Chapter 9
Beep! Beep! Beep! My alarm went off. Oh! No! It's 5:30am. To early. SCHOOL! I looked over at the destroyed photo album. I think I should tell Luna the bad news now. I looked out into the hallway and see her.
"Luna," I said.
She looked over at me."Yeah,"she said.
"Can I talk to you?"
She nodded and walked over to me."What's up?"
"Um, something happened."
"What happened?"she asked now sounding worried.
I pulled her into my room and showed her the photo album. Iy could tell she wasn't happy.
"I'm so sorry. I didn't do this. I came back from the restaurant. I didn't show you because I didn't know how you would have reacted. Don't worry, I'll find out who did this," I said.
She shrugged." It's fine."
"What? Hoe is this fine. Someone destroyed your memories! You can't just shrug that off!"
" I have two more photo albums just like this one, in case something happened to one of them."
"Oh thank god," holding my hand over my chest quietly in in sign of relief.
"Come one,"she said,"let's go get some breakfast. I nod and strolled down to the kitchen. I wasn't that hungry do I had a small bowl of cereal.
Time went on and it was time to go to school. I grab my book bag off of the floor, which was light blue with grey stripes, and started walking to school with Michael and Luna.. We walk up a , and below you could see a huge red brick building. It has a least 30 Windows, a courtyard, and kids all around.
We walk down the hill to the school. Kids stare at us here and there. There was all kinds of kids there. All of them you would think of including good kids, bad kids, smart kids, dumb kids, shy kids, popular kids, and emos'(gothic kids).
I stay close behind Luna, not being the person who want to be noticed and get really popular. Luna doesn't seem to mind, but of corse Michael has to say hello to every single person he sees. Then I saw Zane walking up to us. I turned the other way to make it look like I was looking at something else.
"Hey I did t know you go to this school,"he said to us.
"It's our first day here,"said Luna as I watched Michael walk into the school.
"Sarah, can I talk to you?"Zane asked me.
"No," I said," I'm still mad at you,"but then I froze. Maybe it was something important."Fine, never mind, talk."
" I just wanted to say I'm sorry for showing you that article think it was your family. It was just a theory,"he said, rubbing the back of his head." I mean you could believe whatever you want."
I looked at him."ok, it's fine."
He smiled."Oh, good. Anyway, come on, I'll show you around."
"Great,"both Luna and I said.
We walked into the school, and went up to Michael. Me on one side and Luna on the other. Then he wrapped his arms around us.
"Well sisters,"he said,"this is our new beginning."
"Um, yeah,"I said, rolled my eyes,and walked with Zane to the principal's office to find out my homeroom and classes.
Along the way, he was introducing me to all of the rooms and classes. All the typical rooms you would find in a school. We walked into the principal's office and sat in two brown cushioned wooden chairs. The room was kinda big. Pictures of happy children were hanging on the walls. A plant stood in one corner of he room. In the other corner of he room was a larger desk with four chairs. The rest of the room was filled with bookshelves and doors leading into other rooms for the important people.
A talk muscular looking man came walking in. He had black dress pants, and white dress shirt, and a blue tie. He had a scruffy looking beard and mustache, which I like very much. He sat in the large desk. I liked at a plaque that read Mr. Fredzeo.
"Zane,"he said. His voice sounded deep and thick."what could you possibly want now?"
"Nothing much Larry,"Zane said with a smile.
"Don't call me that,"said Mr. Fredzeo with absolutely no expression on his face. Zane frowned.
"Well this is the girl I was telling you about."
"You tell me about a lot of girls,"Mr. Fredzeo said. I looked at Zane, trying to hold back a laugh. He rubbed his head once again.
"Sarah Maxwell,"he said.
Mr. Fredzeo's face lightened up."Wow! Really? No way. Are you really the Sarah Maxwell?"
"My name is Sarah Maxwell, but the?" I questioned him.
"Your famous,"he said.
"I am?" I asked.
"Yes you are,"Zane pitched it.
"But how?"
"Well everyone knows your like the smartest kid ever with an IQ of 330,"Zane said."Lots of people saw you on TV when you were younger getting rewarded for being the smartest 3 year old."
