Chapter 7
Finn stepped out and Fontaine looked at him smirking. He looked like a dork.
She was suppressing giggles.
"Please try something else!!" Finn rolled his eyes and reluctantly went to change.
After about 2 hours they'd finally finished clothes shopping, for Finn.
Fontaine wandered in and out of clothing stores. Finn at her heels.
"What are you looking for?" Fontaine turned to face him.
"Something" he stared at her, confusion painted across his face. Fontaine chuckled and rolled her eyes. "YES!! HERE!!" Fontaine hurried into a shop. She seemed very excited. Finn glanced up at the Shops name. 'Channel'.
"Fontaine???" Finn asked, his voice shaking, the nerves showing.
"Hey" she jumped from around a corner. Finn gasped in shock and fear.
"Oops sorry, Wimp"
"I'm no wimp!!"
"Yes you are!!"
"No I'm not!!" Fontaine rolled her eyes.
"Whatever. Let's go I got what I wanted"
"What is it"
"Fontaine showed him a handbag"
"Cool. How much was it"
"5,000 dollars on sale" Finn nearly choked.
"It's Chanel Finn... it's designer."
"Your clothes cost 3000"
"WHAT!!!" Finn remained in shock whilst Fontaine bought the essentials. Cookies, bread, other food items, tampons, condoms. 'Wait why am I buying these?' Fontaine thought to herself she shrugged it off and just bought them.
"Ok so where to next??" Finn asked once they'd left the supermarket.
"The Aronex" Fontaine smiled. Finn looked at her excitement running through his veins. She rolled her eyes and they headed back.
"Fontaine? How are we going to find your family?" She looked at him, the question clearly running through her mind scavenging for an answer.
"Ephemycron" Finn followed her to her dads study. She unlocked the safe and took out the Lemurian device.
"So how does this thing work?"
"Hmm let me try this
With the power of the seven seas
I use you for me
Ephemycron show me my family"
Suddenly an image flashed up of Ant and Alpheus arguing. He was trying to intimidate him, she could tell. Then she saw her parents, locked up in a cell like room. 'Hmm I wonder' "Ephemycron let me speak. Alpheus!!! Where are you!!"
He heard the unmistakable voice of Fontaine echo through the room.
"None of your business"
"Yes it is. You kidnapped my family"
"You took the ephemycron. How did you discover about the magic. I don't know how to do it but you do"
"None of your business"
There was a crash and Fontaine fell to the floor.
"FONTAINE!! Are you ok?!!?" Finn asked running over to her. She looked up at him, her eyes filled with tears.
"No. Alpheus knows how to stop the magic. I don't know how to find them now" she cried.
"Hey it's ok" Finn pulled her into a hug. "We will find them. I promise" she looked up at him.
"You promise?"
"I promise" she smiled and leaned back into his chest.
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