new Zealand
Elton pov
So today me,colby,corey,Sam and Luna are going to Zealand so I have to wake them up
I went to Colby's room first I knocked on the door no response so I barged in "Colby you need to wake up"
In new Zealand
We started up the video I did My intro
Then I told them what we doing first we went all the way to the top of the building
Sam went first then Corey then Colby then Luna then me it was fun then we went to jump of the bridge
After the trip
After we get back home we unpacked "well was it fun" they all said yea including Luna
We told her that after the trip we would teach her how to talk more
We tought the basics first
We done it every day for 3 hours for 6 months now she con talk fairly good
They all came down after that "What did you make?" "Good job on the wording and i made pancacks and backen and cineman rolls"
(The author here so here's some explanations Luna was born were she could speak but she had trouble so she never talked and she relied on the notebook she be able to talk but seens she never talked she does not know how to say it pronounce the words so Elton has been working to help her speak like home and the others but she wants to learn how to talk so he's teaching her with consent if anyone was confused
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