"You have to come." Taehyung encouraged.
"I-I don't even have any cute clothes to wear." Jimin said.
"All your clothes is cute duh. If you want I can let you borrow something."
Jimin shook his head no, "Actually, it's not the clothes."
"Then what?"
He sighed looking around the cafeteria. Some people were staring at them and he knew they were talking.
One of the persons staring was Yoongi although Jimin didn't notice that. "They don't like me. I would look so stupid going to the school dance where no one wants me there."
"Uhh, excuse me? I like you. And they don't own the school. You can go wherever you want. I'll be there you won't have to worry about being alone."
Jimin smiled as his cheeks turned pink. "Really?" He wondered.
Taehyung grinned and quickly nodded. "Yes! Really."
"Plus, I want you to show you something. Please." He said with the biggest boxy smile. Jimin's heart skipped a beat. How could he say no?
"Alright. I'll—I'll go."
"Perfect. I'll see you then. I have to go make up some assignment now. Bye!"
"B-bye." He smiled waving. When Taehyung was out the door he returned to eating his food. Yoongi still had his eyes on him without him noticing.
"Are you okay?" Jin asked Yoongi.
"Huh?" He asked snapping back to reality.
"You've been staring nowhere for like five minutes straight." He snickered.
Yoongi shrugged pushing his plate of food away. "I'm not hungry anymore."
"Can I have it?"
Yoongi nodded. His friends continued eating as his eyes slowly went to Jimin. Lately, he couldn't keep his eyes off him.
"Let me see your hand." The teacher asked opening up a sharpie. Jimin extended his hand and she marked a big x on it.
"If you leave the dance you can't come back in without paying."
"Okay. T-thank you." He said walking through the door.
There was loud music playing, the room was dark with neon lights flashing everywhere. Everyone was with their group of friends socializing.
Jimin awkwardly stood by the door feeling his nerves intensify. It was so weird just standing there alone.
At times like that he wished he were popular. He wished people wanted to actually talk to him.
He made his way to the tables with the snacks to avoid being looked at. Taehyung wasn't there at the moment. He was the only reason he showed up.
Jimin poured himself some fruit punch and just as he was about to drink a guy came behind him and harshly pushed him. The table moved and Jimin gasped panicked.
The drink spilled over his hands and shirt. He looked at the red stain on one of the shirts that Taehyung had given him.
"Oops. Didn't see you there, spaz." He smirked.
Jimin kept looking at his shirt upset. It wasn't the fact that he had just been pushed or the fact that the guy just insulted him. All he cared about was the shirt.
"Aww. Are you upset you stained your shirt?" He teased.
Jimin looked up and stared at him. The guy suddenly stopped smirking and his face expression completely changed.
"I will make your life miserable for as long as you are here. You are disgusting and I hope you know that no one likes you. We do not accept fags like you. You should've never come, Park. You're an embarrassment to our society, you sicko." He spit on Jimin's face and walked by shoving him with his arm.
Jimin stumbled and once again the drink spilled some more. He quickly grabbed a napkin to wipe his face.
His chin was trembling and his knees felt weak. If he hadn't come he could've avoided it all. He was trying to control his breathing to prevent himself from bawling.
"Jimin!" Taehyung beamed.
He stopped wiping his face and turned around forcing a smile. "Hello, Taehyung. How are you?"
"I'm great! How are you?"
"I'm-I'm good. Thank you for asking." He responded bawling the dirty napkin in his palm.
"Oh, you spilled some fruit punch on your shirt."
"Yes, I'm so clumsy. I'm sorry for staining the shirt you gave me." He whispered.
"It's okay! I have plenty of more I can give you. You look nice."
Jimin softly smiled. Taehyung's presence had brought a smile to his face, but it didn't stop his heart from hurting. Or the sinking emotion he felt at the moment.
"You're so kind to me." He nostalgically said feeling his eyes flood with tears.
"Are you okay?" Taehyung asked.
Jimin turned around and got more punch. "Oh, yes! I'm just a bit thirsty that's all." He said. "Are you sure?"
"Mhmm. Do you want some too?"
