Yoongi stumbled through the door. His head was spinning and the nauseous gut feeling at the moment was the worst.
He knew that he would feel sick after drinking and getting high. Did he care? No. Because nausea, vomiting, and headaches was better than the emptiness in his chest.
The light was on and he looked around the room confused. Jimin would usually be asleep by now.
Both of the beds were empty. He looked at the bathroom door which was nearly cracked. The sink water was running and he tried to approach it as quietly as he could.
Jimin was standing in front of the mirror shirtless with water dripping down his face. He grabbed a towel and messily dried himself as he quietly sung.
Yoongi smiled leaning over the door abruptly pushing it open. Jimin gasped and stepped back as he watched the pale boy with a big grin on his face.
"You scared me." Jimin whispered shyly.
"You're drunk on a Monday night." He commented when he saw his eyes nearly shut. Yoongi simply shrugged and laughed.
Min Yoongi was a complicated man.
There were many layers to this boy and Jimin wanted to uncover them all. He wanted to see everything he was hiding.
Yoongi turned around and stumbled back away from the bathroom. He threw himself on Jimin's bed and squinted his eyes.
"T-that's my bed..."
"It's was the closest to me." He mumbled.
"You don't look so good." He said kneeling on the floor. He made sure to keep his distance because he knew Yoongi could snap any second.
"The room won't stop spinning. Holy shit man." He laughed.
"Why do you like to drink and get high?"
"Why do you like to breathe?"
"Breathing is essential. Getting intoxicated isn't."
"It is when your life is as shitty as mine."
"Try to look at the good things in your life. You're breathing and that means that you are trying. You're also healthy—"
"Physically. Not mentally."
Jimin suddenly kept quiet. He felt bad for him. It was weird to relate to him in so many ways. "Are you mentally healthy?" Yoongi asked. Jimin opened his mouth to reply and then quickly closed it.
How could he respond to a question he didn't even know himself?
"I'm taking that as a no."
"I just try to look at the good side of things."
"I'm not you, Jimin. I can't ever look at the good side of things. If you haven't noticed I'm an asshole, a dick, and a jerk. I don't deserve your kindness. I need you to be mean to me. I deserve it."
Jimin slowly rested his head on the mattress and smiled sweetly. "You have a kind heart. Why do you try to be so mean when you aren't? You're-you're good to me."
He scoffed, "No I'm not. I've called you names. I caused those guys to start bullying you. You call that kindness?"
"But, you're changing. You can change. Change is good."
"You don't get it. No one gets it."
"Explain it to me then. Maybe I'll get it." He encouraged.
"I was born into this. This is my fate. This is all I've ever been taught."
"Tell me about you and I'll tell you about me."
Yoongi suddenly furrowed his eyebrows together and he flipped around and laid on his back. His eyes were focused on the ceiling now.
"Fuck no. Are you some sort of therapist or something?" He snapped.
Jimin straightened up. This was Yoongi putting up his walls again. He felt vulnerable opening up to him and he understood.
Not everyone could openly talk about their feelings. In fact, Jimin couldn't either. He decided to hide everything behind that smile of his.
Who would want to hear him nag about about his sad life? No one cared. It was better to keep it all in.
"N-no. I-I'm trying to be nice. In-in case you want to be my friend."
Yoongi snorted, "Fuck. What's your obsession with friends?"
"I'm scared to be my only friend."
Yoongi stopped laughing and turned to face him. Jimin had this blank look in his eyes that he got lost into. There were too many emotions bundle up behind his eyelids and he could tell.
"I understand."
"You have many friends..." he mumbled quietly.
"I do, but I'm fake to them. I can't ever express how I truly feel."
"Why not?"
"Because. I guess I don't want to bother people with my dumb shit." He laughed.
"You're feelings aren't stupid."
"How come you defend everyone but yourself? You don't give yourself enough credit."
"I-I- thank you?"
"What?" He chuckled.
"I'm not sure if that was a compliment. If you can't tell I don't receive them often." He blushed.
Yoongi smiled, "You're not as boney as you look. That's a compliment by the way."
Jimin then looked down at his bare chest. He had complete forgotten that he was still shirtless.
"S-sorry. I'll-I'll cover—"
"Do you like to sing?" He asked changing the topic.
"Sort of." He admitted.
"It's a yes or a no."
"Yes. I do."
"Good. You're not lying. I heard you singing in the bathroom."
"You...you did?"
"Yeah. Sing to me."
"What?" He asked shocked. He wasn't sure of the the hell Yoongi had smoked or drunk That made him so nice. Was he actually saying this?
Was this even his roommate?
"Sing to me."
"Are you demanding it or asking me?"
"Sing to me." He snapped. Jimin flinched and blinked his eyes several times. "O-okay..." he whispered.
Like usual, Yoongi brought his attitude level down to the negatives because how could he be mean to this? It seemed like Jimim was the only one that could help with his anger issues.
"Please." He added, this time much softer and less demanding than before.
Jimin nodded his head clearing his throat. "What do want to hear?" He asked.
"Wh-what?" He said his cheeks turning a pink tone.
