"I'm going to kill you little weasel." Yoongi said as he pushed Jimin against the wall.
He gasped as the color of his face left his body turning pale. "Y-Yoongi I—"
"You like Nayeon? You were touching her boobs?"
He had his arm against his throat and the pressure caused him to start coughing. Yoongi slowly released a bit so he could breathe again.
"I didn't—"
"Don't try to deny it. She told me herself."
"We're friends."
"Friends?" He shrieked putting more pressure once again.
"No-no-not like that! She's my friend. My for real friend."
"Stay away from her." He warned.
Jimin didn't respond. A few seconds went by of awkward staring. Yoongi then noticed how warm his skin was and how scared he looked.
His eyes were big and round and full of fear. It looked like a deer that was about to get eaten. Something within him moved and he completely let go stepping back.
It reminded him of scenarios of his father and how he treated him like that. He knew he had that same look whenever his father even walked through the door.
"I don't like her. I promise. If I touched her breasts it was simply because-because I was curious. I asked her. She didn't tell me to. Don't get mad at her."
Yoongi knew this was a lie because he had spoken to Nayeon. She confirmed that in fact it was her who asked him to and he was the one that was hesitant at first.
So why would he cover for her? Why was he willing to take the blame and a possible beating? Did he really like her?
Then he remember that was just the type of person Jimin was. If he were to be underwater with another person and had an oxygen tank, he would be willing to give it to them. He always tried to save everyone but himself.
"You're doing it again." Yoongi responded.
"What?" He whispered.
"You're saving others but yourself." He told. Jimin was shocked that he even remembered this because that time they talked about it he was beyond intoxicated.
Yoongi walked by and out the room. As the door shut behind he touched his neck and leaned his head back against the wall.
Truth was, Jimin didn't know why he did it. He dint know why he always took the blame or why he was constantly trying to fill up people's emptiness.
Maybe it was because that's the only thing he was ever good at.
"What do we have here?"
As soon as Jimin heard those words he started to walk quicker only to bump into a much taller guy with muscles.
"I-I'm sorry." He said holding his binder tightly against his chest. He looked around to see if anyone was there.
To his bad luck, the only people on the courtyard was the group of boys and him. "Where to so fast?" The other boy behind him asked.
Jimin's heart sunk to his feet. It was that same guy that had shoved that banana down his throat and nearly made him puke.
"I'm just trying to go to the library." He said innocently.
"Fuck, you're so annoying. I'm just trying to go to the library. You talk like a dumbass."
"Can I please just get by?"
"Why? Aren't you having fun? Isn't this your dream come true? A group of men around you?"
Jimin shook his head no keeping his gaze on his feet. "Don't lie. Why don't you tell the others how much you enjoyed that banana throat fucking you."
The group of guys started to laugh hysterically. The commotion was so much and he felt his surroundings spin. He closed his eyes tightly until he saw stars.
The guy snatched his glasses out of his face and dropped them on the ground. He stepped on the crystals until he heard them crack.
"I didn't like that. That wasn't very nice." Jimin finally responded as he looked down at his broken glasses.
"Oh! He has spoken! You didn't like that huh?" The guy asked leaning closer to his face.
"What are you going to do about it, spaz?"
Jimin was now frozen. He could hear the anger in his voice and he felt vulnerable. Even if he did try to fight how could he fight all five of them?
They were much bigger, taller, and stronger. So what else could he do but take it? If he tried to fight it, it would only make it worse.
He smacked his binder out of his hands, "I asked what are you going to do about it?"
His face was red with anger and Jimin could see his neck vein starting to pop. He could tell that he was beyond furious since he got humiliated by Nayeon because of him.
"Come on do something." He said pushing him.
Jimin stumbled shaking his head no, "I just want t-"
"Do something." Another guy in the crowd said. They were looking at this enjoying every second of it.
"Do something." He threatened pushing him once more only this time harder. When Jimin didn't say anything he smacked him on the face.