"Yes, thank you."
Jimin finally faced him when he didn't feel the tears brimming his eyes. "Here you are." He smiled handing him the cup.
"Guess what?" Taehyung grinned.
"She's here."
"Who is?"
"Sea. She's here."
"Oh," Jimin replied a bit deflated. He knew Taehyung wasn't gay and that he didn't feel the same. But, hearing this with everything that had just happened was too much for him.
"That's why I wanted you to come! I wanted you to see her."
At that moment Jimin felt stupid. A part of him had hoped that Taehyung simply wanted him to come to hang out with him not to show him his girlfriend.
"Great. I can't wait to meet her." He said.
"Well, you can't personally meet her because we're not allowed to talk to her. Come here."
Jimin followed Taehyung up a few stairs. There, he saw all of Taehyung's friends and a few others that were sitting over in tables.
From there, the whole dance floor could be seen. It was almost like a VIP section or something.
"I brought Jimin!" Taehyung cheesed. His group of friends turned to look at him uninterested. Except for Nayeon and Yoongi who suddenly had his eyes on him.
"Jimin! You look so cute!" Nayeon beamed rushing to give him a hug.
Namjoon looked over at Yoongi a bit confused. "Isn't that your girl?"
"We're nothing She's a close friend." Yoongi corrected.
"Well, yeah, but hadn't you claimed her or something?" Hoseok wondered.
"I claimed her in our group. She's free to talk to everyone else just not a friend of mine."
Namjoon scoffed and went back to talking to Hoseok and Jin. "T-thank you. You-you look pretty." He blushed.
"You're too nice. These are my friends." She said pointing to a group of girls. "H-hi." He shyly waved.
Like the rest, the girls didn't pay him no mind and continued their conversation. "Hey! He said hi." She stated.
The girls finally waved back and then continued what they were doing. Nayeon was about to say something until Jimin stopped her.
"It's okay. They're talking."
"They're so rude sometimes. I'm going to get some snacks. Want something?"
"No thank you. I already have punch."
"Okay then!" She smiled. Two of her friends walked down with her to get snacks. "Don't tell me you're into her?" Taehyung whispered.
"What? No. She's-she's my friend."
"Good. Even though Yoongi and her aren't really a couple I don't think he would like you two being something."
Jimin shook his head nervously. "Nayeon is only my friend. I promise."
Taehyung grinned, "Okay. Okay. Walk over with me."
Yoongi was observing the two whispering in the corner. He wondered what they were talking about and why Jimin hadn't even noticed him yet.
"Look. That's her." Taehyung said pointing down to a lady standing by the exit door.
She looked medium height, had short blonde hair, and was wearing black khakis with a white blouse.
"Is she a teacher?" Jimin wondered.
Taehyung chuckled, "No. She use to be my gym trainer. The only reason she's here is because the principal is really good friends with her so she volunteered to chaperone for the night."
Jimin kept looking at the lady. He felt his heart at his throat again. Why couldn't he be her?
"I know what you're thinking, but she's not that much older than me. Well, she is. We started this relationship a couple months back when I turned eighteen."
"She's beautiful." Jimin admitted.
Taehyung smiled staring at her from above. "She is."
So, Taehyung looked at her while he looked at him. He hadn't even been at the dance for twenty minutes and a roller coaster of emotions had already hit him.
"Is that why you aren't official? Because she's older?" He asked. He wasn't sure why he asked in the first place.
Maybe because he hoped that if he heard Taehyung talk abut her, his heart would understand.
"Yes and no. Like mentioned before, she sometimes treats me like shit. I just think she's damaged," Taehyung said while keeping his eyes on her.
"She's been through a lot. Her fiancé passed away a month before their wedding and she loved him. She told me about him and I know she won't ever love me nearly as much, but I'm okay with that. You know, sometimes I think a lot about it. Though, she's fourteen years older she's still very immature. I blame her painful past for that. She's simply too selfish and only thinks of herself because she is afraid to get hurt. So, she jumps around on rocks sinking them as she goes. I hope she doesn't sink me too."
