Fontaine and her family were all happily eating dinner. It was the first family dinner they'd had in an awful long time. Due to the search for Lemuria they hadn't been able to enjoy the simple pleasures in life as much. They still hadn't discovered the lost city but soon they would.
"Fontaine pass me the ketchup" Ant asked his sister rather rudely.
"Ant what do we say?" His mother reminded him.
"Ugh" He rolled his eyes in annoyance "please can I have the ketchup?" He looked at his mother wide eyed. She smiled back and nodded.
"Fontaine?? Could you pass your brother the ketchup??" Fontaine looked up at her mother confused.
"Uhh sure" she passed the bottle over to Ant.
"Thanks" he grumbled. Fontaine then returned to her thoughts. 'Where was Lemuria?' Oh no now she was getting obsessed. She snapped out of it and continued to eat her dinner.
"Ant. Don't chew with your mouth open" his mother once again reminded him.
"But" he protested as food began to fall out of his mouth.
"Ant listen to your mother" his father added. Obediently but reluctantly Ant shut his mouth. When they finished eating the two kids went to their bedrooms on board the giant submarine they called home. Fontaine plonked herself at her desk. Her eyes scanning through the notes on the page. She hummed the tune of the song. Then grabbed her guitar to play it. This was the things she enjoyed. Being alone with her music. Nothing was better. Absolutely nothing.
Welcome to this new story I hope you enjoy it. It's a Finntaine well hopefully ;)
Xo Fi
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