Chapter 13
*5 years later* (Kacey is now 16)
•Kacey's POV•
A lot of things have happened in the last 6 years. For my parents, they went on their honeymoon after I got out of the hospital. 3 years later, I got a baby sister. Her name is Lucy. She has dark brown hair, brown eyes, and a crazy personality. I am 16, Lucy is almost 3, and there is a baby on the way. Yay!
For George, he still hurts me. I get daily bullying from him and come home everyday with either scraps or bruises. I always try to hide it and if my parents see anything I just say that I fell and hurt myself.
For Lottie and me, well let's just say I never told her about George. She is now dating George, that means I have to see him more than I use to. I want to tell her about what George is doing but I'm afraid that will ruin our friendship.
For Lucas and me, well we're dating. He stopped being friends with George after I went into the hospital and became one of my best friends. After that we became close and soon started developing feelings for each other. We have been dating for a year and I really do love him.
Jared and Vanessa are engaged. Ginny and Josh are expecting another baby. Anna is still one of my best friends and I hang out with her every weekend.
I was snapped out of my thoughts as I was banged against my locker. Here it goes again. I felt a hand punch me in the nose and I felt my eyes start to fill with tears. "It's your fault Lucas isn't my friend anymore, it's your fault that Lottie doesn't spend as much time with me as she should. You worthless pathetic girl," George yelled as he punched me again.
"Hey! Stay away from my girlfriend!" A voice yelled. Lucas. "You should ditch her and come back and be my best friend. She doesn't deserve you anyways," George sneered as he kicked me in the side. Lucas ran up to George and punched him in the face, "I stopped being friends with you because you are a rude pathetic skunk bag!"
Lucas punched George again and told him to stay away from me. George turned to me and grabbed my shirt, "You think this is over? Well, it's not. You better watch your back. Oh, yeah and be ready to loose one of your best friends."
"No, please don't take Lottie away from me, I can't loose her," I cried. George sneered in my face and walked away laughing. Lucas ran over to me and helped me up, "Are you ok?" "Yeah, thanks for helping me baby," I said.
Lucas smiled and kissed me. "You know I love you right?" He asked. I smiled at him and said, "And I love you."
•Jen's POV•
"Mommy! Mommy!" Lucy yelled. "Yes baby?" I said as I picked her up. Lucy giggled and poked my stomach. "When is my brother going to be here?" She asked. "Any day now," I replied.
She smiled and asked, "Can I have some pizza?" I laughed and replied, "You can have some when your sister gets home." Just then the doorbell rang. I got up being sure not to shake my belly too much. I opened the door and there stood Kacey and Lucas. "Hey Kacey, hi Lucas," I said.
"Kacey! Lucas!" Lucy yelled as she ran up to them. "Lucy!" Kacey yelled as she hugged Lucy. I saw her since and I looked up at Lucas worriedly. He gave me the look and my face dropped. George did it again.
I know she promised she would get through this by herself, but Lucas tells me what happens because she won't tell me herself. "Mommy? Can I have pizza now?" Lucy asked with her puppy-dog eyes. I smiled at her mad said, "Sure sweetie! Who wants to go out for some pizza?"
"Me!" Everyone said. I got in the car and Lucy, Kacey, and Lucas got in the back. We got to the pizza place and sat down. We were eating our pizza when I saw Kacey stiffen. I turned around and saw what she was looking at. There, walking in was George. And he was with Lottie.
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