"They're still talking about that?"
They both nodded.
"So what are you doing here?"asked Mr. Fredzeo.
"She's going to school here. There's her, her sister, and her brother. They might be coming in a few minutes, but right now, I was wondering if Sarah could get a class schedule."
"Oh sure thing. I'll make some quick one for her and her siblings,"he said and walked into the back.
"Hey maybe your in some of my classes,"said Zane turning to me.." After this, I could introduce you to die of my friends."
Soon Luna and Michael. Mr. Fredzeo came also walking in there papers. He handed me my paper, Michael his, and Luna hers. Zane looked at my paper.
"Oh my god! Your in all of my classes,"he said happily."Now we can always be together."
"Um... Yeah," I said and started walking out the brown office door getting extremely weirded out by by this guy.
"Sarah! You forgot your homeroom number,"Zane yelled out to me. I walked back into the room.
"Sarah, Luna," said Mr. Fredzeo,"you girls are in homeroom B-14. Michael your in homeroom B-15. Now you can all go to homeroom and have a good day."
"Thanks,"we all said and left.
"We'll see ya later,"said Michael and skipped away.
Zane raised and eyebrow at us." Where did you you pick him up at?"
"He was left in a box on the front porch of our house,"joked Luna. We all laughed at that joke.
We walked into classroom B-14. It was rather large, with the teacher's desk, 6 quads of 4 desks, a bookshelf, a closet, some computers, and many posters of inspiring things, hung up on every wall. Kids came running up to us, pushing and shoving each other to get out of the way. Soon a teacher came in. She was about 5'6, slim, tan skin tone, and short light brown hair with dark brown eyes.
"Everyone please take your seats,"she said calmly. Liam and I jut stood there not knowing where to sit.
"Kids, I want you to welcome our two new students, Luna and Sarah,"she said. Everyone looked at us and clapped, but we just waved and smiled.
"I think I might enjoy it here,"said Luna.
" I don't know," I said as my smile started to fade away." There's too much people here shay I can't handle."
"Sarah how about you sit in quad 3 with Zan, Julia, and Skylar. Luna you sit in quad 5 with Mandy, Melanie, and Ricardo," said the teacher.
I smiled, and sat in the seat next to Zane. I looked at the teacher's desk. Mrs. Looney, a sign said on the front of her desk. The girl in front of me had long black hair that covered her left eye. She had lie eyes, braces, and bandages sound her left arm, elbow or wrist. She was wearing pretty much a lot of black including polo shirt, leggings, and flats(shoes). She had matching blue shirt, tie, and headband. You could tell she was a gothic kid.
The girl sitting next to her had long wavy brown hair, dark brown eyes, and once again, braces. She was wearing sneaker, jeans, t-shirt, leather jacket, and a backwards hat. She's probably a troublemaker.
"Oh, I'm sorry,"said Zane,"where are my manners. That is Julia,"he said pointing to the gothic girl," and that is Skylar," pointing to the other girl." Julia is my sister. Everyone calls her Joules though. I don't know why." I nodded and looked at her bandages.
"What happened to your arm?" I asked Julia.
"Same with you Sherlock," she said back.
I held my arm under the table. How did she know? I was wearing a sweater on. Did she know about the Daisy moment? I shook my head."You."
"Well with your high IQ of 330, I think you'll figure it out,"she said.
"Um ok," I said. Then the teacher started speaking. After homeroom, I started to walk to first period, which was English, but Mrs. Looney stopped me on the way out of the door.
"Sarah can I ask you something?"
I nodded."Sure, what's up?"
She pulled out a pencil and paper." Can I have your autograph?"she asked with a smile. I took it, signed it, and walked to my first class. It's official, Mrs. Looney, just went Looney.
Soon lunch came around. Thank god! I need some food. I'm kinda glad I skipped grades and didn't do 12 years because it is really tiring. Trust me, I don't have anything against school. In fact, I love school, but it's hard to work when you have about 26 different people, each hour, staring or hovering over you. My stomachs is doing flip flops, so all I am think about is food! Food! Food!
