets and make a shitty mess for them to clean." Yoongi told.
Taehyung stood there disappointed in himself. He told Jimin he'd be there to protect him from cruel kids.
Guess his promise wasn't good enough.
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