Jimin kept quiet biting the inside of his cheek. "Sorry. Didn't mean to like tell you my love life." He laughed.
"It's okay. I just don't like to see you upset." Jimin admitted sadly.
"You're a good friend, Jimin."
"I try to be." He painfully smiled.
"Can you keep this a secret?"
"Of course."
"Thank you. Hey, I'm going to run to the bathroom real quick. Have a seat at the table I'll be right back." He grinned.
Jimin nodded and once he was down the stairs he looked over at the table. No one seemed to notice him so he made his way to sit hoping to go unnoticed.
"Why're you dressed like that?" Yoongi asked.
"Huh?" Jimin asked confused. He didn't expect him to talk. He imagined the reason he did was because his friends were too busy smoking an electric cigarette and laughing about some obnoxious joke.
"Why are you dressed like that?" He repeated.
Jimin looked down at his clothes and turned bright red. Yoongi laughed, "Holy shit. Are you trying to impress someone?"
His face turned redder. Was it that evident? "Are you trying to impress, Nayeon?"
Jimin sighed relieved. He would much rather him to believe that instead of the sad truth. He was only trying to impress, Taehyung.
"N-no. I-I wanted to look n-nice."
"It looks like you're trying to find a date. Tell me, are you planning to take her away? I mean you've already touched her tits."
"W-well, it-it flatters me that you honestly believe that I can take her away from you." Jimin laughed.
He found this hilarious actually. A guy like him could never get a girl like Nayeon even if he wanted to.
Yoongi smiled. He was about to say something when Jungkook spoke up, "Dude! Look at this!" He screamed enthusiastically.
Yoongi quickly looked away from Jimin and turned his attention back to his friends. Jimin remained on his seat focusing his eyes on the table.
Only two minutes had gone by when he looked up. He saw Yoongi and his friends laughing at the video they were playing. Then, he glanced at the corner to a group of people socializing.
The music was still playing loudly making his eardrums hurt. What the hell am I doing here? He wondered. He was literally alone in a room full of people.
Why was he there when no one wanted him? Why was he trying so hard to fit in when he didn't?
He gulped down the knot on his throat and got up from the table. Walking down the steps he noticed Nayeon and her two friends dancing on the floor.
Why couldn't he be that happy too?
Since, he couldn't go through the exit he decided to walk back to the front. The lady that was there before wasn't anymore.
He walked down the empty hallway until he saw a staircase. There was no telling where this would lead and to be honest he didn't care.
He just needed to be away from them. He wanted to be alone though he already was. When he made it to the top he saw a green metal door and pushed it open.
It led to the rooftop. Jimin lastly felt like he could breathe again. The dark sky above him seemed to embrace his loneliness.
He laid down on the ground and kept his eyes on the stars. They started to become blurry from the tears building up in his eyes.
Suddenly, the door opened and Jimin sat up looking in that direction. It was Yoongi who was slowly approaching him.
"You can lay back down."
Jimin didn't say a word and rested back staring at the sky once again. He felt him sit next to him.
He also heard his lighter flicker on. Jimin turned his head to the right and saw a cigarette between his pink lips.
"You want one?"
"I don't smoke."
He chuckled, "Of course you don't."
"Why do you?"
He shrugged, "I guess I only do it when I'm lonely."
"Why did you leave the dance?"
"There was no point in staying. I don't belong there. I don't belong here."
"Where do you belong?"
Jimin smiled, "By myself I suppose."
"Ah." Yoongi replied looking into his eyes. He could clearly see he was beyond broken and that made him feel like shit because he related in so many levels.
"Why did you leave?" Jimin asked.
"I want to be alone."
"Well, I can leave if you want me t—"
"I don't mind being alone with you."
Jimin stayed quiet and looked up at the sky. Yoongi glanced at him for a few more seconds before looking up as well.
He smoked for a bit more, but then he turned it off without even finishing it. He didn't think it was necessary to keep smoking because he wasn't alone.
And, he thought it was weird. He never imagined it would be possible to have a conversation with someone without using words.
They didn't have to speak to know what each other felt. They understood each other's silence.
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