Chapter 2
A little gratitude would have been nice. Koro walked ahead staring at her phone oblivious to everything around her. If this were a movie or television series, that would have been a chance encounter that launched us into friendship at the very least. I felt a rush of wind on my right as Ryou ran past to catch up to Koro. Ryou glanced back toward me just before reaching her. Was that intentional? I wasn't really sure and decided it could count as a near-interaction. Two in two days? I am on a roll.
Ryou caught up to Koro who was still staring downward. It was hard to hear over the road noise but Ryou appeared to be talking to Koro who finally looked up from her phone. Ryou gestured toward me and looked again. That was definitely deliberate this time. Ryou continued talking to Koro and then they both suddenly stopped walking. I was unsure what was happening or if it even had anything to do with me, though them pointing and looking at me was a strong indication that it did. I kept walking and adjusted my course slightly to avoid the two girls who had since turned in my direction. Koro's face was red as if she had been crying for a while.
"Aki, Koro has something to say to you," Ryou said. I was stunned. I mostly just heard muffled grunts or silence from my classmates. Even the other guys mostly ignored me.
"Ok," I replied.
"Um, I heard what you did," Koro squeaked out as tears ran down her face. "Thank you for stopping me from walking into traffic."
I wanted to sound cool but couldn't think of anything else to say. "You're welcome. Hopefully the rest of your day will go better." Then I turned and walked away. I didn't wait for a response. Definitely a good day for me. That was practically a whole conversation. After I got to class, I couldn't help but smile. It was nice to talk to someone, even if it was only a sentence or two. I tried to concentrate on class but my mind still drifted a few times, replaying my wonderful interaction and adding an occasional flourish. What if she had just run up and hugged me? Or kissed me? Offering her friendship and loyalty for life would have been nice. I feel that's fair for saving her life. I chuckled out loud a little at that thought.
The morning went pretty quickly with all the new ideas floating around my head. Lunchtime came and I retreated to my usual spot in the garden planted in the courtyard by one of the school clubs. It was one of the quietest places in the school since no one ever went there except me. The club decided it was kinda ugly originally since it was mostly pavement with a few old trees growing in small spots of dirt. The club removed all the pavement and planted a variety of flowering plants in patches throughout the courtyard. They added a new paved path afterwards that winds through like a river with benches every 10 feet or so for people to relax and enjoy the nice new green space. This was 2 years ago and while it was still tended by the club it was rarely visited except for special events. So I got to enjoy my lunch every day, at least while the weather was nice, in a beautiful meadow of wild flowers.
I sat on a bench near the center of the courtyard and started to eat my lunch. I closed my eyes and turned my face to feel the warm sunlight. It was a peaceful place. I opened my bottled water and took a sip. As I was placing it back on the bench, I opened my eyes and noticed Ryou and Koro standing a few feet in front of him. I was a little startled and dropped my water on the ground. I am not sure how they got so close without me hearing them. The two girls were just standing there staring. Both were holding what appeared to be their lunches in their hands.
"Can we sit with you?" Ryou asked. Both of them joined me on the bench without waiting for a response.
"Sure," I replied, caught off guard after they had already sat down. I continued to enjoy my lunch and tried not to stare at them. Is it just a coincidence that they decided to have lunch in the courtyard today? It is a very nice day for it. But why this bench? There are plenty of benches to choose from. I pondered the implications for several minutes without moving. It then dawned on me that I could just ask them. That's when I noticed they were both looking at me as though they had something to say.
"Did you come here for the scenery or did you need something?" I asked bluntly. There was a pause while the girls turned to each other as if they were having a telepathic conversation on how to answer. Then Ryou turned back toward me as if her mind had finally been made up.
"Why do you always eat lunch by yourself? You walk home by yourself, too. Why don't you ever say hello when you see us?" Ryou blurted out in rapid succession.
