Checking on baby malik & talking about potty training
"Perrie" the nurse says as she calls out to the waiting room
Zayn helps Perrie up as he was going to push the double stroller to the back
"We will check your weight and we will need a sample from you as well" the nurse tells her
Perrie was quick getting the sample to the nurse cause she needed to help Zayn with the girls
"Perrie i got them under control the older ones are playing in the corner with some toys and the babies are quite happy with their toys as well so we are good to go in that department" he says as he looks at her as he helps her up as they waited on the doctor to come in so they could see about the newest Malik
"Zayn you sure are mighty dad" she says as she looks at him
"I know i am" he says as they shared a kiss as they were waiting for the doctor to come in
"Hello Ms. Edwards I am your doctor Dr. Spritz" the doctor says as he comes into the room with Perrie's chart
Perrie shakes his hand
"Well Ms. Edwards you are pregnant I have to say you are six weeks along" Dr. Spritz says to her
"Wow" Zayn says cause he didn't know Perrie was that far along
"Let's check on baby shall we" the doctor says as he came close to her
Perrie lifts up her shirt so they could check on the baby and see how it was doing
"Where is the little bugger" the doctor says as he was looking for a heartbeat
The doctor found the heartbeat a little bit later
"That's your baby" the doctor says as he found the little string
"Zayn we made that" Perrie says as she looks at him
"Yeah we did hi little one" Zayn says to the screen when he saw the baby for the first time
"It's so small" Perrie says as she was looking at the screen
"I know i can't wait to see how big it gets next appointment" he says as he kisses her
"How many copies would you like?" the tech asks them
"Four please" Zayn says as he helps Perrie up
The tech went to get them for the couple
"Perrie I am going to carry you bridal style" he says as he picks her up cause he didn't want her to hurt herself
'Zayn I will be fine" she says as they walked out of the doctor's office
"No more heavy lifting for you i get the kids you just relax" he says as he was going to get the girls in the van so they could head home
Perrie was going to let Zayn go cause he was taking care of her since she was expecting
"Zayn i think we should potty train the two oldest girls" Perrie says as she looks at him as they were driving home from the doctor's
"Are you sure Perrie?" he asks her as he was driving
"Yes Zayn I'm sure and it will help in the long run with nappies" she says as she was looking down at her baby bump that was really small
"You are right we are going to have five kids in nappies once this one comes" he says as he feels the baby a little bit since he wanted to feel it
"Are you on board with this?" she asks him
"Yes i say we each take a girl and see who learns the quickest" he suggests
"Zayn i don't want to add to our bet" she says to him
"It was going to be the nursery bet" he says to her
She liked that idea cause she could not wait to pick her theme for the nursery
"Okay if i win we do my theme" she says as they shake hands
"Then if i win we will do my theme" he says to her
"Okay it's a deal let's talk to the girls about this when we get home cause we have to tell them that they are going to be big girls" Perrie says to him
"Yeah we better then we can go shopping for potties" he says to her
"We can shop while we are out" she suggests
"Okay we can do it that way and talk them through what is happening" he says as he heads to the local baby store close to the house
"Plus i want to appear on a tv show towards the end of this pregnancy" she says to him
Zayn slams on the brakes cause he thought she was crazy
'Why?" he asks her
"I want this to be special" she says as she looks at him
"Me too i am sure we will have more kids in the future though" he says as he parks the van as they got ready to head in and get the potty's for the girls
"I know we will i just want this pregnancy to be specials ince it is the first time i am going to be pregnant" she says as she looks at him as she got the other one out of the van since Zayn was going to push the babies as the little girls hang onto the cart as they shop for their potties and their big girl underwear
"Okay we can do something to make it special like pictures or something Perrie or anything you want to do" he says as they shared a kiss
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