Felix was frozen. He hung his head low, and pulled his shorts on. Everyone was waiting for an answer, but was terrified at what was going to come out of his mouth. Felix lifted his head and glanced the direction the question had can from.
"Nothing." Felix spoke as began to walk out of the room.
"Just say what the bloody hell happen."
It was everyone's question, but only one voice called out. Felix stopped in his tracks as the hairs on the back of his neck stood up. He turned around in the doorway of the locker room and spotted the source of the voice: Xavier.
"It's nothing. I'd rather have my past under lock and key." Felix spat as tears ran down his face.
Nolan frowned as he walked up to Felix. He went to place a hand on his shoulder, but Felix jumped back.
"Don't you dare touch me." Felix spat as fire glowed in his eyes.
With that Felix turned around, and left. As he walked out of the gym all eyes were trained on him. The girls whispered from across the gym as the teacher told everyone to get into two teams. They were playing a game called flags as the teacher explained.
"Flags is a game where a belt of yellow or red is placed around everyone's waist with two flags on it. The point is to pull the flags off a person of the opposite color you are wearing."
It only took about ten minutes for only five people to be left: three from the yellow and two from the red team. The three on the yellow team was Nolan with both flags, Xavier with one flag, and a girl named Alice who only had one flag left. The two on the red team was Felix who had both flags and a boy named Carter who had one.
Felix ran across the gym as Xavier followed him. He passed by Alice and pulled her last flag off, it was now two against two. Felix glanced back to Carter, and saw him pull one of Nolan's flags off, but Carter lost the only flag he had left in the process.
"Rats." Felix mumbled as he now had both twins after him. He tried to pivot on his foot which caused Xavier to grab his wrist, digging his nails into it, when he was going for his flag. Felix let out a whimper as Xavier let him go.
Seconds later Felix was backed into a corner. Everyone in the class thought it was all over, but Felix had a plan. He stepped towards Nolan the sprinted between the two boys pulling both of their remaining flags off.
Felix slowly walked back to the bleachers as he glanced down at his wrist. Xavier had opened five or six of his cuts when he had went to grab his flag. There was a massive amount of blood coming from his wrist, and his white uniform wasn't going to help hide it.
"Are you okay?"
Felix never knew where the voice came from. All he remembered was how hard the gym floor was when he hit it.
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