"I don't want to bother anyone," I replied. "And the same could be asked of you. Why is Koro shaking? Is she ok?" Koro was trembling and staring at the ground. Ryou didn't seem to notice until I mentioned it and was now looking at Koro as if deciding what to do. Koro suddenly looked straight at me with tears in her eyes.
"I am so grateful to you for saving me this morning," Koro blurted out a little louder than was necessary. Tears were starting to stream down her face. "I am so sorry that we have ignored you so much and you were so kind while I have been nothing but indifferent to you. I am so sorry..." Koro started sobbing harder while repeating "sorry" a few more times and then turned to Ryou and promptly buried her face in Ryou's shoulder.
Before leading Koro away to cry elsewhere, Ryou turned back toward me. "It doesn't bother us. You can say hello whenever you see us. We would be happy to walk to school with you, if you would like to have some company."
I watched the two girls walk back into the school and then it was quiet again. It was as if nothing had happened. Did I just make new friends?
I walked to school the next morning, thinking about what happened at lunch the day before. The cherry trees that lined my street were nearly in bloom. I turned right at the next street, following the canal along my usual path to school. I looked ahead to see if Koro is in her usual spot waiting for Ryou but I didn't see her. Seemed like Ryou might have actually left on time this morning. As I was walking past the spot, I felt a tug on both arms as Ryou and Koro appeared on each side and pulled me back to be between them. Each of them had an arm around one of mine.
"Good morning, Aki," Ryou said with a smirk on her face. "I wasn't sure you would actually say hello to us this morning so we decided to wait and ambush you." Koro gave a nod in agreement.
"Good morning, Ryou." I was not sure what to do or what was really happening but was glad I didn't have to start the conversation. Social skills aren't exactly something I excel in. I tried not to be too distracted by the sudden human contact. "Koro, you seem better today."
"Yes, I think so." Koro turned to me and smiled. "Thanks again for what you did. I can repay you in smiles and conversation, if you like." That was when she let go of my arm followed quickly by Ryou. I was sad they let go.
"Thanks, but it wasn't that big a deal." I was not sure if I should ask about it. My curiosity might get the better of me but for now I was respecting her privacy.
"I disagree and so does Ryou. It was a big deal. A very big deal. You saved me. I wouldn't be here walking with you if you hadn't been there."
I couldn't really argue. I just nodded my head and continued walking. The next couple minutes were void of conversation. Awkward and nervous, I just listened to the sounds of the city around me. I looked over at Ryou, who was still walking on my left side. Our hands were only inches apart as they moved together. I bet her hands are super soft. Ryou noticed me looking at her, which made me rapidly turn my head back to look forward. Wow, spaz, way to be cool.
As we got close to the school, Ryou finally broke the silence. "Want to walk home with us after school?"
"Yes, please," I immediately replied without hesitation.
"Great! We will meet you here after our last class." Ryou and Koro continued walking with me into the school. Koro said goodbye shortly after because she had a different homeroom from Ryou and me.
Without any more conversation, Ryou and I go to class together, and head to our assigned seats. I could hear some chatter from the other students around me. They didn't know what to think about me and Ryou coming to class together. I ignored them and started to daydream about Ryou again as class began. I hoped we could walk to school together everyday. It seemed like a reasonable request but I was unsure. Ryou and Koro are only being nice to me because I saved Koro. They may lose interest or forget about me again. I tried not to get my hopes up. Reality was never as good as my daydreams, no matter what I hoped would happen.
At lunch time, I went to my usual spot. As I was eating, I kept looking up hoping to see Ryou and Koro coming to join me again. The bell rang before either of them appeared. This is exactly what I was fearing. I am sure they are enjoying lunch with their friends. Why did I think anything would change? Will they actually show up to walk home like they said?
The afternoon passed slowly as I eagerly waited for the walk home. They said they would be there so I had no reason to think they wouldn't show up. Unless it's some sort of mean trick. I tried not to think about it too much and attempted to concentrate more on class and what the teacher was talking about. After what seemed like an eternity, the school day finally ended and I rushed out of class to go wait for my new friends.
