Chapter 18 pt.2
hey guys! I've been seeing that my view are getting lower and lower each chapter so should I discontinue the book? not to say that I'm just doing this for views or to be rude or anything, but I will only continue the book if you guys enjoy it. I can put it on hold if that's what y'all want, and then start the new book. I hope you guys show my new book as much love as this one. :)
also, even if the majority of you guys want me to continue I might close because of school and homework,my mental state, and just the fact that I don't really feel that write chapters sometimes. but the new book will be continued, obviously. ( > _<)>
Sooner or later, the duo arrived at the Heartfilia Railroads Headquarters.
"Woah, it's so big!"
"That's what she said."
"Not the time, Natsu!"
Lucy just gulped, staring at the top floor. That was his office. The office of the man who hadn't come home for months. Her palms became sweaty, knees weak, arms are heavy- Okay, but not exactly like that. But those words summed it up easily.
"Maybe we should just go back to Fiore- I mean if he wants to ignore me, why don't I ignore his back? I mean-"
Natsu squeezed her hand that he was holding,"Nope! It's too late now!" He smirked, smiling a shit-eating grin. (I see that everywhere what the fuck does it mean)
"Y'know, sometimes I love you."
"D'awww, wittle pwecious Wucy woves me sooo much!" He suffocated her in a hug.
She sighed,"I said sometimes."
"Ouch!" Natsu shook his hand frantically after touching her shoulder," that burned, Luce!"
Ignoring him, she placed her clammy hand onto the handle of the door which would open up to the unknown work life of her father. Now that she thought about it, she doesnt ever recall her father ever taking her to his workplace. 'What could he be hiding?' She thought.
As she pushed the door open, a woman with big tiddies,short light green hair and waaayyyy too much makeup on smiled at them.
" Im Midori, and this is the Heartfilia Headquarters. What the hell do you want?" She appeared as if she hated her job.
"Ah, yes. We're here to see Mr. Heartfilia?", she paused,"I'm his daughter."
"Hmmm," she grimaced as she looked through her papers stacked on her clipboard." It seems that you don't have an appointment today. Do you want me to book one?"
Midori clasped her hands around the clipboard, hold it with an iron grip that made it seem like she was trying to break it.
"I'm his daughter, I don't need an appointment."
"Ma'am, Mr. Heartfilia doesn't have a daughter. If you want an appointment I can book one."
Lucy squeezed Natsu's hand in annoyance. She was about to reply but her idiotic boyfriend budged in.
"Excuse me, sweets," he said as he put his hands on the granite counter and smirked,"but we have some business to tend to."
Midori blushed and leaned over to Natsu as she grabbed the collar of his polo. "I'll see what I can do, honey."
A couple minutes later, the oddly-colored-hair duo was walking to the elevator to go to Mr. Heartfilia's office.
As they walked to Mr. Heartfilia's room, they saw a woman leave. She strutted down the hallway in red bottoms, designer bag, and fancy sunglasses with a hickey on her neck.
"Well, she got laid." Natsu snickered.
Lucy smacked his arm playfully and folded her arms under her chest(which was a glimpse of heaven for Natsu),"Natsu! That's inappropriate! Besides, how do you even know that she was?"
He wiped his nose."First off, she had a huuggee hickey, and besides, that's what you look like whenever I touch you."
"NATSU!" she blushed a red so violent and smacked him.
(meanwhile in Magnolia.....)
Sting and Gray were frantically running around the living room screaming.
The reason they were screaming was because Lucy's diary was in a pile of ashes on the kitchen counter.
How it got that way?
Only they know.
hey guys. *sweats profusely* so.... it's been a while.
I don't have an excuse, I won't make one up, but it's just pure laziness.
although, I will apologize. I don't know how or why you guys put up with me and all my brown promises, but you guys have done it. don't waorry, I will work on new year's special and christmas special, but don't expect them soon. I'll try to keep my momentum.
do you guys know any good amines to watch?
stay spicy,
my tacos.💖💞💞💕💗💔💟💝💐🎊💓💎💐😍💗💕💖💟💝💕💞
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