Kat's past
sad, depressed, upset, shy, careless.... i wasn't all was like this.
i was born in the UK in England, but my parents decided to move the U.S.A when i was 9 years old, we were happy together. we had a nice house i went to a great school, and my parents were happy too. But then one day, as my mom and dad were walking me home from school...
"mom, can i have a sleepover with Jason! Please!!" i said excitement in my voice
my mom looked at my dad " i don't know sweetheart, it is a school night"
"oh come on Cira, it's only Thursday.." my dad commented casually
"Tedd!!" my mom shouted at my dad
"Please mom!" i begged, my mom hummed thinking.
"i'll think about it" she stated. then all of a sudden, CrAsH!!
"W-what was that?" my mom asked holding me close to her. My dad turned around getting his 2 inch and a half pocket knife out.
"i'll go check.."
"be careful.." my mom called out after him. i shuddered out of fear.
my dad looked in the ally way calling out. "hello?!...anybody there?"
he moved slowly but swiftly in the darkness of the ally, there was indeed someone there hiding in the shadows. the figure stepped out from his hiding spot and raised his gun to my dad's head and said-
"move, and i'll kill you..."
my dad froze on the spot. the stranger smiled evilly
"now drop your weapon and turn around slowly.." my dad did what the man said, when he say him, he was wearing a black coat, with the hydra symbol on it. his hear was brown but dark enough to look like black. the man's eyes were a emerald green colour.
"who are you?" my dad questioned the man.
"that's for me to know, and for you to NeVeR find out!" and with that my dad yelled to my mom to run with me. But as that happened, another man with the same symbol as the first came out from behind my mom and grabbed her with me still clinging to her. He brought us to where my dad was at, mom stared crying.
"don't worry Cira, everything will be alright.." my dad reassured her. but that was a mistake.
the man with the gun to my dad's head smiled...then pulled the trigger..
"TEDD!!" my mom screemed, i was in pure shock and what just happened, my eyes flooded with tears.. the man behind my mom and i stabbed her in the back, blood was all over my cloths then my mom looked at me and with her last breath she said
"i love you...."she collapsed, her body hitting the ground with a thud. i cried shaking her frantically.
"mom, mom! no! please don't go!" i wept..the two men laughed at my pathetic attempt to wake up my mom.. the man with the green eyes knelled next to me and handed me my dads knife. i took it and closed it up holding it to my chest crying.
"don't worry, we will take good care of you." he said before injecting something into me making me pass out.
skip ahead a few months i'm in one of the hydra bases. they experimented on me, and called me names. telling me i'm worth nothing, and i'm a stupid black idiot. they say they tell me this stuff so that if anyone comes to insult me, i can just brush it off.... that wasn't easy.
it's 2015, and i'm now 11... the thing hydra injected me with gave me very unstable powers...my powers would react with my emotions, just as much as if i was controlling them.
"you are a weapon.." the man with the green eyes, that i now know him as Caden said to me .
"nothing else.." the blue energy spiraled around my hand, flickering from navy blue to crimson red.
"i am a weapon, nothing else.." i repeated..Caden hummed in satisfaction.
"you were meant to kill" he leaned down to my ear.. "no one will stand in your way"
i chill went down my spine when he said that.
Caden, despite killing my parents was almost like a father to me..but the love he was giving me was more like his level of violence (undertale XD) but he still showed love to me....
i have killed about...90 people in 2015, not very proud of it, but at this point in time i could care less..it is now 2016, and was just sitting in my cell, practicing with my powers to levitate my dads pocket knife , when suddenly-
"EVERYONE!! GET OUT" i herd some one yell running through the halls, 'what was happening?!' i thought to myself. i opened my cell door to see hydra agents running, i herd concrete cracking, that's when i realized, the building was coming down!
I dashed trying to get out with the crowd, but as i was about to run through the door, the selling fell right in front of the door, i screamed for help but it was no use. i thought for a few seconds, before running in the opposite direction but just as i was running a rock hit my shoulder causing me to fall, some more rocks and concrete hit my left leg getting it stuck. before anything else happened, i used my powers to create a force field around me. just holding it up long enough before blacking out.
(the end of this part, but more is soon to come, bye)
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