Part 5
I woke up in Jasper's arm's he was extremely cold but I have gotten used to it.
"Good morning beautiful"
I smiled
"good morning Jasper"
I kissed him, he kissed me roughly,
"I love you"
I smiled and he smiled
"I love you too".
I got up. There was a knock on my door
"ware something fancy we are going to a ball"
I sighed as Jasper kissed my cheek,
"I will be back"
I smiled and turned on the shower as yesterday's events played throw my head. I closed off my mined so Edward could't read my thoughts, I ran my hands throw my black hair and continued to wash it. Last night was amazing, and it's awkwardly sunny today,
I love Jasper and I are closer now then before, its like there is this bond that's keeping us together. I might sound corny saying this but I can't live without him, I don't know why but when he is away there is this feeling of loath and sadness like there is no reason to live. He is my reason I wake up in the morning, I stepped out of the shower and did my necessary's, I sat on my bed waiting for my hair straightener to heat up as I put my dress on with a pare of socks that go to mid thigh and high heeled combat boots.
I walked into the bathroom and did my hair and applied eyeliner and blood red lipstick, I put my black ribbon choker on and a long cross necklace. I heard a knock on my door, I smiled, I opened my door to fined a Jasper in a black tux with a blood red tie. He looked at me and smiled
"you look radiant Iris"
I smiled and looked him in the eye
"you look handsome"
I kissed his lips softly. Someone cleared their throat behind us, of course it was Alice she had her hands on her hips, she was in a maroon colored dress that touched the ground and light red lipstick with a pinch of eye shadow.
"sorry to interrupt the moment but we gotta get going"
She winked at me, we walked down the stares and everyone's eyes where on me.
"darling you look beautiful"
Esme smiled, she was in a nude dress that touched the ground and she wasn't wearing makeup. Rosalie hugged me tightly and whispered in my ear
"you guys need to be more quiet next time"
Rosalie smiled and winked at me causing me to blush and smiled
"we will"
Emmett smiled at me hugging me tightly.
He was always the older brother figure
"you look beautiful"
I smiled at his compliment, I grabbed Jasper's hand as he pulled me close to him as we exited the house. We took three different car's Edward took his car, Esme and Carlisle took their's and of course we took Emmett's Jeep. I sat next to Jasper who grabbed my hand kissed it lightly.
"You look so beautiful"
I smiled
"thank you"
we where speeding and swerving around car's I sighed and cuddled into his side
"where are we going"?
Rosalie sighed
"we are going to the coven they are throwing a ball for everyone and anyone who is a vampire or a wolf".
I looked at Rosalie
Jasper placed a hand on my thigh squeezing it slightly causing me to smile,
"Uley pack its the La Plush pack and a couple of other ones"
Rosalie smiled at me. the car came to a sudden stop and I looked around. Are we there"? Jasper nodded and I sighed deeply
"I'm nervous, what if they don't like me"?
Jasper grabbed my hand helping me out of the Jeep.
"thank you"
I smiled polity
"your welcome"
he walked alongside me, I looped my arm with his.
we walked as people looked at us causing me to smile, Edward and Alice walked behind us as Esme and Carlisle walked in front and Rosalie and Emmett walked in last. Aro was sitting on a thrown as everyone was walking around and talking. Jasper pulled me closer to him as I smiled up at him
"Your mine"
he whispered into my ear sending a shiver down my spine, We walked down the steps at the Uley wolf pack looked at us. The youngest one was staring at me as if I was something amazing. Something like a prize they could win, I seen nothing but lust in his eyes as he licked his lips.
I smiled at him as we walked past them and found a place to stand
"This place is awfully big"
I smiled
"it is"
Jasper smiled back at me,
I smiled as a group of really weird smelling people came walking over to us. Emmett, jasper and Edward stood in front of us
"what do you need"
Emmett snarled
"we came for the girl"
what I am guessing is the alpha spoke up
"which one"?
Edward replied rather harshly. They pointed at me, Jasper gave them a low growl
"Shes mine"
I bit my lip and hugged Jasper from behind, I hate when he is upset or mad.
Emmett said glaring
"then we are going to have a problem"
The one on the right said glaring,
"Sam we don't have to give you anything"
in the blink of an eye there where fifteen wolfs surrounding us. I squeaked,
"give. us. the. girl"
the boy I have yet to know his named yelled at us. Alice gasped and hugged me
"we have to get her to safety I had a vision"
Rosalie nodded and grabbed my hand as we ran somewhere.
"Alice what did you see"?
I bit my lip nervously and she hugged me
"you will see"
We heard screaming
"I have to help I couldn't live with myself if something happens to Jasper"
I said as a tear fell down my cheek, I was determined I ran back out there to see fighting, something was placed on my mouth it was a rag with some sweet smelling liquid on it. that's when everything turned black.
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