Lamaze and sibling class preview
I hope i can get the whole chapter up soon
"Malik" the nurse says
Perrie helps Zayn up and they head back to see what is going on with him
"We need to check your weight Mr. Malik" the nurse says to him
Zayn does what he is told cause that was the only way he was going to see the doctor
"Interesting" the nurse says as she writes down the weight
After the weight they went in a room to wait for the doctor to come in the room
"Perrie how are you doing?" the doctor asks her
"Fine i am worried about Zayn he is acting like he is pregnant" she says to the doctor
"Let me talk to him for a minute" the doctor says as Perrie was going to leave the room
Perrie kisses Zayn before she leaves
"Zayn are you feeling left out cause Perrie is pregnant?" the doctor asks him
"How do you know?" he asks the doctor
"I see it all of the time in first time dads that are expecting it's called sympathy pains" the doctor says as he was talking to Zayn
"For a second though i thought i was having a baby" he says as he was looking back on his sypmtoms of what he had so far
Perrie comes back in to be with Zayn
"Well Zayn has sympathy pains" the doctor tells Perrie
"What can we do to make him to go back to normal?" she asks the doctor
"If he has any guy friends they can give him a guy shower to help get ready for the baby" the doctor tells her
"Perfect" she says as she was going to leave
"Zayn i am going to give you an empathy belly to wear, so you can feel along with Perrie" the doctor says as he gave Zayn the belly to wear for the time being
(Days later)
"Zayn I am glad you are a trooper about this" Perrie says as she kisses him
"I know it is worth it and i can't wait to meet the boys" he says as he kisses him back and kisses her stomach
"Me either" she says to him
"I signed us up for lamaze class and the girls up for sibling class" he tells her
'Aqua and Amaya might like it" Perrie tells him
"I hope so" he says as he was going to get the babies since they were up
Perrie was going to take a nap since she was tired from the pregnancy in general
Zayn was going to take the belly off so he could get the girls cause he wanted to do arts and crafts with them since Perrie was napping and with Easter coming it was perfect for all of them
"Hello my angels did you have a good nap?" he asks as he came into the room to get them from their cribs
The girls coo to him as he gets them from their cribs
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