I practically sprinted to the school gate in my eagerness and was very out of breath. I bent over with my hands on my knees as I tried to catch my breath. Running to the gate was probably very uncool. I hope no one noticed. My heart started to slow down as my breathing became less erratic. I looked back toward the school but didn't see Ryou or Koro yet. Doesn't mean they aren't coming, chill.
Several minutes passed and I began to worry. Not about what might have happened to them, though I can't entirely rule out a kidnapping, but that they forgot about me. Another few minutes pass and still no sign of them. At what point should I assume they ditched me and just walk home alone? 15 minutes sounds reasonable. Another five minutes and then I am gone. Five minutes passed but I was apprehensive. What if I leave and then they show up right after? I would look like a jerk for not waiting. But if it's a mean trick then maybe they are just watching to see how long I wait. For all I know they are watching me from a classroom and laughing at me. I looked over toward the school again checking windows for mean-spirited girls. I was about to call it a day when I saw Ryou and Koro walking quickly towards me. Ryou waves to me with her hand high in the air. I waved back, exhaling a sigh of relief, and was glad I didn't leave yet.
"Sorry we are late, we had to help clean up afterwards. I wanted to text you but I don't have your number." Ryou was smiling at me somewhat apologetically as she handed her phone to me. "Put your number in so this doesn't happen again." I typed my number in and handed the phone back to her.
"Thanks for showing up." I was relieved that my fears were unfounded.
"We said we would. Did you think we would forget?" Ryou gave a puzzled look as she started walking away from the school gate towards the street. I wasn't sure if I should answer but I followed her along with Koro. "We would have joined you for lunch today, too, but we had to meet with our faculty advisors." Koro nodded in agreement as we walked together with me between them.
"It's ok, I wasn't really expecting you to." A complete lie. I expected them to show, or at least hoped they would.
"We can sit with you tomorrow, though," replied Koro, as if she knew what I was thinking.
"Sounds good to me if you aren't busy or anything." I assumed Koro wasn't able to read my thoughts, though I couldn't entirely rule it out.
The three of us continued to walk home with Ryou and Koro doing most of the talking and me just listening. They discussed some of the new homework and what happened in class that day. Though I wasn't really joining the conversation, I was glad to be there. Should I ask if I can join them again tomorrow? I really wanted to but was scared of being rejected. What if this is just for today? The three of us came upon the spot where Koro usually waited for Ryou in the morning. I needed to ask before we got there or I would miss my chance. My hands were shaking a little. Ryou and Koro were still discussing homework. I needed to make a decision soon but my heart started beating faster. Don't be a wimp, it's not like you are asking them to date you. That would be weird to ask them both on a date at the same time. Or would they be into that? FOCUS! We were only a few steps away from the spot. "Hey, can we walk to school together again tomorrow?"
The girls stopped walking and looked at me. The wait seemed endless. Ryou looked at Koro who nodded slightly back to her like they were having another telepathic conversation. No one spoke but they turned back to me and I was unsure of what to do. My heart was beating even harder and my hands were visibly trembling. Koro finally ended the long silence. "We were thinking this would be basically every day, like, until we graduate."
"Did you think we would just go back to the way it was before?" Ryou added. They were both smiling warmly at me. I didn't know what to do again so I smiled back at them as my hands continued trembling.
Ryou said goodbye to me and Koro as she headed up the hill towards home. Silence settled in as Koro and I continued walking ahead. My heart rate returned to normal once I was no longer stressed. A few minutes later, it was my turn to part ways. Koro stopped and turned towards me with a smile. I was just about to head up the street when she grabbed my arm at the wrist. Then she took a step forward and wrapped her arms around me. I hugged her back, awkwardly at first, but then wrapped my arms around her and squeezed a little.
After a couple seconds passed she let go, so I did too, and Koro took a step back. "That's to thank you for real. I will always be grateful and hope to repay you in kind some day." She quickly turned and walked away. I was in a state of shock as I turned to head home. My heart was beating rapidly again as I slowly walked down the road.
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