"You pick. Make it something peaceful and soft."
"Oh, okay, well, do you mind the genre?"
"No, just pick something." He slurred as his eyelids slowly closed.
Jimin took a deep breath and started to sing since his eyes were closed. It was easier this way. He liked to sing, but he didn't think his voice was good enough. And maybe since Yoongi was drunk he wouldn't remember it in the morning.
"Wish that you would hold me or just say that you were mine, it's killing me slowly," he looked at Yoongi who still hadn't open his eyes.
He felt the blood rushing to his face so he closed his eyes to keep singing. He didn't know why he picked this song in the first place and he certainly hoped Yoongi wouldn't be weirded out by it.
"Dream a little dream of me,"
Yoongi opened his eyes and stared right at him. His voice was so soulful and beautiful. His heart started racing at the tone of his voice and Yoongi couldn't lie.
Jimin looked so effortlessly beautiful. His hair ruffled and messy, his clean face out of the shower, and those rosy pink cheeks.
There were parts of Yoongi that cake to live when he was around Jimin and he couldn't explain why.
"Make me into something sweet," he sung a little breathless. He was the one with his eyes closed now. If he sung with them open he would be a blushing mess.
"Turn the radio on, dancing to a pop song—" he stopped when he felt him staring. One of his eyes slowly opened to peek.
When he saw Yoongi he immediately looked at him with wide eyes. "I'm not that good at singing. I'm sorry if it's not helping."
Yoongi foolishly smiled and closed his eyes again. Hearing him sing was beyond peaceful. He felt so tranquil and like nothing could bother him at the moment.
He made him forget his blueness for a split second and that was more than enough.
"What's up faggot?"
Jimin immediately tried to walk past them only to get shoved into the lockers. The breath was knocked out him.
"When will you ever learn your lesson?" He asked shoving him harshly against the metal. The handle was digging into his mid back causing an excruciating yelp to escape his lips.
"You like this huh? Fag."
"We don't like gays. Do you know how sick it truly is?" Another asked.
When Jimin didn't reply he received a punch on the gut. He started coughing instantly becoming nauseous.
"The next one is going to go on your—"
"Wow. Impressive. You're making fun of him for being a fag and for being gay, but what you're doing right now screams little bitch to me." Yoongi said as he threw his gym bag on the floor.
"Fuck, mind your own damn business. Why're you defending him now?"
"Are you two..." another one smirked. Yoongi laughed, but he was clearly pissed. He rolled his tongue and walked to him.
"No we're not you dick head. You know why I'm standing up for him? Because all of you think you're the shit walking around with your little group of friends up each other's asses. If you truly wanted a fair fight why not just fight him alone? Why do you need your bitches backing you up?"
"You don't want to—"
"I don't want to what? Are you truly stepping up to me? We can fight. Oh! Even better, since there's five more I can bring my friends to join me!"
"I don't want to fight you. Matter fact, keep defending your precious friend here." One replied walking by him with his friends.
"Keep being his little bitch." He mumbled. When Yoongi heard this he scoffed. He instantly pulled him back by the shirt and slammed him on the floor.
Three punches later, the guy was trying to push him off. "Stop—!"
Yoongi looked at his bloody fist and at the guys nose. "Who's the little bitch now? Begging me to stop. Fuck off. Go be a snitch bitch if you want."
The guy got up and cleaned his nose with his arm. "Fuck you." He said but stepped back. One of his friends tried to help him and he pushed him away angry.
When they were out of the locker room he turned to look at Jimin. He was by the corner afraid to death.
Yoongi didn't know why he had defended him but he had. "Why don't you ever stick up for yourself?" He asked a bit aggravated with him.
Jimin bit the inside of his lip and looked down at his shoes. "It's not that fucking hard dude! Just stand up for your fucking self!" He screamed.
"Are you listening to me?" He yelled louder. Jimin closed his eyes afraid of him. It felt like he couldn't breathe and there was a heavy feeling on his chest.
Yoongi approached him getting closer. "I'm scared." He whispered trembling in fear. "I'm so scared." He repeated softly.
"Sorry." Yoongi answered quieter. Jimin finally looked up with a pale face. "Just breathe. It's fine. They're gone. I didn't mean to scare you."
Jimin tried to take deep breaths and though it still felt like he was still lacking oxygen he felt better.
"I know you can't defend yourself against six of them,"
"They scare me so much it paralyzes me. I just can't." He quietly said as he sat on a bench.
"It's okay. They're gone now." Yoongi said. He reached over to touch him, but quickly pulled back.
"You can finish changing now. I won't let no one come in. I'll be out the door." He added and walked away. Jimin stood there taking small breaths.
Yoongi couldn't see it yet, but he was slowly changing and molding into a whole new person because of him.
He was standing outside the locker room and he looked at his own hand. There was dried blood on his fist and it was awfully shaking.
Not because he was angry, or because of the blood. He was scared. Not of them, not of himself...he was scared of Jimin.
Because Jimin was that type of boy to get stuck on your mind like a song on repeat. He was the type of boy to engrave poetry in your heart.
He was the type to fall in love with.
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