The sleek black car rode smoothly along the road, crammed with everything needed for a home away from home. The two athletic women smushed inside, both high on caffeine and sugary snacks.
The blonde women groaned as she and her friend drove another mile. "Levy, are we there yet?" She said extending pronunciation on the 'y' and the last 'e'.
"Almost there. Just hold on, impatient child." Levy chuckled and refocused her gaze on the road ahead.
Finally, the two pulled up to their final destination. Magnolia Boarding School. It was an academy for kids with talents that majored in sports, academics, the arts, and more. It wasn't like a closed off school that you had to be insanely rich in order to go, but more like an orphanage in some sort of way.
The two girls got out of the parked car. Lucy groaned as she stretch her arms upwards, exhaling loudly.
"Levy-chan, can you believe it?," her face beamed a bright smile," We're finally here!"
"I can't." she said, her smile equaling the blonde's. "We've accomplished so much. Imagine how fun it's gonna be. The library, the food,"
"And the boys," Lucy interrupted," Imagine a hot, muscular boy coming out from the pool."
She daydreamed as they both walked towards the entrance with their bags in tow.
To say that the reception area was nice was an understatement. The long, clear windows sparkled in the sunlight and the velvet drapes brought a pop of color to the room. The polished marble floor was squeaky clean and the black leather furniture looked like it came straight out of a magazine.
Hell, there were even little golden statues near the fireplace in the shape of lions.
"Wow, I thought we were going to a boarding school, not Ouran Academy!" Levy gasped in awe.
Lucy jabbed her in her side, "Levy, your weeb is showing..." which shut the shorter girl up.
"Hello, are you looking for me?" A white-haired girl who looked like she had come from God's ball sack spoke to them from the receptionist's counter. The girls could've sworn that she had a halo.
"Oh, um, yeah," Lucy stammered, "We're new here and we kind of need our schedule and stuff." They got closer to the counter where the angel stood to get their packages from her hand.
As the white-haired girl explained what each individual thing was for(keys, slips, etc.)she abruptly stopped and gasped.
"Oh, how rude of me! I forgot to introduce myself!"
She smiled, "I'm Mirajane. I'm a singer, chef, a senior, and the receptionist for Fairy Tail Academy, but mostly known as Magnolia Boarding School."
"Oh, I'm Levy and this is Lucy. We're new, well duh, and we used to live in Crocus, up until now." the two new girls flashed a bright smile.
"The dorms are the second building on the right. The left side is for the boys and the right side is for the girls. Erza should be waiting outside for you. Welcome to Fairy Tail!"
Mira waved them goodbye as they exited the building.
"Which building did she say it was? Third on the right?" Lucy and Levy stared at the campus map for what seemed like forever.
"Need help going somewhere?" A deep womanly voice took the two girls attention.
Levy put her hands in front of her face and Lucy shrieked in surprise. The mysterious girl had come from out of nowhere. The woman had scarlet hair that cascaded down her back, and brown eyes that were gentle but could kill with a glare.
"Forgive me for not introducing myself," she bowed which made the girls uncomfortable, "I am Erza Scarlet, head of the student council and captain of the girl's soccer & judo team."
"H-hi, Erza" they both replied as they sweat-dropped. "I'm Levy."
"I'm Lucy" she replied with a forced smile." You kind of startled us, with the whole 'coming out of nowhere' thing." Lucy said, making air quotations.
"Ah, I apologize. I was looking for two boys. You may have seen them- about yay-high" she said as she marked their heights with her hand," one with pink hair, the other dark blue and constantly thinks he's in a Magic Mike show, dumb as shit-" in that very moment, two boys that matched her description flew past her, spewing every insult they had in their vocabulary.
"Ahem!" Erza fake coughed and let out a glare so mean that even Gordon Ramsey would cry.
"Shit! You told me she wouldn't be outside you wet sock!"
"It's your fault for following me! I was trying to ditch you you overgrown icicle!"
"Oh, shut it pyro. We both know that YOU were following ME!"
"Well maybe if-"
"Did you idiots forget that we were here!" Erza growled at the two boys. "You just gave our school a bad impression!" she snatched the two boys by the collar and snarled.
"What're ya talking about?" the pinky snatched his now stretched-out collar from the demon. "Ain't no new students- oh."
Levy and Lucy were like deer in headlights, frozen in place and trying to comprehend what the fuck just happened. "Hey..."
Erza dropped the raven haired boy from his collar and he hit the floor with a thud and an 'oof'. "This" she pointed towards the pink haired boy, "is Natsu Dragneel."
"Yo." Natsu said as he lifted up his hand.
"This" she pointed to the boy she just dropped on the floor, "is Gray Fullbuster."
"'Sup." Gray turned away from them.
"Speaking of new students, I assume you guys are the ones I'm supposed to show around the school, right?"
"Yeah, we were trying to find you but we got a bit lost.." Levy spoke.
Erza walked towards the girls, a big smile and completely different demeanor than the one she had earlier. "We should go back to the tour. I think you girls want to get settled in the dorms after all that traveling, right? Good, let's go!" She kept her hands on their shoulder and walked them away, not waiting for an answer.
"She was pretty." Natsu mumbled, but Gray heard what he said.
"Oooh, looks like Princess Bubblegum has a crush" he said, putting emphasis on the word 'crush'.
"Calm your tits I said she was pretty not that I wanted to marry her."
"Do you wanna go peabrain?!"
"Hell yeah I wanna go you old gasbag!"
hey.. how yall doin...
me to y'all after leaving this book like my dad left me:
anywayyy as you guys may have noticed i finished the chapter :)
i was in class and i was like 'i haven't touched my book in a LONG time lmfao"
so i decided to update it ;) hope you guys enjoy it
ill try to get back on a schedule but who tf knows
1155 words.
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