Chapter 13
when I was reading my chapters, I felt like I wasn't going in depth with the character's pov, so in this chapter, I shall experiment!because it's totally not like I've been reading fairy tail fanfics all day and night.hehe.
STING'S POV: SATURDAY (at heartfilia residence)
I got to Japan about 2 days ago with Rogue.
It was a tiring plane ride, after all, I and my boyfriend did have motion sickness. Did I mention I'm gay?
We had only planned to visit for a week, but my parents had a business trip to go to and to be honest I think they wanted to get rid of me. So instead we're visiting for the rest of high school!
We were currently sitting in the living room on the couch watching tv shows. Gray and Lucy were arguing with Rogue over who's better in Sinbad: The Adventures of Magi, Sinbad or Jafar.(IDC if that's incorrect)
I don't see what's the problem, The Pheonix Priestess is the best.
Did I say that out loud? Beside that fact...
I know he did not just call The Pheonix Priestess the "Shitty Ass Pheonix Priestess". That was my show! He got me pissed, so I joined the fight too.
The living room was a mess, everyone's clothes were a mess. Pillows were all over the place, some torn, the couch was out of place, the tv was crooked. We had forgotten that uncle Jude was away for a short meeting, and just sat there, panting.
Then, we heard the door click. Jude had just walked through the door and his expression said it all. It was so scary, we started huddling together.
"Clean it up. Now." His faced was fucking scary! We shrieked and Jude left with his stone cold face.
"Y-Yes sir!" we all replied.
"Whelp, we better get started," Lucy said.
We all agreed and started to clean.
(still sting's pov)
It was the first day of school and I had woken up in the middle of the night and couldn't go back to sleep so I started walking the house.
(get ready for stogue)
Suddenly a hand grabbed me by my waist and the other covered my mouth and pulled me into their chest. "Mmmph!"I started to thrash around in their arms.
"Relax, babe,"I heard the calming voice of my boyfriend."It's me, Rogue."
I hit his chest lightly and then snuggled into it."Babe, don't do that!" He then shushed me, after all, it was midnight."Anyways, what are you doing up this early?"
"I couldn't sleep so I walked the halls, and eventually got lost."
"Well come on, we have school in the morning." Rogue lightly kissed my forehead and carried me bridal style back to our guest room
"Beeeeep! Beeeeep! Beeeeep! Beee-!"I groaned, shutting my alarm off. It's too frickin' early for school!
I staggered to my bathroom and turned on the light. I look like death ran over me with a truck. Great.(me every day)I brushed my teeth, and partially washed my face. It's too early to do this shit.
Suddenly, my dog Plue ran into my restroom.He was a white husky with an orange nose, and pads on his paws.He had two beady black eyes, and he was about as big as a dog bed, but he wasn't fat.I patted his head and he rubbed against my leg. I guess it's time for his breakfast. I quickly put on my school uniform, a two weeks ago the school had enforced the uniform.
It was a burgundy blazer with a white short sleeve blouse, the long ones were for Winter. I put on mid-thigh stockings and put my large amount of hair into a bun, a small red bow sitting in front of it.
I went downstairs with Plue following, and I got Plue's dog food. I went to the cabinet to get his water bowl. Once I did that, I filled the marble glass bowl and set it aside for Plue.
I turned around and Gray had apparently come downstairs as I was feeding Plue.
"Can you go get Sting and Rogue?" My brother went over to pet my dog,"I passed their room, I was just too lazy."
I rolled my eyes,"Gee. It must've been so hard to knock on the door. I guess I'll do it."
When I got to the guest room, I heard them.....kissing?! I harshly knocked on the door,"Oi, lovebirds! It's time to leave!"
Before I left, I heard Rogue say,"Told 'ya so."
When we drove to school in our limo(Sting's request not mine), we pulled up in the back in fear of someone seeing us. Our driver Luciel and our bodyguard Zen got out the car and escorted us to the entrance. We waved goodbye and the two left.
As soon as we got to school we went to the principal's room.
"So these are the new students." Makorav eyed my cousins suspiciously and turned around. He grabbed a blue folder labeled,"Sting & Rogue". He carefully pulled out the two schedules and handed them to Rogue.
"Inside those folders are your schedule, locker combination, and spare keys in case you forget your locker combination. If you haven't already gotten your gym uniforms, go to MiraJane."
Mira didn't actually work at the school, but she earned the principal's trust and is now the principal's assistant. I never understood how the school council approved the work of a student in the school facility.
My phone started to buzz, it was a text from Levy.
Levy: Meet me in the gym. Erza and Cana want us to practice before the big showcase. Bring your uniform!