They snickered as he touched his warm cheek. It stung, really bad and he couldn't do a thing about it.
"You're starting to piss me off."
Jimin stood there unable to look at them in the eyes. He had seen a few of the guys had their phones out recording for their entertainment.
He was too scared and focused on the ground that he didn't see the guy swing at him. The hit was so hard that he fell on the ground.
Just as he was about to do it again someone from behind stopped him. "I think that's enough."
The guy turned around instantly. "Are you and Nayeon on a mission to save the world or what?" He asked Yoongi as he continued to breathe heavily.
Yoongi shrugged, "Are you going to stop or not?"
He didn't try to argue with him and neither did the others. Because Yoongi had a reputation that scared everyone off except his friends.
They walked away in unison. Yoongi looked at Jimin on the ground. He had a bloody lip, a scratched knee and hand.
"Are you okay?" He asked.
Jimin nodded as he got up from the ground. He walked to get his broken glasses which were in two pieces and held them up.
"Well, these aren't going to be any good." He said with a weak smile.
"What did you do to them?"
"I don't know. They just don't like me. If you haven't noticed, half of the people here don't like me. Except for Taehyung and Nayeon."
Yoongi swallowed hard and he had to look away because fuck. Why was he feeling so sad? Why did he felt so bad for him? Why was he defending him when he didn't like him?
"Just stay away from that group so they don't bother you." He finally responded. Jimin nodded his head and at that moment he wanted to laugh.
What Yoongi didn't know was that even if he did try to stay away, they always found a way to him.
"Are you going back to the room?" He asked again.
Jimin nodded his head again as he picked up his binder from the ground. He wiped the bloom from his lip on his hand.
He didn't want to get blood on the shirt Taehyung had given him. It was beyond special and he would treasure it no matter what.
Yoongi started to get that nostalgic feeling again so he quickly tried to snap out of it. "Come on! Let's go then!"
Jimin winced his heat rate going up. This made Yoongi relax a little. "Let's go." He repeated more softly.
He followed Yoongi behind to the building. It hurt to walk on his knee and his face was still numb from the hard hit, but he didn't complain a single time.
A few minutes later, they were back in the room. Jimin laid his binder on his bed and he quickly went to get a piece of tape.
Yoongi was attentively watching his every move. He watched as he wrapped the tape around the glasses.
"Look! I might just need to replace the crystals." He smiled holding them up.
Yoongi didn't respond. Instead, he just watched him. He could clearly see that he was hurt emotionally and physically. Why didn't he show it?
"I think this is a good excuse to get new crystals. I couldn't even see that good with the old ones."
A deep sadness fell over him watching Jimin sitting with his legs crossed on the floor. Even in the worse situations he tried to make the best out of it. He looked so innocent and like he needed a lot of protection and loving.
Jimin finally made eye contact with him and he smiled sweetly. "T-thank you for what you did." He said.
Yoongi nodded. "Okay, well, I need to shower really quick. I'm a bit dirty." He got up and set his glasses on the counter as he walked to the bathroom.
Once he heard the door shut, he quietly walked over to the bathroom to try to hear if he was crying.
He could hear the water running but no other noise. He listened and listened and nothing. He stepped back astonished because he expected him to be bawling his eyes out and he didn't see or hear him crying once.
Jimin was in the shower with his head leaning against the shower wall. He was taking deep breaths trying to contain it all in.
Don't cry, don't cry, don't cry.
He kept telling himself to keep it together. He didn't like to cry on sunny days. He only liked to do it on the rainy ones. Those were his favorite.
But at that time he was feeling so much. Too much to keep it all inside and his body was overflowing with sadness.
The air surrounding him embraced the melancholic mood. So, even though he didn't want to the tears spilled from his eyes without warning.
Though he always kept a smile on his face no one could see past that. No one knew the battle mind behind his eye lids.
So, he cried silently as he fell apart. It'll be okay. One day he would be okay. Maybe not today.
He would try again tomorrow.
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