Killua wasn't the only one surprised by the sudden outburst. One of the adults walked over and examined the unconscious body. "Out cold in an instant, damn...this guy's pretty high ranked too, known for taking the form of someone you despise to lure you into blind rage." Killua blinked and glanced at Gon, ignoring the shocked expressions of the people around them. "Ne Gon, why did you freak out like that?" Gon huffed. "I saw Hisoka." Killua snorted, trying to keep himself from laughing hysterically. "That bitch really fucked up didn't he-"
"Who the hell are you kids?"
After a long lengthy discussion, both parties concluded they were from separate universes. They'd obviously gotten a hold of the sphere before the 'beast' could, and were never even supposed to be there in the first place. Also heroes existed, that was fun. The woman was some sort of psychic, and the cyborg's name was Genos. He was really stiff, and went on and on about this 'master' of his. The heroes suggested that they take some exam, and Gon was immediately on board. Killua had a feeling the exam was going to be a breeze. He didn't dare dampen Gon's mood with his theories though.
About a week later he and Gon were in their tank tops and shorts, waiting in a line. Most of the contestants for this exam were shirtless or in weird costumes, and Killua quite frankly wasn't comfortable going out in public shirtless. Killua hummed, then grinned. "Hey Gon, I have a fun idea." Gon glanced at him. "Hm? What is it?" he snickered. "How about we make a bet on who can pass with the lowest possible score?" Gon looked confused. "Huh? Why?" he huffed, placing his hands behind his head. "Half the points you get are from the physical exam, and half the points are from the written exam. It's going to be so easy, why not make it exciting?"
Gon laughed. "Sure, seeing the other kinds of people here I don't think it'll be that much of a struggle for us to get full points." The duo got some weird looks from the people around them, but neither of the two much cared. They took turns performing only slightly above average. They eventually had to split up, which Killua wasn't too happy about. The written exam was fairly easy too, most of it was a test on morality. Despite Killua being raised as an assassin, he knew what the 'right' answers were. Killua grinned, making sure to miss just enough to give him a solid 70 points over all. 60 is a standard passing grade, but I assume for a hero exam it'll be slightly more strict, it's safer to go with 70.
After all the tests, Gon and Killua met up in a locker room. "Sooo~" Killua said, leaning backwards against a locker, a sly grin on his face. "How do you think you did?" Gon rubbed the back of his head. "I'm not sure really, there were a lot of answers I didn't actually know." Killua hummed, slipping his form out of the envelope. "I got a seventy." Killua said with a grin, proudly showing off his paper. "You?" Gon groaned. "Dammit you probably won, let's see-" Gon froze, eyes shooting wide as he opened his. "E-Eh!?" Killua snatched his paper. "Lemme see-" His eyes also widened in shock. What-? A large S was scrawled on the paper, and Gon had a score of 93. "W-What the fuck-" Gon looked dazed. "The answers I thought I knew I made sure to get right so I wouldn't fail but I tried to be as wrong as possible on the others!" Killua broke out into hysterical laughter, causing Gon's cheeks to flush in embarrassment.
"Whilst trying your hardest to get a low score, you managed to somehow...get full points on the written exam." Killua said, extremely amused. I mean he is morally gray, I saw a few questions I know for sure would make Gon confused. "I thought you could only get up to A class from the exam though." Gon said, rubbing his temples. "I guess I just did really well in that interview." Killua blinked. "Interview?" Gon glanced at him. "Hm? Oh yeah. Some guys in suits asked me questions about the monster I defeated. Did you not get one?" Killua huffed. "Nope, aren't you a special snowflake." Gon rolled his eyes. "Whatever, we have to go to this seminar thing now right?"
Killua nodded, walking at the same pace as Gon as they made their way over to the designated location. They walked into a room, where a heavily tattooed man stood. Gon and him sat down on chairs, and Killua crossed his legs immediately to make himself comfortable. The dude went on a long tangent about what it meant to be a hero, and how seriously he had to take his job. After thirty minutes Killua groaned. "Oh my god will you just shut up and explain what we have to do? I don't need to hear about the history of the Hero association" Gon shot him a glare. "Be quiet, that's rude." Killua stuck his tongue out at Gon. "baka."
"Do you know who you're talking to? Damn brat." Killua leaned back in his chair with a fake yawn. "Nah, but I don't really care." The man's eye twitched, causing Killua's lips to curl into a catlike smirk. Heheheh. Antagonizing people would never get any less entertaining. Suddenly Gon kicked the leg of the chair out from under him, causing him to topple onto the ground. Well, he would've if his reflexes weren't so damn fast. He landed on his feet like a cat, then flipped Gon off. "Bitch." , "Asshole." Gon shot back at him, sticking his tongue out like Killua had done previously.
Killua let out a mock offended gasp. "How dare you!" Gon tugged Killua down onto his lap, causing Killua to do a double take. "G-Gon-" Gon shot him a baleful look. "Maybe if you hadn't been fooling around you're chair wouldn't be broken. And you're not standing, so have fun." Killua grumbled under his breath, trying not to think too hard about the lap he was sitting on. Damn Gon being so fucking annoying and air headed and stupidly...adorable. Killua's cheeks flushed a deep scarlet, where the hell had that thought come from? He wasn't gay.
or was he?
1065 words
To be continued...
I PROMISE I DIDNT FORGET ABOUT THIS :'D i just- i dont have any more ideas iuhweywgd
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