Part 5
Zayn helped Perrie into the house and then he was going to bring all three babies into the house at once and he was going to put them in their swing so the party could get started and the girls could finally see and meet their siblings as well cause it was a big day for everyone involved
"Girls before you see or touch any of the babies, I want you to wash your hands really well" Perrie says as she looked at the girls cause she didn't want the triplets to get sick
"Perrie, they have been washing their hand throughout the day as they were cooking this hearty feast for you, Zayn and the babies" Perrie's mom says as she looked at her
"They cooked?" Zayn asks her
"Yeah, the food is ready so when you guys are ready you guys can eat and get some food" Zayn's mom says as she puts everything on the warmers to stay warm
Zayn helped the girls wash up before they got something to eat, and he fixed Perrie a plate as well cause she must have been starved
"Zayn babe get me everything that the girls made" Perrie says cause she started to pump right away
Zayn obeyed and he was going to bring her plates and plates of food that the girls had made for Perrie to eat as she was recovering from the births right now
"Babe that looks so delicious I can't wait to dig in" she says as she was going to eat right away cause she was starved, and Zayn couldn't blame her cause the hospital she had was gross and the hospital did not allow food to be brought into the hospital not even if it was snuck in
Perrie started to dig in as she was pumping still cause she could not wait to try everything
"Girls everything is delicious" Perrie said between bites of food as she was eating like no tomorrow cause she had to feed three hungry babies and she wanted to make sure she had enough food for them as well
The girls were pleased that mommy liked their cooking, and they hoped that daddy was going to like it as well
"Mind if I eat with you?" Zayn asks her
"Sure, I don't mind cause we feed each other" Perrie says as she was going to eat the other dish cause she finished the first dish in no time at all
"The girls made dessert as well" he says as she was eating as well
"I can't wait to try what they made for dessert" Perrie says as she was eyeing the dessert table that was set up
The girls ate the big table and they finished everything before going up for seconds which Zayn helped them cause he got seconds for him and for Perrie cause she wanted seconds cause she was still pumping for the babies and she had to nurse them as well in a few minutes, and she was going to have dessert as she was nursing the babies cause she wanted to try everything the girls had made for the welcome home party and there were leftovers and Perrie was glad there was leftovers cause she was going to be snacking here and there as well cause she was nursing and she needed to keep up her milk production for the babies
"Girls everything was delicious" Perrie says as she was going to help the girls clean up
"Honey relax I'll help the girls clean up why don't you get some sleep" Zayn says as he was going to help her up and take her upstairs
"Thanks Zayn a little snooze couldn't hurt" Perrie says as he was going to carry her up to the master for her nap
Zayn came down and helped clean up from the party cause there was a big mess to be cleaned dup and the little girls could not do it alone at all, so he was going to help them clean it up and they were going to relax after and maybe take a family nap together cause the little girls were tired from planning the party in general
"Oh, night my angel's sweet dreams" he says when he sees them fast asleep on the couch
Zayn covered them up and gave them a pillow for their head, so they didn't get a sore neck from laying flat
"Might as well start doing laundry and check on the triplets and see if they are still asleep right now or if one of them woke up from their slumber" he says as he was going to get the laundry started cause he presumed that it was piling up since him and Perrie have been gone
Zayn sees the laundry and he starts on it right away and he was going to run the sweeper as well so it could pick up any crumbs from the party as well
another chapter next week
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