Jimin opened his eyes when he heard the lamp fall on the floor. He was already asleep, but since he was such a light sleeper he woke up abruptly to the noise.
He sat up and turned on his lamp which was still in place. Yoongi was sitting on his bed holding his shin.
"Why the fuck did you put the lamp there?"
"That's not my lamp." He answered quietly. Based on his tone and his slurred speech, he could tell that he was drunk.
"You should've moved it."
Jimin nodded to agree. The last thing he needed was to argue with a drunk guy. So, he laid back in bed and turned the opposite way.
"Hey! Aren't you going to help me?"
Jimin remained quiet his breath quickening. He had sort of stood up to him in the afternoon and though it felt good, he couldn't do it again.
In fact, Jimin was now a bit terrified. What if Yoongi wanted to beat him? Will anyone hear his cries? Will they even try to help him? Probably not. He was very hated.
"Hey!" He screamed making him wince. A few seconds went by and he slowly turned to him. "Why should I help you? You're not very nice."
Yoongi snorted. "Fuck, I knew you couldn't be mean after that little comment of yours. It was decent. A good response for sure. It threw me off guard because you're always running around in rainbows and unicorn dust."
"I said that because all you've ever been to me is be mean. I haven't done anything to you. Why does my friendship with Taehyung affect you so much?"
"Because I don't want him to be put in your little drama! Don't you realize you scare people due to those rumors?"
"Taehyung doesn't care." He responded almost whispering.
"Taehyung will care when he's being treated like shit. I'm just trying to protect him from you."
"Why does everyone treat me like I'm a deadly disease? Like I will make them sick? I'm just trying to mind my business and everything I do is wrong."
Yoongi shrugged, "I told you, you need to deny those rumors."
"And I told you whatever I say won't change a thing. I told you to at least ignore me if you didn't want to be my friend and you didn't. Why would they hear me?"
Yoongi groaned holding his stomach. "I don't feel good." He mumbled in between burps. Jimin took note at how abnormally pale his face turned.
"I think you need to throw up." Jimin replied quickly jumping out of bed and opening the bathroom door for him.
Yoongi stumbled to the toilet and nearly fell. He had his head hunched over it and burped loudly once again.
"Fuck, this shit." He replied leaning back on the sink counter.
"Are you sure you don't need to vomit?"
"I'm fucking sure." He snapped.
Jimin nodded again watching his face expressions.
He smelled awful and his blonde greyish hair looked messy. His eyes looked gloomier than usual and Jimin recognized the look immediately.
If he could snap a picture of him at the very moment, he would without a doubt. But, he snapped a picture in his kind.
"Why do you only talk to me when you're intoxicated?" He wondered.
"Because when I'm fucked up you're less annoying."
"Am I really annoying?"
Yoongi nodded, "For sure. You're so needy for attention. It's...exasperating. That's why I don't know how Taehyung can handle you."
Jimin looked down at his lap. His chest felt like he got stung and it was slowly spreading to the rest of his body.
"I know. I don't know how he can either. I can't stand my own company. It's impossible for anyone else to enjoy it."
"This is what I'm talking about. Why don't you talk back? Tell me to shut the fuck up and just move on. You dwell on it too much."
"I did speak back to you while ago and you shoved me down. Can you imagine if I do it again? I will get punched."
Yoongi closed his eyes feeling himself get tired. "Whatever." Was all he could say. Once again, he had many mixed emotions.
He hated the fact that Jimin made him feel uncertain and confused. He was always so angry at him, but after having a conversation he almost felt bad for treating him that way.
"I don't understand you."
Yoongi opened his eyes to see him. He was sitting on the bathroom floor in front of him. With an oversized green stripped shirt and matching pants along with forest green fluff it socks.
His lips were plumped and red and his eyes read a deep blue sadness Yoongi couldn't wrapped his mind around.
"I don't understand you." Yoongi responded.
"You're so mean, but when you're drunk or high you give me advice to step up for myself? What is it that you want from me?"
"You're always acting so happy, yet you always try to hide your emotions. What do you want from yourself?"
Jimin shook his head no, "You can't answer my question with another one."
"You're stupid."
Jimin sighed, "There you go again. You're so double sided." He added a bit aggravated.
"I know what you're trying to do. It's not going to work. You're so stupid, holy shit."
"I...what are you talking about?" He asked feeling himself become angry. Yoongi laughed slowly sliding further down floor until he was laying on his side.
He had an obnoxious smile plastered on his face yet his eyes remained at an empty state. And Jimin felt that. Because, he was Yoongi. Except, he didn't try to take his anger out on the world.
"What is it?" He repeated.
Yoongi hiccuped pointing his finger at him. "You...you're so oblivious. I was like you once, minus the shitty baby attitude. I know what you're trying to do and it won't work because I've tried it. Nothing ever happened for me."
"You're drunk. You should go lay in bed. You need some sleep." Jimin tried to get up and Yoongi grabbed his wrist gently.
He looked down at the pale hand wrapped around his tiny wrist. The whole action had him feeling some sort of way.
He didn't pull away and didn't try to get up again. He didn't realize he needed human touch so bad.
"You're waiting for be saved, Jimin and that won't happen. You're waiting for this world to be a better place and that won't happen either.
You're doing too much. Just too much. It's like you're stuck in a room and water keeps coming in and instead of trying to keep yourself alive, you're helping others to take that breath that you need,"
Jimin remained quiet. His voice had turned from angry to a much more soft tone. And he had never heard such gentleness from him.
"You need to save yourself and stop waiting for someone that will."
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