I walked into the lunch room. There was a huge silence. Then someone broke the silence by the sound of a girl screaming. All at once, everyone started running at me. I tried running down different hallways, but there were people down them too. I soon found the janitor's closet. I ran into it and shut and locked it. People were banging on the door, but I was safe. I turned around and jumped. There were kids already in here, two girls and a boy.
"Oh my god, so sorry. Am I intruding?" I asked.
"No,no, not at all," said the one girl.
I smiled and sat down. After getting a good look at these three, I remembered them. They're from my homeroom. There sat Mandy, Melanie, and Ricardo. Mandy hand blonde hair with black highlights she had blue eyes, and a few freckles under her eyes and around her nose. She wore black sneaker, jeans, white tang top and a green jacket halfway down her shoulders.
Melanie also had some freckles, brown eyes, reddish/orangish long hair. She was wearing baby blue and black sneaker, dark blue jeans, a long sleeved, fuzzy, white sweater with a cat face on it and red cat ears on her head.
Ricardo had short black hair, brown eyes, and a cute smile. He wore just any other boy outfit, shorts, and t-shirt that was black.
"What are you guys doing here?" I asked.
"It's to loud out there" said Melanie." Anyway, want some lunch?" I nodded, and they gave me some chips and a sandwich.
"Thanks so much. I don't want to go back there."
"It's ok," said Mandy.
Time went on. We laughed and talked I'm making a litigation close friends already. Well after I think everyone left from outside, we went to our next class.
The end of the day came around. Michael, Luna, and I walked home together. Luna said Ashton is in most of her classes. That must be fun her her. When we walked through the doors to our house, Joe asked us how our day was.
"Awesome," said Michael.
"Exhausting but fun,"said Luna.
"Weird," I said and walked halfway up the stairs before Joe stopped me.
"Tell me more," he said.
"There's nothing really to tell about," I said." Everyone knows me, I made some friends, and Zane is in most of my classes."
"All of a sudden, Joe slapped me in the face.
"Ow! What the hell was that for?" I yelled.
"Your supposed to be making hundreds of friends," he yelled back and hit me again.
"Ow! I don't want a lot of friends. And this is CHILD ABUSE!" I screamed. Joe hit me agin." What do you want from me?!" Then Michael started hitting me. "You people are crazy!" I yelled and ran upstairs with Luna. We stayed up there for the rest of the day. At night, I heard Elizabeth laughing like a wicked witch. I looked over at Luna.
"Hey Luna."
"Yeah,"she said back.
"Remember when you pushed me up against the wall and out a knife up to my throat and said." He's mine." What's did you mean by that?"
Luna giggled." Sorry about that. From up here, it looks like you were trying to get a date with Ashton, but you were just meeting Zane. Sorry. Just remember that Ashton is mine."
"It's fine, you didn't know, and trust me, I know he's your boyfriends."
We laughed, then soon went to bed. In the middle of the night, my phone rang. I answered it.
"Hello," I said. I saw in the corner of my eye, Luna sitting up from in a chair.
"Sarah, I need your help," the voice said.
"Woah, woah, woah, slow down," I said." Who is this?"
"This is Nathan, your brother."
Well guys sorry to keep you waiting. I was just to lazy to write chapter 9 for like two months. I worked very hard on it for the past 2 weeks. Then I finally did it. I finished it last week and then spent two whole days writing it out on here. You probably forgot what happened in the other chapters, but that's ok. I'm writing this book a lot now so you can just read a different chapter every week or other week. This is my longest chapter yet. This has 2,314 words just for the actual story. Woooooo hooooooo!!!!
Anyway I'm not getting a lot of likes or red so if you don't mind, please express this book to other people. We can all create a great book together.
I also have some art contest that you can draw characters from this book. It would so much to me if you join them.
Ok. Hope you like the chapter. Here are some things you can think about.
•What was your favorite part of the chapter?
•Who is your favorite character so far?
•Any thoughts on any of the characters?
•What part of the chapter surprised you the most?
•What do you think Nathan would want?
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