Chapter 8
It was filled with many picture of me, Luna, Nathan, mom and dad. So me and her really are sisters. There was proof. But how was it in my room?
"Oh that's my photo album. I brought it in here earlier so you can look at it" said Luna.
I smiled." Thanks." I flipped the page. A picture showed Christmas of 2005. Luna and I were 3. So much memories come back to me.
"Sarah! Luna! Come down here!"yelled Liz.
I rolled my eyes and put the album on my dresser. 'That women yells so much' I though. If she keeps calling me down, I'm going to get a bedroom downstairs.
We walked downstairs to see Michael dancing. We raised our eyebrows. Michael stopped dancing and looked at us.
"We're going to school!"he yelled and jumped around.
"Yeah!"Luna clapped, but I wasn't hat excited.
"Luna you will be going to 7th and Michael you will be going 9th,"said Liz." Both are in the high school down the street. You guys don't have to take the bus. You can walk." She turned to me." Sarah, we know that your in collage. So you can do one of the two things. You can finish up collage then come work for us, or you go to the high school and then finish up collage in the summer."
I through for a moment. I didn't mind finishing up collage in the summer. That's what I was going to do anyways. And I never really had a chance to experience high school.
Liz waited." So high school or collage."
I looked up at her."H-high school."
Liz clapped her hands once."Ok. You'll be in 7th grade with Luna, and walk to school with them. You guys start Monday. That's in two days. I know you girls have dates tomorrow, but please try not to stay out late. You guys need to get to bed early tomorrow. You need to wake up at 5:39 so you guys can start walking to school at 6:40. I'm telling you this now because I won't be here tomorrow, Monday, or Tuesday. Got that all?"
We all nodded.
"Great. Now get to bed, it's late," she finished off, hugged us,, and went upstairs. We also went upstairs. I put on my pajamas, crawled in bed, and looked at my arm that Daisy bit and scratched. It's been three weeks since that happened. I took off the bandage. It was scar going down my arm followed by many small ones. I saw Daisy's bright yellow eyes glowing in the dark. I turn over in my bed and fell asleep.
I felt something wet hit my face that woke me up. Daisy came into view. She licked my face. I pushed her off of me and looked at the clock that read 6:04am.
"You try to kill me, and then you wake me up to early on a a Sunday" I told her. She looked at me with the stupidest look on her face.
"Never mind" I said and got out of bed. I slumped down the hall, looked at the secret door, sighed, and then made my way downstairs. Joe was there eating a donut.
"Morning Sarah" he said.
I waved and got a pop tart out of the cupboard . Joe was looking down.
"May I ask you a question?"
"Sure"he said.
"What's behind that locked door at the top of the stairs."
He coughed a bit."I already told you. Bad, dangerous things."
"What kind of bad and dangerous things?"
He froze and looked at me." So you got school tomorrow."
I rolled my eyes." Yeah" I said and walked away. Wow he changed the subject. I saw Luna in the hallway.
"Hey"she said.
I just grunted. I walked in my room thinking of a tune in my head, but then got interrupted by a beating sound. I look around and noticed it was the laptop sitting on my dresser. I must've forgot to turn it off. I put it on my bed and opened the lid. Zane was trying to Face Time me. Wait! How did he get my email to Face Time me. I don't know. I'll worry about that later. Zane's face popped up on the screen. His cut face and spiky filled the screen.
"Hey" I said waving.
"Are you alone?"he asked sounding nervous.
"Excuse me?"
"Are yo alone in your room. No one else in there?"
I looked around my room."I'm alone. Why?"
I didn't want anyone else to hear."
"What is gong in?" I asked now sounding nervous.
"I did some research on your family."
Umm...why?" I asked.
"Cause I feel like there's something wrong with them."
"Listen, I know they're strange, but there's nothing wrong with them."
"Are you sure about that?"he asked.
I thought.
"Come one Sarah. You know there's something strange about them."
"I guess."
"Well anyways,"he said," I got some information about them."
"Well tell me. I want to know what secrets they're keeping from me."
"Aston and I will meet you and Luna at Mario's Sushiria at noon."
"But, wait!" Before I could say anything else, he logged off. Man I can't wait till noon!
I wait all day nervously, waiting to leave, waiting to find out some secrets.
"Come on Sarah. It's time to go." I hear Luna say and shut a door.
I jumped up and ran out of the door.
"Wow you really want to see that boy."
"I got better things to worry about."
"Like what?"
"You'll see."
Once we got to Mario's Sushiria, Zane was waiting for us outside.
"Hey" I said.
"Sup"he said.
"Where's Aston?"
"He's in the restroom. Come"he said showing us to sit next to me, leaving Luna to sit next to Aston. He pulled out a laptop and opened the lid to show an article.
"Is this really about my family," I asked.
"See for yourself" he said pushing the laptop towards me.
I read it. It said in 1997, Abby Smith went missing. She was found murdered in 2001 in a small Carolina town. They traced back clues and came to find out that the murders are some people called Joe, and Elizabeth Williamson. I looked at him.
"Do you have a photo of these people?"
"No,"he said to me.
"Then you have no proof that my parents are murders. I know we're in Carolina, and that's my parents names, but there could be many Joes' and Elizabeths' that could be together in this state. That's not even their last name. You don't even have an address to prove it's our house."
"They could've changed their last name."
"Sure" I rolled my eyes and got out of the booth.
"Where are you going?"asked Luna.
"Home." I said." This guy is crazy."
Luna frowned."ok then. Tell dad I'll be home alter."
I nodded and started to stroll away, but then Luna said something else.
"Hi"she said happily.
I turned around to see a tall, maybe 5'6, slim man hug Luna. That must be Aston, her boyfriend. He does look 14 and looks like he plays a sport. He has dark brown hair and eyes like Zane, but totally different faces. Aston looks like a jock and Zane looks like a nerd. I'm so mad at Zane right now, that I don't think I want to stay around to see what Aston is like. I walk home.
Once I walk into the kitchen to my house, Joe greeted me, but I went straight to my room. I picked up the album Luna gave me, but my mouth opened. On each of the pictures, my whole family was scribbled out in black marker, except me. I let out a horrifying scream. Tears came to my eyes. Who would do such a thing?
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