Halloween with the Malik's
Zayn and Perrie got cute costumes for the girls to wear for Halloween. Aqua was going to be a zebra. Amaya was going to be a giraffe. Addy was going to be a elephant and Summer was going ot be a tiger. Zayn was going ot be Tarzan and Perrie was going to be Jane and they had a jungle
"How is the baby doing?" he asks as he was ready to go trick or treating with the girls
"Okay not much movement going on" Perrie says as she looks at him
"Hi baby it's daddy" he says as he kisses her stomach cause he loved their baby a lot and was going ot do anything to keep it alive for as long as he could
The baby moved a little for daddy
"I can't wait to see what you are next week baby" he says as he kisses her stomach
"I know and then we will have the gender reveal party for everyone and that is where we will find out together" she says as they kissed
"I know it is going to be hard not to look at that ultrasound picture" he says as he kisses her some more
"I know what you mean I am going have a hard time too" she says as they were kissing cause the girls were napping at the moment cause they were going trick or treating that night
Zayn took her to the room where the nursery was going ot be and she loved it already and he took a picture and posted it on instagram
"Baby this is your room" she says as she was talking to the baby some more cause she loved talking to the baby
"Yes daddy is going to do it special for you baby" he says as he was feeling the baby move
Perrie and Zayn looked at the pumpkins that Zayn did for the girls and he could not believe he was going ot be dressing up and going out as a family and spending time with them cause the girls were going ot be growing up before too long and these moments are going ot be gone from him forever and he will not get them back until he was a grandfather or him and Perrie have more kids cause they wanted to have a big family in the long run no matter what
"I am quitting smoking for the girls and it has not been easy" he says to her
"Zayn it will be better for your health and you can run with the kids too" she tells him
"I know Perrie i know" he says as they were going to cuddle while the girls finished their naps
(That night)
Zayn was going ot be pushng the stroller that had Addy and Summer in and Perrie was going to keep the girls close to her as they were walking
"Liam and Louis are going out with their kids so wanna meet up with them?" he asks her
"Yeah and that way we have an extra set of hands" she says to him
"Freddie is close to Aqua and Amaya age and Bear is with the babies, so it will work out perfect" he says as he was getting the girls ready since Perrie was going to get the babies ready to go out
"Girls say cheese" Perrie says cause she wanted to take a picture of the girls in their costumes before they headed out for a night of fun and maybe some scares along the way
The older girls smiled for her as they were getting their picture taken
"Okay i say we head out come jane ahahhhhhhhhhhhhhhh" he says ashe did the call
"Coming Tarzan" Perrie says with a laugh as they headed out for fun
Aqua and Amaya were braved as they went up to get their treats and some gave to the girls for the babies and along the way Zayn went up with the girls while Perrie was with the babies in the stroller and Addy wanted daddy to hold her halfway through the route
"Hey Zayn" Louis says when he sees Zayn with the girls
"Hey Lou Freddie looks cute" Zayn says as he looks at Freddie
"Thanks hey liam" LOuis says when he sees Liam
"Hey guys" Liam says as he was pushing Bear in his stroller and he was dressed as a bear for his first Halloween
"Bear looks like you" Zayn says as he sees Bear
"I know he does" Liam says as he was going to walk with the group as they got candy
The girls went up with Freddie and Freddie protected him
"I see Niall with his girls" Liam says when he saw Niall with the stroller and he was pushing his girls
"Yeah the girls are getting so big" Zayn says cause Niall has been coming over for playdates with the babies and they caught up so it was all in good fun
"I will die if Harry adopted one" Louis says as they were heading for the next house
"I don't know he is on the road right now" Niall says as he was walking with the group as they got more candy for the girls but mostly the adults were going to check it over before they ate any of it
The guys were going to go to Zayn's place for the night that way they can get to know the next generations of one direction
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