Jessa allows her thoughts to wonder and does her best to get lost in them to avoid the pain that she is feeling as they travel along. The pain is building but she has no intentions of letting Dhiren know. The sooner they return to Castlerock, the better it will be for her.
Jessa allows herself to remember the night before. After dinner when the families of the five spies come to her. She had been so nervous, unsure what to expect from them.
What she hadn't expected was the smiles as they came to her and hugged her. She hugs them back automatically but is too astounded to do much more than that. Hugs have been few and far between other than her parents and lately Dhiren.
"Thank you for seeing us, princess." The first woman tells Jessa once they all have had the chance to hug her.
"You are certainly welcome, although I'm not sure just why you would like to see me. I didn't even realize that they fought. I was rather occupied with my own fights."
"Yes, the magic users showed us all the fight. That you survived is nearly miraculous. Our children knew that you would need the help and that is why they rushed in. Perhaps it was foolish of them, but we couldn't be prouder of them for being willing to lose their lives to help save our princess's life."
"I'm sorry, I don't understand." Jessa tells them looking more than a little lost at their words.
The one that took on the role of spokeswoman shoots Dhiren a fleeting look before turning her full attention on Jessa.
"You are our princess. They gave their lives in order to help save your life. It was an honor for them to do so. We are just thankful that their sacrifice wasn't in vain." The female shakes her head and so do the others. It truly was miraculous that Jessa survived.
"We just want to thank you for what you did and what you were willing to do. By taking on the bandits alone you were willing to sacrifice your own life to protect the lives of the rest of the elves. Perhaps many would think that foolish, I know that the prince wasn't happy with your choice, but we are thankful."
"You are welcome, all of you, but why are you thankful for my choice?"
"Because, Princess we also have other members in the army and they now will not have to go against the bandits. They, for now, at least are safe. Because of your incredible abilities our families are safe. We suffered the loss of one for the safety of the rest of us. Thank you."
"My son had the greatest respect for you, Princess." One of the other females spoke up once the first one finished speaking.
The others nod agreeing with her.
Jessa starts crying, "I'm sorry. I failed them. I should have done better then they would still be alive. I'm sorry. So sorry."
The mothers of those that died look at her shocked. "No, princess. What you did, it was amazing. No other single person could have done as much. We aren't here to blame you in any way. On the contrary, we just wanted to thank you for doing what you did. For making it possible for their bodies to receive the send off and return to Lady Zira."
"All our children admired you for your abilities and how you handled those spoiled brats. You fought so very bravely. We all thank you. We too admire you, how you dealt with those brats, how you never embarrassed them more than necessary although it's very obvious that you were far better than them." They shake their heads. "You are born to be a princess and some day a queen. We are very honored to accept you as our crown princess."
Shortly after that they filter out of the room and Dhiren holds Jessa as she once more cries. Just like the last time when the families of the dead wished to speak to her, she feels the pain from their passing and sadness that she never knew that they liked her.
Then they fell asleep for the night. Jessa wakes up early, her body knowing it was time to get up and get ready for the trip she needs to take.
She wakes Dhiren up with a kiss or two. She snickers as she moves out of reach of his hands as he tried to grab her to deepen the kisses. "Time to get up. My father will likely be charging in here demanding we be ready in just a few minutes from now."
That's enough to get Dhiren up and forgetting about being amorous. Nothing like the idea of Kallen coming into the room as he's making love to Jessa to make heated things cool off right quick.
The two are just finishing up when there is a knock on the door and breakfast is brought in. The two eat rapidly knowing that Kallen is already in the courtyard waiting.
Dhiren had originally thought to have Jessa ride Moonglow, but he had seen how she was holding her side and changed his mind. He had Kallen hand Jessa up to him. Other than a dirty look at the two of them Jessa doesn't do anything. She's in far too much pain just from that much exercise and so settles herself more comfortably into Dhiren's arms.
Then came the confrontation with the ass that she had hired on with.
The memory of that confrontation makes her smile even now. Once more the ass decided to push his luck with Dhiren, but this time going after Jessa and the other three that survived the fight. They are still not up to speed, but they are in far better shape than Jessa and are able to sit their own horses that Dhiren had supplied them.
"You are riding? How dare you?" His horse had been killed by a lucky shot by one of the bandits. He was going to have to walk the rest of the way to Castlerock.
Dhiren just raises his eyebrow. "Excuse me?" Jessa says eyes flashing dangerously. The elves back up from her and the remaining guardsmen look at her nervously. They had caught sight of her in action and they had heard stories of her abilities from other guardsmen that she had served with when they had seen the sparring matches she had had with the elves.
"How dare you ride? I hired you to protect me and the caravan. You are to walk and range ahead. Not ride in comfort while I walk." The ass had quickly ascertained that there wasn't an extra mount for him.
Jessa smiles darkly at the ass she hired on with. "I saved your ass from dying. I should still be in bed, but have encouraged the prince to allow me to finish out this contract at this time. If you aren't happy with me riding then I will allow him to take me and the others back to our sick beds and finish recovering there. But I thought you wanted to get back as soon as possible. Obviously I was wrong.
"Dhiren, looks like I might as well return to the palace." Jessa turns to Dhiren and directs those words to him.
Culeb looks at her and blanches. He thought that a mount would be brought for him rather than them returning to Silva. "No, that won't be necessary."
Dhiren smiles darkly, "We will be taking our time getting back. We will stop for the day when I determine that it's time to stop for the day. You are welcome to go on ahead if you aren't happy with the pace that I will allow. However, the ill and my men will stay with me. The choice is yours." Dhiren tells the affronted man.
Culeb opens his mouth in shock and then closes it again. Over and over he does this making him look like a fish out of water trying to breath the air it now finds itself in.
Through all this Sorsha stay near Jessa ready to get in front of her if the human should prove dangerous. They are all aware of his cowardly actions the day of the fight. None of them have any sympathy towards the human. The elves look with disgust at him. The surviving guards they have given respect for going against overwhelming odds. None of them survived without major wounds, but they did survive.
Finally Dhiren has Jessa go over the goods from the other caravan before they are loaded onto the extra pack animals.
Jessa is shocked at the items from one pack. Some of the most expensive of the items sold in Castlerock, glassware. Whoever the merchant that died with this shipment was very rich. Now more than ever Jessa wishes to give the merchandise to the family.
"How did the glassware survive the chaos of the massacre?" Jessa asks Dhiren in shock.
"It was well packed. This is high quality products. It will sell well in Castlerock, it would sell well in Silva should you change your mind and keep it."
"No, the family of the merchant will be mourning enough at the loss of the merchant. They can at least retain the money from the shipment. They may need it now that he is dead."
There is however one item that catches Jessa's attention. She tries to bend over and grab it, but her wound won't permit her to do so.
Dhiren noticing the item bends over and grabs it for her. "It's exquisite, Jessa." Dhiren hands over the delicate glass rose. The blood red color of the petals reflects what Jessa feels of that caravan.
"This is what I'll keep as the salvage rights from this."
"It's beautiful, Jessa. Are you sure that's all you want?" Dhiren asks softly.
Jessa just nods unable to speak.
"Very well, keep it with you. I'm sure that the family won't have a problem with you keeping just that one item." But before Jessa puts it away, Dhiren sets a magic spell on it, one that will make it so it doesn't break. He can't change the past, but he can keep this one item from breaking.
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