Great. Time to get sweaty before school even starts.
"Sorry to interrupt what little free time you have before the school day officially starts, but we need to practice for the showcase, or as some of you call it, a pep rally." I walked down the line of cheerleaders and glared at some of the girls that were not paying attention or didn't have their practice uniforms.
These were our practice uniforms:
We also had to have our hair in these hairstyles:
"Now let's get ready!" Cana yelled. Surprisingly, she wasn't drunk. Maybe since she's been drunk all the time, she's mastered the art of hiding drunken-ness?
I was walking the halls with my bro's and we saw these two boys. One of them was blonde haired and the other was black haired. The black haired one looked much more intimidating,yes I know how to spell it, anyways, the blondie looked more like an angry puppy.
I glared at them and apparently Jellybean saw and he whacked me on the head with his book. Why does he always have a book?
Just then, faster than you could say "penis4", Jellybean invited them to hang out with us. The blondie still glared at me but I didn't glare back because I was not trying to die from being smashed in the head with a book.
-time skippu becuz I'm a lazy piece of shit that is struggling to put out a chapter-
-still natsu's pov-
Long story short, we met the two dudes. Their names were Sting and Rogue. Rogue was always quiet as fuck, and barely talked unless it was a snarky remark.On the other hand, Sting was never quiet, and always talked- whether it was necessary or not. But he was cool, I guess.
We all departed after we talked, and we went to our homeroom.
I saw Luce was here, so I went to her desk. She was reading a book and didn't even bother to look up at me, why won't she notice me?!
This continued for five minutes, and I mentally screamed.
Please stop ignoring me!
I had something important to ask her, I can't believe I lost the bet.
"Ok Fire Freak." Gray and I were playing a simple game of rock paper scissors.
"If I win," he smirked,"you have to ask Lucy Heart out."
I returned the face he made to me,"And if I win you have to ask out Juvia Lockser."
Juvia was Gray's long-term yandere-ish stalker. If you have a crush on her "Gray-sama", she'll give you the scariest glare and declare you as her "Love Rival". Even if you're his friend, you're still her enemy. She also talks in third person.
"Rock, Paper, Scissors!"
Gray had played paper, and I had played rock. He laughed at me," Have fun on your date!"
He turned back around and glared at me."And if you think about ditching I will cut your balls off Magma Cream so you'll never be able to fuck again."
Please leave me alone.
Gosh, this idiot wouldn't leave me alone! What the hell does he want?!
"Lushee, when will you give me the time of day?!" Natsu whined.
"It's 7:55"
"Not what I meant." He groaned.
I finally decided to stop ignoring him, and put my book down on the desk.
"What do you want?" I was annoyed. When will the teacher get in the room?
"I was going to ask you if-"
"Alright kiddos, stand up for attendance!" Mr. Gildarts came in the room with a big smile, and we stood up to attendance.
Hmm, I wonder what Natsu was trying to ask me.
I walked to lunch but in was stopped because someone had decided to stand right in front of me.
"Excuse me could you please move?"
"There's a thing called "go around", you know."
I realized that voice....
He grinned at me with his adorabl-
Lucy do NOT finish that sentence.
He grinned at me with his annoying smile- it was somewhat adorable, I guess.
"So, Luce."
"Yeah, I figured it was better than Nerd." He scratched the back of his head." So, um-I- Well, I don't know how to say it but, will you go out with me?"
I blushed a violent red. He doesn't really want to go out with me, does he? This has to be some type of joke. This is all a prank, right? Yes, it is! There would be no other possible way that he would ask me out! I mean, look at him and then look at me. Compared to him, I look like a rat while he looks like a fucking handsome god! He-
"So you think I'm a handsome god, eh?" He smirked at me.
I blushed even more." No way. Are you a mind reader?!"
He looked at me with an 'are you serious face'.
"Aww man," he said sarcastically."You found out my secret. Oh no."
I glared at him.
"You were spacing out and you tend to talk out loud when you do that."
He stated at me eagerly like a puppy waiting for it's owner at the door.
I had just realized why he was staring at me! I hadn't answered his question!
"S-sure." I looked at my shoes and became red again. "W-what time?"
"Maybe Friday after school?"
I grinned. It was official. I, Lucy Heartfilia, am going to go on my first date.
yo! It's been a while since I've done this. this chapter was the death of me, so I decided to end the chapter here. the next chapter probably won't be out for a couple of weeks, but I'll try to update once a month, of possible. thank you for your input on my author's note! it has been decided. my cute nerd will have magic! I worked my ads of for this chapter so you better like it lol.
word count: 2020
stay spicy,
my tacos.
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